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Posts posted by minorinconvenience

  1. The closest I can get is for the weapon to be displayed on the hip and used with two handed animations, but no weapon is drawn and the drawing animation is still from the back.


    I (unfortunately) can't answer your question, but could you tell me what combination let you do that (weapon used as a two-hand weapon but sheathed image as a one-handed weapon)? I presume it's somewhere in the weapons tab? I'd greatly appreciate it. Thanks.

  2. No problem. I'm happy to hear any advice I can get.


    In my mod I created two races (ArmoredHoundCompanionRace and UnarmoredHoundCompanionRace), each of which has separate Arma and Skins (ArmoredHoundAA, UnarmoredHoundAA, SkinArmoredHound and Skin UnarmoredHound). Also I created a new Actor (WarDog), which, as a default, is set to one of the two CompanionRaces. I included a Quest with dialogue options and, as part of its animal follower routine, WarDog can "Suit up!" (setrace(ArmoredHoundCompanionRace)) and "Relax" (setrace(UnarmoredHoundCompanionRace)) as part of papyrus script fragments tied to each dialogue option. All of this exists in a single esp.


    And the mod (on a clean test save) doesn't seem to render the race that is the opposite of the race that I set the original compaion too when using the dialogue options (or when trying to change it manually with the console). However, the races both work because I can change other actors (npcs, followers, horses, etc.) into either of the two races, I just can't change the WarDog into the other--it just goes invisible.


    Does that make sense? From what you are telling me, there must be some problem with what I did, but I'll be damned if I can find it (of course, I am just a newbie).

  3. I am familiar with the other SetRace bug (headless players), but I think I found another one. And I'd like to know if I'm right (or wrong). The bug can be summed up thusly:


    You cannot use SetRace (by console or script) to turn an actor with custom race into another custom race. If you try, it fails to render. The actor is still there (collision is on, etc) but is invisible (and sounds sometimes cut out). If you use the SetRace command again, you can change the actor back into the original custom race, and the actor will reappear.


    I discovered this bug while trying to do a mod (I'm a rank beginner) that allows one to put on and take off an animal companion's armor (modeled on Dawnguard's huskies). The easiest way I identified to do that was to have two separate races (armored and bare) and use the SetRace command (with armor noise sound effects and with the armored version having a resist damage perk/spell) to give the appearance of putting on and taking off armor. But I can't get it to work. The "non-default" form fails to render. The is regardless of which race I set as the default--the default race always renders (so I didn't mess up the meshes or textures).


    With my little (failed) mod, I have also confirmed that the script works, and that both races render fine when not being used to swap (or are being used to swap with a race that is present in the original skyrim.esm). It's just that I can't swap one custom race for the other with SetRace. I even tried to turn my mod into an esm to see if that would fix the bug -- it did not.


    Anybody experience this? Is it just another form of the headless bug? Any insight would be appreciated (including any alternate way to do my mod and avoiding the bug). Many thanks.

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