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Everything posted by Harrzack

  1. I find the rotating-selection method in NMS to verify clumsy, slow to access and error-prone to list a few complaints. Iâd love to see a mod which would allow a single key to bring up a mining beam, on other key for terrain manipulater and so on. User selected keys could be assigned to each. Perhaps 3 or 4 âqwik-selectâ keys would be enough - I think there are 8 all tolled. Ideally this would work in concert with the (dreaded) G key such that when a qwik-weap select was made by key the next tap of G would move from there. The current hot-button scene dies not cover this but does at least give a qwick switch between multi tools. I would DEF pay ð¤ for such a mod! ðð
  2. @RattleAndGrind: YES! Do amazingly remember Advent. Around 1982 +- -I went to a DEC class in "The Old Mill" and came away with a mag-tape of the game. Was working at a medical billing house in King of Prussia, PA - and while they were largely a mainframe house - they had just started using the "toy" (as the IBM heads would say) PDP-1170s for hospital data collection. I loaded the game to the system, and there were about 5 of us who would play at different times... I even took a BeeHive terminal home and dialed in via an acoustic coupler (!) and could play as well. Also did real work with it - but that is another story. "So what - you want to kill a snake with your bare hands?" -- how many times did i sigh and say 'No' and try something else... Sigh. I can still remember many of the rooms: Swiss Cheese room, Bedquilt - and damn those twisty windy passages!! PLUGH! Actually had the Fortran source code but didn't have the presence of mind (or skill) to make use of it. Interestingly - the fact that it was a TEXT adventure has, I think, cause the experience to be FAR more memorable that those I've had with the new games (Unreal Tournament aside). The graphics are real eye candy - but I don't think you can beat the human imagination for vivid details and memories. Now tackling FO4 - and it is a mix of fun and frustration!
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