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Everything posted by PreferredUsername

  1. I don't like how the sniper rifle and the magnum (scoped) have very similar zoom ranges, I think the sniper should be able to zoom out much farther than it can now, and be much more accurate.
  2. I'm sure this would be possible. In Oblivion they had the mount system which isn't present in Fallout 3. If someone finds a way to re-create this for Fallout 3 it shouldn't be too difficult to make a Gundam mod. It would probably be the equivalent of Oblivon's Akatosh mounts.
  3. I have actually tried getting this mod, it looks very good. But I can't get OBSE to work properly. :confused:
  4. Whoa, I definitely didn't want more male skimpy mods to balance out the female skimpy mods... I wanted more blood and gore ;]
  5. Okay, I didn't say I wanted more skimpy male mods, I'm just saying I wish there were more mods including violence (hacking and slashing, cutting peoples heads off, blood flying). If I could make mods myself, I would... but I can't. I was hoping that other men would agree with me and maybe start making more of these types of mods :thumbsup:
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