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About SilentAegis

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  1. Played the game again for another hour. I'll be marking this post as Solved since I believe I can take over from here. Thank you all for your help. Hopefully, with a little time and care, I can start fully enjoying Skyrim once again. I read that generally having a lot of saves ( not to be confused with a high save number ) can bring instability to the game. I have over 5000. :P Time to trim that.
  2. Well, I just played the game for over an hour before it froze. Reverting seems to have helped the problem, but not completely do away with it. I'll do the things you suggested and keep troubleshooting.
  3. I'm not sure if this shows progress or not, but here's the report: The game, instead of freezing, it simply crashed about 53 minutes into playing. I'm not sure if that was a random CTD ( since that sort of thing can happen on a heavily modded "oldrim" ) or if it was caused by an actual problem. Before all of this, I could play the game for quite a few days without any problem, randomly experience a crash, but when I'd play the game again, it'd run just fine. The stutters have decreased by a noticeable amount, no doubt about that. And this was all before I cleaned the save with Fallrim. Tomrrow, I'll be attempting to trim my mod order. Obviously, I won't uninstall anything heavily scripted or crucial to the game, but I can think of a few insignificant mods that I should get rid of.
  4. It makes sense that EmptySpell could've been contributing to the problem since that modder, I don't think he playtested his mods too well. He has a weapon mod, while well designed, causes an extreme framerate drop when smithing. Anyway, I started up the game again and this time, I decided to let it run once more. I left the game running for well over an hour and came back to find it still running. Then I zoned into High Hrothgar, still no freeze or crash. Spoke to an NPC, came out into Skyrim without any problems. Then I used the Flying Spell power from the flying mod and attempted to fly all the way to Castle Volkihar from the height of High Hrothgar. This is where the game crashed. Though, I kind of expected it to. I left it continuously run for a long while and flying at a great height seems to cause issues in the game. I have a theory. It seems if I make my character simply stand there, the game will run for a long while just fine. It's as if the game is having difficulty continuously loading new zones and the things in the direction of where my character is traveling. This makes me think of uGridstoLoad, but I absolutely refuse to touch that. I have been warned many times to never touch that value. I proceeded to try to play again when I had another idea. Instead of potentially wasting another hour, I'll revert back all the way to the save where I first encountered the issue. Perhaps it'll be easier to fix there and all this tinkering with all these other saves may only be making it worse. I also used save cleaners multiple times during the troubleshooting process which you all have told me are very likely only making it worse. Reverting back seems like a good idea. I'll lose progress in one extremely long quest, I'll have to completely redo one shorter one, and I'll have to redo a huge dungeon, but if it means even a stable-ish Skyrim, I'll gladly make that trade. This save I'm reverting to will also be before I even activated EmptySpell. Fingers crossed. Like hell I'm giving up.
  5. Froze 32 minutes in. I've uninstalled a bunch of texture mods that were apparently supposed to improve stability. I've also uninstalled an animated menu replacer. I don't see why this would cause freezes, but I installed this right around the time I first noticed having this problem. I also checked the Papyrus Log which had the words "EmptySpell" all over. EmptySpell is a power mod created by a korean user on Youtube. Unfortunately, he doesn't seem to playtest his mods extensively. He has a weapon mod, for example, that causes extremely low framerates when smithing. I didn't use this power too much until I did this modded dungeon mod a few days ago where it was beginning to become necessary. I'll get rid of it. I've also installed CTD and Memory Patch ENBoost. Trying again.
  6. Yup, I had the same idea. I decided to completely reinstall the game and then exhaust the S.T.E.P Guide. Everything's been reinstalled, SKSE, my ENB, CrashFixes, the Skyrim Memory Patch, everything. Dawnguard, Dragonborn, and Hearthfire have been cleaned as well. I'll be trying to play the game for an hour. Yes Skyrim.ESM would be restored to its original state. You need to find out for sure if you touched it because you ARE NOT supposed to do anything to it, if you did clean it I think your save is toast. My save isn't toast if the game's been reinstalled, though right? And I can still load the save just fine and play for at least 20 minutes. If there was an issue with Skyrim.esm, I shouldn't be able to load it at all, right? Since that's the game itself.
  7. I used the Papyrus System GUI which detected about 20 Unattached Instances and 6 Active Threads. It doesn't sound like a lot to me, but perhaps it is or perhaps those things are that detrimental. I'm going to follow some GamerPoets videos and start reinstalling everything. SKSE, the Memory Patch, Crash Fixes, all of it. Also, would Skyrim.esm be refreshed if I reinstalled the game? I think I accidentally cleaned that ESM. I remember cleaning the masterfiles and I cannot recall if I cleaned that file or if I didn't. I also recently installed a plugin to allow me to load the game without having to go to new game first. Maybe that's making me freeze for some reason.
