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About TonyB500

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  1. I have a question; how do you follow this tutorial with a pre-made heightmap? Because I'm attempting to use a mall part of this Tamriel worldmap (in PNG format) on the Nexus, but I have no clue how to read it, how to use it, etc.
  2. So I downloaded this heightmap from the Nexus called the All Tamriel Heightmap, which has pretty much all of Tamriel available on this heightmap to use in modding and such. And I have no idea what to do with it regarding the mod I am trying to make. Basically, I need the Telvanni Isles from this heightmap, and have downloaded TESAnnwyn and ImageJ to try and figure this out. So far, I have had zero luck with understanding any of the tutorials that I've found, nor have they really been able to help me out with this issue. I just want to know how to get the Telvanni isles from this heightmap (not any other part of Tamriel, just the Telvanni isles) as a worldspace in an ESM file, and based on the tutorials I have tried to follow, I ended up creating a master file with a worldspace that is, well, not what I was wanting at all and I realized I need a lot of help. Does anyone know how to go about doing this? I really want to use this for my mod and I don't know how to make it work. >.< PS: I do not own Photoshop.
  3. Okay, I found out what went wrong with the NPC's not disabling and enabling. i just had to add the right scripts. And apparently, the topics weren't showing up simply because I forgot to put GetIsPlayableRace at 1 instead of 0. ^^;
  4. So I am trying to create my own quest in the Oblivion Construction Set, but it isn't going the way I had hoped. Mainly because things aren't working the way that they are supposed to. Specifically topics not showing up and NPC's not being enabled or disabled when I want them to. My first major problem is that the custom topics that I created are not showing when they are supposed to. For example, the quest is about helping an Argonian locate his missing brother. It starts when you pick up a letter from said Argonian, and that part works just fine. You are then supposed to be able to speak with the Argonian now that the topic "Missing Brother" (editor ID for the topic is 0MissingBrother) is available...but the topic isn't there. Despite the fact that I have tried adding "addtopic <topicname>" AND "player.addtopic <topicname>" to both the script attached to the letter to begin the quest AND the result script in the Topic tab for the quest! Also, I have put in conditions for the dialogue with GetIsId and GetStage to ensure only the NPC's I want to have that topic available will have the topic. But the topic doesn't show up and I have no idea why! That's only the first problem. The second problem is that certain NPC's I made are supposed to be enabled (since I ticked the box "Initially Disabled" on them) at certain points in the quest. However, I tried putting "enable <RefID>" in the result script. But the NPC's didn't show up! So I am pretty sure that the NPC's I want disabled at certain quest stages won't disable when they're supposed to either. I would appreciate as much help as possible, and please provide as much detail as possible because I have difficulty understanding certain directions (special needs >.<; ). Every tutorial I could find has essentially failed me, so I am officially lost at this point. :/
  5. I have no idea why, but Gulum-Ei's eyes are deformed and spread too far apart, making them appear outside his sockets. Here's an image showing what I mean. Sometimes I have to reload the save file just before entering The Winking Skeever (most of the time more than once) to have his eyes appear as normal, cause it only happens there when he's sitting down. And if I don't he stays that way. Is there a way to fix this?
  6. I am having this exact same problem. The rubble's blocking my path, and the door to the Ritual Chamber is missing. I'm curious. You're playing the PC version, right? What mods are you using? Because I have the same problem, and I want to know if we're using the same mod.
  7. In the Creation Kit, I was wondering if it was possible to add NPC's to radiant quests in Skyrim that aren't originally in those quests (i.e. adding Scouts-Many-Marshes to the Dawnguard quest "Rescue", just an example). And if so, how would I go about doing that?
  8. I.....did not know that. Thank you for telling me! I'll give that a try as soon as I'm able to and hopefully that'll work. ^^
  9. Okay, so I wanted to start a new game on Skyrim yesterday (the PC version, and I play it on an Alienware m18x). However, when I clicked "New Game", it didn't load the new game. Instead, it stayed on the loading screen, and then the compass and cursor popped up on screen. I waited for 20 minutes and it didn't change even once. I clicked the button to open the console, and guess what? It broight up the console. So I said "What the heck?" and typed in "coc riverwood". I teleported myself to Riverwood and started the new game, but it never went to the opening cutscene and it started me out as a Nord (ugh...I ONLY play as an Argonian). *sigh*......... The sad part? It will load one of my save files just fine, yet I can't start a new game. At first, I thought one of my mods was the problem, so I deactivated all the new ones I downloaded. NOTHING! So I deactivate ALL of my mods. NOTHING! I get a little bit frustrated and deactivate Dawnguard, Hearthfire, and Dragonborn, leaving myself with vanilla Skyrim. NOTHING! So with no other option left, I uninstall and reinstall the game. Guess what? NOTHING! I uninstalled and reinstalled the game two more times after that and it didn't do anything. >.< I am at wits end here, and I have no idea what to do. Has anyone else encountered this problem? And is there any way to fix it? Because I need all the help i can get at this point.
