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  1. @ Bulletsponge: you should be careful, you may think Moderators are here to be helpful with things like stickying important and helpful posts, and stopping people from bumping their posts. But you would be so wrong. So, just know, don't post pirated game directories, and don't bother asking for help from a Moderator.
  2. I have taken a bed furniture marker, and placed it on a new model of a bed i have made, but have not done a new animation. Furniture animations are given a numer. Like 1 is sit left or something, and 2 is sit right. You need to examine how these furniture markers animations are given this animation. Then you need to give your animation one. After that you need to create a small model that shows the flat surface the animation will interact with. This flat surface is just a location thing, it only needs to be a white line like the sitting animations show the height the seat needs to be at. This will need to be lined up with your animation. Then you will need to add that model to a nif much like the current sitting animation goes on a chair. After that you have to exit and reopen the GECK for some reason new furniture animations will not show up until you do this. It caused a lot of frustration for me until I learned this. Then you add your furniture object to the GECK and it should be able to have that animation as a possible option. Sorry I know it sounds complicated. I remember someone working on the same thing with a dancing pole, but I am not sure if they actually completed the project. Other then that I don't know if it is being done by anybody currently. Its going to be a lot of trial and error learning as you go. Maybe documenting the process would be good to help other people learn the process.
  3. maybe another Mod you have changes that location.
  4. you need to do Archive Invalidate or whatever its called. That will fix the problem. For some reason Beth didn't feel custom textures should be a simple thing, so you need to do that to work around the problem.
  5. I believe its done on purpose because of performance issues. Each light source that hits an object forces it to be rendered with that light source. But if you really wanted to turn them on do a search for grass in GECK and there is a Vertex Lighting option in the edit screen for each type of grass. I have never used this, and am not sure if it will work. Or if it will melt your GFX card the moment the game loads. V22Grass is an exception it should be rendering light by default just because of how it is designed.
  6. Did you go to the exact spot of the trees existence in game? You will not be able to see the tree from a distance.
  7. You place the painting in GECK and disable it. When the player selects to buy that upgrade it does a few things in the script. If the player has 1000 caps Remove 1000 caps from the players inventory Enable our previously disabled item If the player does not have 1000 caps Show the message about being a horrible father or mother to their children, and how they are spending hard earned money of superficial objects that will neither enrich their lives or make them feel more full. End the check for caps End the script and return to game world.
  8. make sure the NVSE version you have will work with the update that you have installed on FNV.
  9. hmm... do you have a leggit copy of the game?
  10. what is the new texture for? There are a few different ways to go about doing it. Depending on the end result your looking for. 1. Lets say you want to make all of the water towers in the wasteland orange. For this you will want to edit the nif file, in nifskope and change the DDS path to your new texture which would be in the Data\Texture\Newtexture folder. 2. Lets say you like your new cowboy hat, but what your have always dreamed of as a little boy is a sky blue one. For this you will also be using Nifskope, and you will also be changing the DDS path to your new texture. But first you want to rename the nif to something to identify that nif as your own special nif. Lets say Bluehat. Then in GECK find your the cowboy cat, open it up, and change the ID to something easy to find. (My Items usually start with CONST so they are easy to search for.) Click OK, and make sure you click yes or OK or whateer on the next popup to create a new item. Search for that Item, and open it back up this time change the Model to be your Bluehat. Click OK again This Item is now created, but is not in the game anywhere. you will need to drop it somewhere in GECK and pick it up in game. 3. This is another option for your Blue cowboy hat that doesn't involve accessing NifSkope, and doesn't bloat the game with another model. For this you will be in GECK Go to the MISCELLANEOUS then to Texture Sets Create a new texture set using on of the existing as an example Place a Cowboy hat in an easily accessible location preferably one that hasn't been modified in any of your mods. Open the edit for that item and then click edit base near top. Give it a new ID and click ok and choose to create a new item. Reopen the items edit window, and click the edit button next to the model. The model location will probably be blank, that's fine for now as long as you don't click that box. Under that there is an alternate texture field for every object in that model. Clicking on one of these will allow you to select the texture set you created. Keep clicking OK, unitl you are out of that items screens. You may need to refresh your viewport, but you should now have a brand new sky blue hat. Now you can ride off into the wind on your non existent horse with you new shinny sky blue hat to marvel at the wonders of all the strange orange water towers.
  11. Oh, and you should delete that picture, I think admin will frown apon adult content in the forums.
  12. Oh, I think I know the problem. You need to change your nifs to use the DDS files in a relative path. Instead of pointing to the E:\Gamepath\data it needs to point to \data\textures\Mine\file.dds. Either that are you are having the issue that I have seen before where your GIMP isn't outputting DDS files exactly right. Try paths, and if that doesn't work upload the textures, and I will re-output them and you can test that. Either way the paths do need to be fixed.
  13. You can group them in SKup. Make sure you use Group and not Componant, or it won't work. I actually prefer grouping in Blender though. Just select all the item that use the same texture, and with your coursor over the viewport press CRTL + J. This will join all of the items together into one object.
  14. Ok, You want to open the Picture03.nif in nifskope. Then right click on the modl in the viewport on the picture portion of it. Then under texture, edit the UV MAP. In the UV MAP, this is what defines what shows up on the model and how. What you need to do is either move around your the points on the UV MAP so it has your whole picture, or Export the Template and work with it in GIMP (or PhotoShit) to get your picture to work with the current UVMAP. I prefer the second option. The reason it is best to Export the Templete and then modify your picture to it, is that you don't break the nif for future use. Take my DC picture for example. I use it for 9 or 10 pictures in my mod. But I don't have 9 or 10 different models for each picture. I have a copy of the UV Template saved in my working folders. If I want to add a new picture into the frame, I simply open my template and modify the new picture to fit into the template. Then in the Geck I set up an alternate texture for my DC picture frame.
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