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About lashingtong

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  1. My current play through is a blind elf who has been trained to see the world through magic; as such he sees the world quite differently than we do. He is an orphan raised and trained in combat and magic by a redguard ex - Blade. He and the Blade become infamous bounty hunters and monster killers for years throughout Tamriel. This is until the day the ex-Blade is betrayed and murdered by a "friend" and a group of Thalmor assassins. My elf sets out alone to find the traitor and the Thalmor, which finally leads him into Skyrim, where his true destiny begins......
  2. I play both depending on the class of character I want to make. I usually play males if I choose a heavy armor class of some sort and females as nimble, quick light armor types.
  3. Lol I did the same thing on my new playthrough. I role play Balgruuf hooked me as Thane of Whiterun.
  4. I've played through the game four times, on four different toons clean no cheats. Two of those toons were on master difficulty. I'm making four new toons with every intention of cheating. Not on tgm though.....that's really cheating lol.
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