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  1. Thanks for reactions. It is indeed the Schlongs of Skyrim thing. It worked.
  2. I downloaded an armor mod and a strange thing happend, and I don't know what causes that. The Bra use normally only slot 32. I checked it in nifscope, Creation Kit and with SSEEdit. But in game it also use Slot 52. Now, that is nasty because this slot is also used by the pantie. So if one is equipped the other is unequipped. I know that I can change the equip slot for the pantie by assigning another slot, but I want to know how is it possible that an armor part uses more slots then assigned, and if possible to revers this. As said before, Nifscope, Creation Kit and SSEEdit says only slot 32 is assigned so I can't change there something.
  3. In my game it works as intended, but I admit that I'm playing the AE version. So I have the ConsoleUtilSSE NG version. What I not understand is that your DBVO.esp is that high in your loadorder. Mine is at place 212 (FE 060). But as far as I remember I read somewhere that it looks like you also need the 007 version (DBVO_Base.esp). In my loadorder at place 151 (FE 03E). That file is to find in the old files section. Hope it helps. Good luck.
  4. Close Nemesis, update engine, start again. That worked for me.
  5. Well, I am using now Resaver 6.0.557. This is on Skyrim AE. And it works as intended.
  6. Can't you download a version between those two? That is what I should try.
  7. My experience with other houses is that sometimes the load order seems important. That means it can be possible to lower your mod in the load order, even if LOOT and xEdit says nothing about it.
  8. Which version is your game? Where did you installed your SKSE, it need to be in the game folder. Best to do is manual extract the zip file in the game folder. Start the game with the skse64_loader.exe
  9. Once, before my computer crashed I had a creation kit version with a checkbox that was used to show only the altered items of a loaded mod. Well, I needed to install windows on a complete new SSD drive, and with that of course also all programs. Including Skyrim SE, now AE. Does anyone know if this version with the checkbox still exist somewhere? Or is it something I can , or need to do in an .ini file?
  10. First, this is the Skyrim LE site. Better post this at the Skyrim SE site. Probably there could be more VR users. Second, I am not a VR user, but I wonder how you get SKSE in your loadorder. As far as I know it don't need to be there. You need to install SKSE VR manually in your game folder, where your .exe is.
  11. I would like a mod that a spouse don't open a shop anymore. My ideal would be when you give your spouse ingredients you've gathered the spouse will make potions of it (maybe after 1 or 2 days). And give the raw ingredients to make cooked or baked food. I also like it if the spouse have a sort of wardrobe (which the player can fill) so the spouse will change every day the outfit.
  12. In my experience it is often a mod about defeat or enslave PC. After defeat or enslaved you character is added to one of the enemy factions.
  13. Separate folder, and separate games.
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