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About ode111

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  1. If someone could do this kind of huge expansion and retexture, would be really great. Please add there more races, more ufos and more weapons and add-ons. Really really would be great to do it!! or even new mission textures would be super!!
  2. Hallo, someone pleeeaaase create a map mod for the missions. Just a small window in a corner of the screen where all the uncoverd mist-of-war map would be displayed.
  3. exactly!! A UFOPEDIA mod with such a pictures like in the link, like in the original game, with nowadays graphics, maybe videos too:o)). YEAH, CREATE IT SOMEONE PLEAAAAAAAASEEEEEEEEEEEEE
  4. hehe, another great topic for a totally new 2 DVDs DLC :oD. That would be awesome, totally expanding the whole game into new superb dimensions!!!!
  5. yes, I totally don`t understand, why they did not include inventory into the game. As it was in the original x-coms that you can also look at the soldier and also to pick up equipment in the game. Even would be better to upgrade it like that, that you could have the possibility to take with you on a mission in your skyranger some back-up medikits or grenates.
  6. wow, that would expand the fun of the game even more!! great idea!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  7. yes a totally easy to set anything mod would be really super, some tick-box table with all possible attributes and anyone could choose what to turn on or off.
  8. yeah, helmets would be great, I have a regular version and haven`t find any yet..playing some days already.. If someone would create a mod with many different helmets, best even to all armor-types and also additional ones, that would be great. And for no time units spending a possibility (a hot key for example), which would make the soldier to put if off and on at will in the game. I just kinda like those pretty faces of some women in the game:oD
  9. Hallo, one good mod would be a mod, which would turn off the possibility of any country to leave the council, no matter how their panic levels are. What about that:o)?
  10. Hello, can someone do a "money cheat mod", which would only add let`s say 1000 000 000 000 000 000 money and not touch any other attributes? That would be great, like the first x-coms I only used that one only, that was cool :biggrin:
  11. https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=320364634727160&set=a.245498702213754.57449.237513286345629&type=1&relevant_count=1&ref=nf somebody do this mod, its a hybrid of tiger and lion, really huge :oD
  12. Hallo guys, found this, tried it and it really works:o). Was waiting for this fix a while, before I started playing Dawnguard. And it`s a lot more better now:o). Enjoy:o) : IT WORKED! I can't believe it. Crazy how one little bit in the code makes all the difference. So, the steps are: 1) Get a hex editor. I recommend XVI32. http://www.chmaas.handshake.de/delphi/freeware/xvi32/xvi32.htm 2) Open up your "problem" Skyrim save in the hex editor. 3) Search for text string "dlc1playervampirechangescript". (CTRL+F ....) 4) Change the "1" in that text to a "2". 5) Save the file. 6) Enjoy Dawnguard in first person. Thanks so much, GregP, for following up on this and digging for an answer. And thanks to DarkenDE for the fix. P.S. don`t forget to backup you savegames before starting to edit it with the hex editor;o))
  13. is it really only forced third person view in dawnguard and first person view is missing?? or is just my version bugged???? if really yes, then that`s what I call to f**k up the whole cool looking game with a tiny detail!! are you going to create a mod that would fix it, so that first person view - the best one, will be included there??
  14. lol nobody here or nobody cares.....who can answer the questions about mod progress?? or was it cancelled or wat:oDD? :psyduck:
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