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About Tony166

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    United States
  • Favourite Game
    Fallout 4

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  1. Can someone create a mod that adds off-the-shoulder shirts to Fallout 4?
  2. Hello, all. I'm currently learning how to use the Creation Kit for Fallout 4 and I was wondering how I can make hair colors for the game and use them without relying on the LooksMenu. I would also like to have them available to the player character after the opening cinematic and beyond. How do I make hair colors without them having to be compatible with the LooksMenu?
  3. Well, I'm trying to give my new companion the dialogue from Valentine and/or Piper, and just change it.
  4. How do I give a customized companion the generic dialogue in the Creation Kit? It's a question I've been having on my mind for a long while.
  5. I recently made two mods. One is a set of custom hair colors for the Xbox One version and then the second one is a straight-up edit of the Elegant hair from the vanilla game. Both aren't showing up and the hair one only shows the hairline, but not the actual hair. What can I do to fix these problems?
  6. How do modders make hair variations for the game? I've seen some, but I want to make my own.
  7. I'm having the same problem. I did the steam check and nothing worked. The CDX file is too small and isn't the ESM/ESP supposed to be much, much bigger in size? I know this is pissing off a bunch of new people that are installing the game for the first time on a new computer...
  8. The one I posted on Bethesda.net is too vague. I really need a detailed tutorial from somebody.
  9. I'm really, really interested in making a hairstyle mod for Fallout 4, whether it needs 3DSMax 2017, Maya, Blender, the Creation Kit, Nifskope, or whatnot. Does anyone know how to point me in the right direction on giving me a very detailed tutorial or sending me links to video tutorials or text tutorials?
  10. I have two questions. 1. For someone who is very, very new to modding for games, how do I combine a hairstyle for Fallout 4? 2. How do I edit a hairstyle mesh in 3ds Max and send it to Nifskope and other programs?
  11. I need help on how to edit a vanilla hairstyle. How in the world do I do it? Edit the hairstyle in vanilla FO4?
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