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About annoluce

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  1. Ok, so thank you again for sharing this. It saved me from buyng a new video card!! Yesterday I was wandering into dwarven ruins and the visuals were breathtaking. really happy :-)
  2. Hey Prod, I think this is by far the finest looking and smoother combination I tried. I tried maybe some 10 ENBs, and even though this one has not DOF, to me is far way better looking than Real Vision or other based on 0.168, because it looks more natural. Others look too cartoon like. I think you should definitely publish it, so that other users can benefit from this. I installed several mods, with COT, RLO, lighting FX, 2k textures and others, and found the balance. Now nights are dark but not too dark, days look gorgeous, and lighting FX in dungeons are really dramatic, and everything runs in perfect armony. We should publish my mod list and .ini files together with your ENB setup to give everyone the chance to try the setup.
  3. Hi, finally after some 10 hrs tweaking, I found a good trade off between eye candy and performance. I tried several ENBs, Real, Reallike, Zoner, Real Vision, and others, and most of the Boris DLLs. Eventually, I landed to the ENB proposed by Prod80, which runs quite smoothly and is fully playable. I installed all mods suggested by the skytuner ENB, and coupled with Prod80 ENB, the result is quite good! (thank you Prod). I suffer from stuttering still. When I look a very dense scenary, for example down from dragonsreach, the pc suffers, and stutter occurs. Once all the textures are loaded though, then the same scene runs smooth. So I think is a RAM related problem. I start thinking that the problem resides in crossfire. I'm not convinced my crossfire is actually working, even with TESV profile. So I end up having just one HD 6870 1Gb ram which is not good for the game modded. I'm thinking about getting a brand new GTX 680 with 4 Gb onboard instead. That should work, because the crossfire cards do not share the memory, as usually reknown.
  4. Hi, I strongly suspect that something is wrong in my hardware. I had a test on my SSD, And maybe found a possible bottleneck. The r/w speed of my 1st M4 Crucial SSD (the OS one) is going HALF the speed it used to be when I installed the OS. It is now 80% full. I measured also my 2d SSD, and it goes at almost nominal speed: read / write C: (OS) 271 173 245 124 24 44 137 104 E: (2d SSD) 498 200 375 200 25 50 265 173 So this could be a problem since Skyrim runs on my OS SSD that has degraded performance. How can I fix my SSD performance and return it to nominal?? I'll now try to run the game on the second SSD, with all mods enabled, to see if it goes better.
  5. Yes I've been at night in a forrest. With my telescope when I go star gazing. Indeed, in those moment I need a very dark night! But when playing I can accept a certain level of non-realism, for the sake of the game. Otherwise I'll be forced to walk with a torch all the time. It can be fun, but I'll chase the ultra-realism in a later moment, when I'll be finished with all main quest and DLC...
  6. Hey fiftytifty, thanks for the hint. I'll try also radeon pro asap. But a question, why should I use the AP profile for oblivion or fallout? In the last catalyst package there is already a TESV crossfire profile created by AMD. I tried it but unfortunately it does not give any improvement. Do oblivion or fallout profiles work bettter than that?
  7. Thank you! It seems really promising... At night I'll be messing on my pc again, so I'll know if it runs or not. Night scenaries seem very dark in this ENB, don't they?
  8. Hi Prod, send me please the ENB based on 0.132! I'll try it, since the problem I think resides in 0.168 version, at least for me. Thanks!
  9. Hi, yesterday I tried with no ENB and indeed, the game fps was acceptable even with 2K texture installed. So it is ENB fault unfortunately. I tried the Zoner one, based on 0.108 and it was running smooth, but at the end the sunny textures were too bright and so I disabled this ENB too. Finally I tried just the "sweet FX" mod and it goes quite smooth. It does not have the visual power of Real Vision, but at least I can play. Now, I see that ENB based on 0.108 run well on my machines. So, if you have suggestion on other ENB to try, based on previous versions of the Boris dll, it would be appreciated a lot. I'll try them all, till I find my way! :biggrin:
  10. Hi, thanks. I like not very dark nights and dungeons. Not that bright, just the right level :-) Anyway, I'm running ENB based on 0.168 and I did not try to disable it to see if I can run smooth just using the HD mods. I'll try tonight. I know I entered a dark path... The path of the Modder. I'm so weary about tweaking all night long instead of gaming! :confused:
  11. I tried, rhowington, I tried yesterday. With no result. I fear the only possible solution is to abandon crossfire (and AMD, btw) and go for a single, mighty nvidia 690. For example...
  12. Hi Prod80, first, thank you very much for your reply, highly appreciated. I'll check the parameters you mention, in the ini and prefs. If you run skyrim with good performance with a GTX560, then something is not correctly set up in my system with the mods. It should handle it as well. I got a AMD crossfire and think maybe that one is a problem, because I suspect the game does not recognize and use my crossfire. Disabling it, things get worse so that's not the way. I don't know exactly how to disable ambient occlusion in my AMD 6870s control panel. I'll investigate more. Those extra mods hints with no fps impact, would be appreciated as well! Thanks, Max
  13. Hi, no, I use my own. I already lowered my settings quite a bit. I used to play ultra ultra...
  14. Hi friends, my name is Max and I love TES5. :-D I recently installed my brand new Legendary edition stuffed with all the good DLC within it. Then I decided to go modding and implemented the "Real Vision ENB". I installed 2k HD textures, serious HD retextures (they go fairly well together), and all the mods listed in the ENB. OK. Now the game looks vibrant and fantastic and I'm cast into a realm of beauty and enchantment. No problem of stabilty so far, BUT... A serious drop from my former 60+ FPS down to 20 or less!! Oh no, "I'm afraid I can't stand that, Dave"... Now, I got quite a beefy rig, namely a i7 2600k OC to 4.8 GHz, 16 GB RAM, SSD crucial M4, 2 x 6870 ATI Crossfire. I already tried several tricks and tweaks in the ini and prefs. No way. I suspect it's not a matter of HW, because scaling down from 2560 x 1440 (which I usually play) to 1920 x 1080, there is no evident FPS increase. That's good. So what? Could it be that I installed 2k HD 2048 textures? Downgrading to 1024 could fix it? My concern is I'm missing something big. Other ideas? I FEAR cannot go back to vanilla now that I tried the Olympus of modding! Please advice!! :-) Max
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