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Everything posted by Interfer0

  1. http://geck.bethsoft.com/index.php/Bethsoft_Tutorial_Non-NPC_population is bethesda's trap tutorial. I have never set one up myself, but I hear they can be a bit buggy sometimes. I am not sure how well a player set trap would work. My idea is like this. A player created say a shotgun trap. When the player sets the trap down, it adds a tripwire to his inventory. When the player drops the tripwire, it would automatically link the two, since one is calling the other into existance, this may be possible. But possibly not.
  2. Floor Piece sizes: The standard floor size of a Mid size piece is 650.2mm by 650.2mm by 650.2mm A Wall piece is 650.2mm High by 650.2mm Long by 609.6mm Wide A Sm door is 325.7mm Wide by 447mm High The lip on the door sticks out 40.6mm. A Bg door is 569.5mm Wide and 447mm High. The lip on the door sticks out 40.6mm Each piece is considered to have the center point as if the floor is always 650.2mm by 650.2mm. This way the pieces will rotate and line up correctly no matter what way they are turned. The doorways will usually line up correctly with these sizes.
  3. I think he means my Blast Door. but I don't think thats what your looking for. I am not rally sure exactly what your looking for, otherwise I may attempt it.
  4. Anybody that want it can port over my slot machine. I probably won't, but may now that I understand what I am doing a little better. Not really as useful with the slot machines in the game now. When I created it there were not slot machines in FO3. Slot Machine
  5. Perhaps its the built in difficulty that I am running into.
  6. Is anyone running into performance issues with using their own models? A lot of models? I am trying to pinpoint problems with performance with my mod. Most Items aren't high triangle, and the issue occurs without even being around the area.
  7. yes, they are too strong. Here is how I have it set up currently. MyCrSenteryBotGL is set to level 1 MyENCSentryBot has 4 different MyCRSenteryBotGLs 1 4 8 12 MyLVLSenteryBotGL uses the actor base of the MyENCSentryBot I am level 24, and these things take massive amounts of ammo to kill, if there are a few of them I will die.
  8. Any help on this? I tried playing through my mod a bit, and its almost too hard.
  9. No that part about initially disabled was important, I haven't gotten to adding markers to my mod yet, so didn't know that.
  10. Add a the static Item called MapMarker. After that is placed you can edit the item and set the Marker Data, and also under extra is the radius.
  11. Are quest variables usable if the quest is in the completed state?
  12. Jamendo has good creative commons music that you can use. I have used them for a few different projects. They have dance and club specific genres.
  13. I have a room that I am making. The room has no bottom, it just fades into darkness. My question is, how do I make a model that is dark on the bottom, but translucent on the top. I looked at things like the LPpipe door, but I don't understand it fully. My other thought is to make the sky pitch black, and then leave no bottom on it. Any ideas?
  14. I thought about trying to exclude them one at a time, it just sucks that it doesn't start happening for 20 minutes. At first I thought it was my mod PINK, because I have so many custom models used in it. But the problem doesn't go away without that one deselected. I'll try adjusting the load order.
  15. Military NV Backpacks.esm FalloutNV.esm Military NV Backpacks - BumBagUseSlot1.esp Military NV Backpacks - Vendor Script Replenish.esp GoodspringsHome.esp BzBody.esp Veronica fix.esp Wearable Teddypack NV.esp NoCompLimit.esp Tailor Maid Black Retex - NV.esp NEVECbodysuit.esp NimrodDresses.esp Oven Cooking.esp YangtzeBunkerPlayerHomeV1_2.esp NewVegasBounties.esp A Repair Bot.esp Female t51-b PA.esp Pink.esp I think one of these mods is counting up or something and eventually after like 20 minutes causes the game to get jumpy and eventually slow down to a stop. Any idea which one?
  16. You need to dothis. Your game isn't setup with archive invalidation yet.
  17. Look into Ragdoll constraints, it is what a lot of models use to get this type of limb movement. The only time I ever dealt with is is when I removed it from the teddy for a backpack. I think you will need to give your mesh bones and such, so that the game knows where everything bends, and how far it can bend.
  18. My Blast Door is up. but I left it untextured. I tried to do a texture for it, but it sucked. So Kudos and credits to anybody that does textures for it.
  19. I just finished a animated blast door that fits across two standard interior cells. I will do a basic texture and upload it probably tomorrow, if not some time this weekend.
  20. I may begin experimenting with a trick. Creating a new worldspace, and making the terrain. generating the LOD for that worldspace, Then trying to hack that LOD I generated into the LOD of the wasteland. But not really time for that.
  21. .bsa extractor and Nifskope. You won't need blender for this, though its not bad to have it set up for when you do need it.
  22. If you can bump them, you more then likely just need to adjust the mass of the object in the .nif file. Which isn't hard to do at all. 0 makes an object static. .01 makes it way almost nothing. 10 is good for furniture.
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