I have been toying with the idea of bringing Gene Simmons, The Demon, to Skyrim. Maybe the whole band eventually but Gene first, his axe and all. While I can model a little (in Cinema 4d, thanks to Ghosu's awesome tutorials) I still have a hell of a time unwrapping my meshes to a texture. I am an artist so actually doing the textures in Photoshop is no problem, if I could only get the model unwrapped correctly. So I am looking for help or someone to do it for me. If someone could model Gene's armor and Axe and include the unwrapped mesh that would be awesome! As for technical bits of his armor, most of it is pretty straight forward, however his "arm capes" might be a PITA (skeleton stuff needed to make sure it stays connected correctly). The only other thing is glowing red eyes on his boots. I am planning on doing some work in Audacity to get some Gene Simmons sounding dialogue. Along the lines of him saying things like "You wanted the best. You got the best." Finally his hair. I have no clue how to do hair (tri's, etc.) so that is also something that is needed. Naturally, The Demon would be an NPC though the armor (Male Only) and the axe would most likely be craftable.