  8. System Specs: Processor: IntelĀ® Core i7-6700k CPU @ 4.00GHz Windows 10 64bit RAM: 16.0GB Total Virtual Memory: 18.3GB Card: Nividia GTX 1080 Let me know if I missed anything. Sort of new at this. :P
  9. Dammit. I crashed again about 34 minutes into playing. I'm at a loss. I don't know what else could be freezing me. I have the SKSE Memory Patch activated, I have Crash Fixes installed, I've optimized my textures, I've cleaned the masterfiles, I've "cleaned" the save, I've ensured my save game is stable, I have Bug Fixes installed, I have the Unofficial Patches, I have a Bashed Patch. What else could I be possibly missing?
  10. Agh. The first time, I played for about 40 minutes, but there wasn't a crash, I had to get off. The second time, it froze about 30 minutes in. I was trying to enter a cave. Nope, afraid I'm not that great at all using Tes5Edit and I actually have already tried compressing the textures, but that didn't work. Getting rid of Shadows don't help either. I didn't know that, actually. I turned it on, but I read that only the author can decipher those logs. Also, it doesn't seem to write logs for freezes, just crashes. I'm going to try disabling UseOSAllocators. I never needed that on and it seems I can't use SSME with it on.
  11. Fix: Revert to the save where you first encountered the issue or before it. Remember to save often, before and/or after every fight, before you zone, ( meaning before a loading screen appears ), etc. Hello! I haven't been on here for a long while due to never having problems with the game for quite a long time, but I'm back with a new issue. As the title suggests, I'm having difficulty keeping my game stable. Freezes, crashes, very deep drops in framerate, all that. I have no idea what's causing the issue, so perhaps someone on here can help me. I'll list everything I use: LOOT ModOrganizer Tes5Edit WyreBash FNIS BodySlide SKSE Antique Dragon ENB Performance Version Enbseries Version 0.315 Everything I have tried: Reading the Stability Performance Optimization ENB Configuration. Watching Gopher's Skyrim Memory Patch video as well as installing it. Installing SSME. Reinstalling Crash Fixes. Installing the Skyrim Project Optimization mod. Cleaning the save using the Save Cleaner by Hadoram. Reinstalling SKSE. Cleaning the masterfiles using Tes5Edit. The save file is currently 21,862KB large. The string count ( if anybody is familiar with that ) is about 56,000. It used to be over 57,000. How The Issue Appeared: I use the Take Notes mod, a fun way to allow myself to be creative by writing a story within Skyrim. To write the story, all I have to do is play. I went into a modded house I have, sat my character down, and wrote in everything that happened. After finally finishing in about a week or so, I began to play the game again which is where I noticed these issues. I tried to fix it multiple times and twice, I thought I did. About 2 days ago, I put my character outside and left the game running for about three hours. I came back and the game was still running! So I thought it was fixed and continued playing. I quit without saving and reloaded the game. But it kept coming back. I've written in Take Notes before and continued playing before without any issues. So I must've done something to my game during the last time I wrote, but unfortunately, I can't remember what. I'm willing to try anything EXCEPT starting the playthrough all over again and going back that far in my saves. I've restarted a playthrough twice already, I won't do it a third time. And in my first playthrough, I was a very irresponsible modder and I still kept it running for 3 years. Plus, the last time I did that, the second playthrough had the same issues. I restarted for nothing. Sorry for the big post, but I thought I should be as specific as I can as well as list everything I've tried and use, that way people can just jump right in as opposed to having to ask specifics. Any advice is appreciated, anything from a new program I should try out to maybe something in SSME, Crash Fixes, or SKSE themselves? I don't know. But I'm running out of ideas here. If I have to read a huge post someone links, I WILL read it. Thanks for reading. Who knows, perhaps this post will help others if we can get this fixed.
  12. Thank you, you were very helpful. I did not realize that overwriting and steam overlay can cause issues.
  13. Hello. I apologize if this is in the wrong place. I've been playing Skyrim for about 3 years now and have started 3 new games. The first one was 3 years old and I started a new game because it was just so old that problems kept popping up and it eventually wasn't worth it anymore. The second new game was started a few months ago. All was well until issues like freezes outside, crashes outside, CTD on loading saves, and the like just started to appear. I'm now on my third new game and I'd like tips on ensuring a healthy game. I started the second game to get away from so many issues. If there's any patches, any programs, things to avoid doing, things you should do, things to use, things to read, etc I can try, please, could someone tell me? Troubleshooting a game that eventually goes nowhere is a waste of time. I'd just like ways to ensure a stable game.
  14. Yeah, my Ugrids was too high. I set it back down and I went outside with no issues. ( I used the console to refresh the ini so the save would load ) I'm still having crashing issues upon loading the save however. When it crashes, I have to create a new game and save then load up the other game in order to load it up. But I think I can fix this. I'll be gone, I suppose. Thanks for all the help and I'll check back here for more troubleshooting.
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