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Posts posted by Falkner1992

  1. Dumb question: is your install otherwise modded and if it is, are you certain that none of the installed mods also directly edits the area file for Lothering (such as Improved Atmosphere and Flash Creatures Rescale)?

    The only addin mods I have are Skip the Fade and skill respec. Nothing like that...




    Don't know how relevant this, but every time I check out the Lothering area for edit, I get this message:



  2. I'm by no means an expert on this aspect of DAO modding, but to get the ball rolling... how did you add the NPC (by directly editing the area or via a PRCSCR Script)...? Are you testing from a save prior to entering the Lothering map for the first time?


    I edited the area. I know it's not considered kosher, but am I honestly supposed to add every NPC via script? That just seems wildly impractical. Also, no, I'm not testing from a save prior to entering Lothering - never even occurred to me to try. One moment please.



    Nope. Just reloaded a save right before leaving Flemeth's hut and entering Lothering for the first time. Still nothing.

  3. So I think I've gotten a rudimentary grasp of the toolset, and I've been working on adding my own custom quest to the main game - but I just can't seem to hack it. No matter what I do, the quest starter NPC will not appear in Lothering as I had intended.


    Yes, I added him to Lothering (he's just outside the Chantry) through my addin mod (didn't edit the Single Player directly), but he just won't show up. What am I doing wrong?

  4. I know there have been server issues, but you just can't seem to download the mod I uploaded earlier today from the site. It always says "An Error Occured".


    Thing is, I can download several other mods just fine. Is the problem on my end? My mod is called "Out for Blood" btw.

  5. I tried installing the Civil War Overhaul mod and I've had a ton of problems with it. Everything was fine, until I was lost the Battle for Winterhold quest. Then it all broke. The game told me to wait for the courier to show up with my next orders, in the meantime I went to Whiterun and talked to Legate Cipius and he told me the Stormcloaks were there in force and to get out to the barricade (this was AFTER I won the Battle for Whiterun and the Imperials were occupying the city), and that started the Battle for RIFTEN quest. So I went to Riften and repelled the Stormcloak attack. Then I was told the Stormcloaks (don't remember who said it or why) were attacking Morthal and I went there, the battle went on for a little but it just stopped. The game said "Quest Complete" but for some reason the game thought I had LOST and that the Stormcloaks had taken Morthal.


    I'm not sure what I'm doing wrong, I started a new game with nothing but CWO and the Unofficial Skyrim patch loaded. What's the deal? Is there a way to fix this? Because the mod really seems interesting.

  6. Ok, I got the packages to work, but I still can't get the characters to say the dialogue. I don't have recording software so I can't record sound files. Can that be the cause?


    Is there anything I can do?

  7. I don't know what I'm doing wrong. I followed every tutorial I could find, but I just can't get it work. When the scene is supposed to start, my NPC just sheathes his weapon and goes back to his original AI Package. What should I do?

  8. Hi. I'm looking to kill some time until the next update of the GoT Adaptation comes out. Been playing some really great mods like Helgen Reborn and Jotunheim, but my favorite, by far, has to be Falskaar.


    I love the idea, the story, the voice-acting, everything it's just an amazing mod all-around, despite a couple frustratring bugs. Anyway, I've completed the main quest and some of the side-quests, but I've pretty much seen all there is to see at this point.


    I'm wondering if there are any other mods like that out there. I've heard of Moonpath to Elsweyr, but I've seen a playthrough of it, and honestly, it doesn't look like my type of thing. It's too unfocused, I like having a main storyline to help stitch things together. Plus the download is massive.


    Any suggestions?

  9. I like modding New Vegas a lot, but one thing that I can't stand is having to make a new walkmesh by hand for every new area I make. Is there any community-created tool or something like that out there that fixes the GECK's screwed-up walkmesh generator?

  10. I always play a Warrior (usually either a Nord, Imperial or Argonian), and as a Warrior, my character likes strong women. I considered Mjoll the Lioness, but then I learned she came with that creepy little confidante/stalker of hers, and there was no way to dispose of him, so I said nuts to that.


    Instead I marry Uthgerd the Unbroken. I also married Borgakh on one playthrough, but that was one-time thing.

  11. And I don't mean just rehashes and overhauls of existing factions, I mean a mod that adds new factions, with NPCs, quests, ranks. The whole nine-yards.

    The only one I've seen so far Hunting in Skyrim/Hunter's Guild, which wasn't bad, but trying to play as a hunter is difficult when you can't hit the broad side of a barn like me. :ermm:


    Are there are any other mods like that out there that I'm not aware of?

  12. Hi, there's no modding section for SR in the Nexus forums yet, so I decided to put this here. I'm getting the hand of the SR Editor, but there's one thing I haven't been able to figure out.


    You know how in Dead Man's Switch you have a yellow needle on the top-left corner of the screen aiming at where you need to go to complete your main objective and how objects you have to interact with to do it have their interaction icon in yellow as well. I can't figure how to do that in the editor. :\


    People who want revenge. Like, You kill Killer A so the brother/friend of Killer A will come to you for revenge.


    Be careful what you wish for - I live for scripting that stuff. Some of it is already in the works, along with more nuanced, possibly unexpected consequences for the player's actions in other mods.


    I don't mind having the killer's associates coming after me. That was one of the things that added to the mod, and it made sense, considering what Randall told you at the beginnig of Bounties I about people coming after you looking for payback. But please, just no more snipers, ok?


    Charlie Half-Cocked and all the others like him can go eat a d**k.

  14. I don't think you understand. I don't want to force a greeting, I want the NPC to automatically say something when I talk to him. Let me explain, the way it normally works is you press E to interact with an NPC and a window with the topics you can ask them about appears. What I want is for the NPC for the NPC to say something when I press 'E' to interact with them, like 'Greetings, Dragonborn! How may I help you?', something like that.


    In Oblivion, you had the GREETING topic, but in Skyrim, I just have no clue... :/

  15. Ok, so I know how to make dialogue, but there's one thing I really can't stand and that's how you always have to be first to speak in a conversation, like you can't have the NPC greet you or anything.


    I don't have any voice acting, but I do have the Silent Voice Mod. Is it possible for me to make an NPC greet me? For example, the way a courier greets you when he comes to deliver you something.



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