  10. Crap! I just found an even bigger problem! Apparently, when I edited the terrain, I accidentally edited the terrain in and around Whiterun. Now Whiterun hold is half buried in the ground! I don't want to have to delete Marshvale after everything I went through to make it. Is there any way I can copy Marshvale to another file or edit it so it doesn't affect Whiterun? What can I do? I am beyond confused right now! >.<
  11. Hi. I'm a little new to modding. I have, however, created an Argonian I just called Marshvale. Basically, I used buildings from Riften (or should I say pretty much ever building from Riften), a few Windhelm houses, two different towers (one dwemer, one made from parts of the College of Winterhold), and the Alduin load screen statue combined with the Sky Forge to make a new forge I named Dragonsteel Forge. For interiors, I created a winery and an alchemy shop. However, I've run into several problems, most of them major problems. The first one is very confusing to me. See, I raised the land around the city, but one area of land isn't showing up. The land is there, but it's invisible. So there's land everywhere, then a patch of land that just looks like empty space. I tired flattening it, but it didn't work. How can i fix that portion of the land to show itself again? The next problem is simple. I have dirt pathways for my city, and have no idea what to use for stone pathways. The third problem is obvious, yet no matter what I've done to try and fix the problem, nothing works. The guards in the city have no patrol routes. They just stand there and don't even have any dialogue. I tried copying hold guards and just changing their race to Argonian, but the problem persists. I even copied and edited the guard packages, and still nothing. They don't even have any dialogue, not even that arrow in the knee line! They just stand there and say the typical "Yes?" and "Yeah?". How can I make the guards into actual "guards"? My last problem is the NPC's. For starters, the vendors I created have zero dialogue. I tried to make one into a trainer, and the trainer dialogue does not work no matter how many times I click "Can you train me in Alchemy?". Also, the fish, armor, and wine vendors have no dialogue and won't sell me anything, and neither will the aforementioned alchemist. No idea what I'm doing wrong, but I need to know how to make them into vendors. Lastly, I do not know (and need to know) how to make it so houses can be entered during the day without having to be told to leave until a certain time of day. That about covers my problems. I am so confused it's beyond belief, and any sort of help would be greatly appreciated. I haven't mentioned quests because even though I do not know how to make them just yet, I want to focus on these issues first.
  12. I chose not to kill Paarthurnax. What the Blades have to offer is mediocre at best. Here are my counterarguments to your arguments: * You get Dragonbane and the six Blades Swords right when you first enter Sky Haven Temple, no need to join the Blades. * That perk you get from Esbern is glitched beyond belief. Besides, it's not that great anyway. * Paarthurnax staying alive allows you to switch between which word to meditate on. * Housecarls aren't that annoyi, at least not enough to want Paarthurnax dead. * Follower camp? Who cares? Do you not know where all the followers are in the first place? The only follower that realy benefits is Kharjo because he's always on the move. Still, not enough for me to kill Paarthurnax. * Paarthurnax's voice actor is the guy who voices Mario, and I'm Italian. Liking a voice actor is nowhere near enough to merit killing Paarthurnax. Overall, the Blades donmt offer as much as the Greybeards do. With the Greybeards, you can meditate on the three words of power with Paarthurnax, and Arngeir can show you the locations of word walls. As far as the Blades are concerned, the way think of dragons is no different than the way the Stormcloaks treat the other races of Skyrim. The Aldmeri Dominion are a group of Elven idiots, but that doesn't mean all elves are bad. Alduin tried to destroy the world, but that doesn't mean all dragons are evil. Paarthurnax helps you, Odahviing helps you after The Fallen is complete, and if you have Dawnguard installed Durnehviir helps you as well. Dragons trump th Blades any day, end of story.
  13. Absolutely not! Paarthurnax helps you defeat Alduin. Without him, it wouldn't have been possible. The Blades are no different than the Stormcloaks. Ulfric and all who side with him are racist toward any race other than Nords. Ulfric even forced the Dunmer to live in the Grey Quarter of Windhelm, and the Argonians aren't even allowed inside the city. When it comes to the Blades, they view all dragons as evil just because of what Alduin did. That's like saying all Middle-Eastern people are evil because of what Osama Bin Laden did. That's just blatant ignorance as well as racism, and I do not approve of that. That's why I killed Ulfric in the Civil War questline, and used the console to allow me to kill Delphine.
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