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  1. What is causing this? From what I understand CDPR added some kind of effect to the water in Next Gen, is it supposed to look so bad? There is a mod to remove the effect (https://www.nexusmods.com/witcher3/mods/8335) which works really well, though it doesn't fix the cave water in this pic. But mine doesn't even look like ripples, it just looks like a mess. This is in DirectX 11. Seems like there isn't a ton of info on this. I dont have any other mod for the water except the mod to fix this.
  2. You can transmog items in the game already, but only once they are fully upgraded. This is a weird and stupid decision since it means you can't even use the transmog system until the endgame. Was hoping to request a mod that enables it all the time...So that you can just transmog any item whenever. It doesn't break the game in anyway.
  3. This is the mod in question. It seems to work perfectly fine except for one issue - and it happens to be the primary reason I got the mod. I wanted to use the default jacket from the second game, the one with the blue stripes (but not the one NAMED blue stripes, mind you). The mod page shows pictures of it, its the 8th picture, and the chart posted under Armor changes shows it correctly as well. In the current version of the mod, though, the jacket is inexplicably red. The icon is red, the jacket stripes are red. In the texture cache, however, the jacket is still blue. I tried the older version of the mod and the jacket is blue but the textures were improved from that version to V3, so I dont want to use the older mod. Im not sure how to fix this, if anybody has the ability to correct this one issue with this mod Id very much appreciate it.
  4. Block of text inbound. Skip to the next bold line if you want to skip the story of how I discovered the issue. So I decided to fire up Fallout 4 after not playing it for about 4 or 5 months. I got the itch, and it had to be scratched. I started up Nexus Mod Manager, and launched the game through F4SE. It was running fine...For a few minutes. After a little bit the game very suddenly started chugging. Horrible, skippy FPS, totally unplayable. I sighed to myself and close the game, and stare at my mod list for a while. The game hadn't been doing this last time I played it, I knew that, but I figured one of my mods must be causing issues. It had been a good amount of time since the last time I played and I had no idea which mod was the last I installed, or which one could be causing this issue. Naturally, I uninstalled every mod I had and tried loading back into my save. Issue happened again, but a little faster this time. At this point Im thinking "f*** me" and assuming my save is somehow corrupted, so I start a new game. The problem persisted into the new game. So now I know its not a mod, and it's not a corrupt save. I decide to uninstall fallout 4 entirely and reinstall it. Fresh install ready, I try to loading into a new game without installing any mods. Chugging happens again after a few minutes. Im now tweaking (lowering) settings and have the game running in a borderless window, and I have overclocked my card and CPU just to see if its somehow a hardware problem (it wasnt and isnt). So it's not a problem with my hardware, which make sense since the game has always run just fine for me, but interestingly I had tabbed out at one point to look at my program I had monitoring the GPU and CPU, and when I tabbed back into Fallout 4 the chugging had subsided, only to return after playing for another minute or two. So tabbing out of the game and coming back will stop the lag. Weird. So what happens when I tab out? Well I have to put my controller down and I have to eventually click back into the game with my mouse. It also pauses the game. I at this point I start playing with just my keyboard in mouse, but leave my controller plugged in still. The issue continues, but now it will chug shortly and recover very quickly without tabbing out of the game. I lean back and start playing with my controller again, and the issue goes back to normal. I unplug my controller entirely and play with mouse and keyboard for a while and the issue subsides entirely. I reinstall all mods and no issues. Bump all settings back up and no issues, rock solid 60fps, no chugging. Plug the controller back in, chugging, until I stop and wiggle the mouse a little, at which point the chugging will stop, but soon continue after a little bit. So, the story so far. -Controller is directly causing Fallout 4 to lag -Tabbing out of Fallout and returning will fix it temporarily (issue will come back if controller is used again) -Wiggling/using mouse will fix temporarily, if I unplug the controller I can play with KB+M fine with no issues at all. I use a PS4 controller (dualshock 4) on my PC. I have a program called DS4Windows that handles the controller in the event that a game does not natively support DS4 on PC. Now, I thought Fallout 4 could be having issues interfacing with this program and its emulation of an Xbox 360 controller, even though I had used this exact same set-up when I logged hundreds of hours on Fallout 4 with it before with no issues. Interestingly with Fallout 4 it CAN utilize a DS4 without the use of a program like DS4Windows. So I disabled the program and tried using the controller as a default HID device, which works fine as far as controlling the game but was still causing the chugging issue. I have tried to re-install both the DS4 driver for use with DS4windows, and I have tried updating the Xbox controller driver, which the program uses to make games think you have a 360 pad, and neither has worked. It isn't an issue with the program anyways, since using the controller completely without it still causes the issue. The controller doesn't cause problems in any other game I use it for so the issue seems to be how Fallout 4 is interfacing with the controller. I can't find any information on this on the net, only one post that someone has a similar issue but with an Xbox One controller, which Im not using, and their solution was the update their Xbox One driver, which I don't have and can't do. Seems to me that it's a Fallout issue, but I have no idea how to fix it. Thank you for any help you can provide. Video of it in action.
  5. I would like a mod to simply swap the models for the laser rifle sniper barrel and the long barrel. As in, I can use the sniper barrel without the timer.
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