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About alexjr616

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  1. i tried a couple already and neither are working for me. any suggestions?
  2. So I've tried using oblivion Face Exchange Lite it seems to freeze anytime i try to look in my windows directory for a file using the program. I've also tried using Facegen Exchange it doesn't seem to be working also. Are there any knows problems and solutions?
  3. Thanks for all the replies. I tried the filedate change method. It seems to have solved my issue. I was reading something on this website. http://devnull.sweetdanger.net/archiveinvalidation.html#AIDestroyed I think its similar to what your telling me. It didn't fix my issue but I seem to have found the problem.
  4. I read this on one of the comments i'm not sure what it means or if your referring to the same thing. I wonder if you both are using the Steam version of the game. For whatever reason Steam changed the dates on the vanilla BSA archives to present day instaed of 2006 like they should be. This breaks archive invalidation. If that is the case you can change the date on your vanilla Oblivion BSA files to the proper year with a utility like File Date Changer 1.61 (or similar ... just use Google). Still figuring out how I would do it. don't know which file to open and change what exactly.
  5. I've been trying to get this forbidden armor set by Nightwyd but everytime i try to equip the armor it does this. I'm playing oblision using steam. I have maximum compatabilityskeleton_with_bodylift-33324. I'm new to this please be patient with me. Any help or tips would be appreciated. I found this mod here: http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=39626
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