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  1. I don't know how many times I've uninstalled LOOT and reinstall it. I've also tried re-downloading it several times now, and LOOT still doesn't want to open up for me when I click on the shortcut on my desktop. I've google up this issue and tried to do what others suggest (Like deleting the folder in %LOCALAPPDATA%) and it still doesn't work for me. The source of the file that I go to is https://loot.github.io/ and the version of software that it's giving me is LOOT v0.11.0. I assume this is the latest version, yes? Anyhow I notice that when I go to the task manager that LOOT is open, but no software! Any suggestions to get this software to work for me?
  2. I hate to even suggest this but did you try to re do the battle for solitude quest by going back to a previous saved game? Whenever I start a major quest like that I always save the game before I initiate it.
  3. I'm no expert but it sounds like there is a problem with the loading issue. Did you load up BOSS? Also I would deactivate any recent mods that you've installed that lead to this crashing problem. An addition have you tried the speaker method? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GSGqmAdIamo
  4. This instructions had saved me a lot of grief of figuring out why I was having so many CTD's each time I cast the bound sword spell. The bound bow didn't give me problem but the sword spell. Thank you for your aid as I'm very grateful that you took the time to write out these instructions. I really appreciate it a lot.
  5. "Do you see those warriors from Hammerfell? They've got curved swords. Curved. Swords." ―Guards The guards finds the Redguard's Scimitar very fascinating, even to the point of telling you it. So when you commit crimes and the guard catches you.... why not give an option of bribing the guard to drop the charges in an exchanged for a Scimitar that you have in your inventory? I would suggest that this feature only works if you have a high speechcraft (Must have Bribery and Haggling perk) the higher the haggling the better the chances of the guards accepting your bribery. NOTE: If someone does take an interest in this mod idea, and actually make this mod.... I am willing to beta test it through a current game, and a new game.
  6. I found the problem. I was not aware that I had the holidays set on a specific day on the wet and cold holiday mod. I disabled it and fixed it. Mods - please delete this thread.
  7. I suspected that it was Extended Encounters, and so I disabled it. I return to the game to see that it wasn't the mod, and I then reinstalled it.
  8. Theirs a highly annoying NPC inside the palace of the Kings in Windhelm that I want gone. http://i.imgur.com/noPle39.jpg The NPC is Eorlkar Bjanssen. I'm unable to kill him because hes marked as essential. With no offense to the mod writer the NPC is waaaay to loud, and unable to listen to Ulfric/Galmar dialogue. http://i.imgur.com/yWWnbKE.png I also notice that theirs a modification inside the kings of the palace by an additional two tables, and with almost all of the regular NPCs (Not including the Dunmers ) inside. If anyone can let me know what mod this is I would most appreciate it a lot.
  9. On Apr 2013 a username by the name of juanimillonario uploaded a photo of a modded version of Miraak Armor's to make it a tad bit more like a Dragon priest armor. URL: http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/Images/237707/? He mention that he was struggling with the armor, and that he doesn't have any available time to work with it as I have not seen any progression whatsoever. This armor looks real good and it's a shame that it isn't available.
  10. Please disregard this as I found the problem. I went to Program Files (x86)\Dragon Age\packages\core\override and deleted the folder. Please delete this thread.
  11. Ok i'm having a bit of a problem with getting rid of this mod from my game. While I did enjoy the mod for a while... I kind of got tired of walking around shirtless so now I want to return back to my regular mage robes. I've used the DAO Modmanager to install the dazip file that came with the mod, and I also used it to unistall it. When I return back into the game its giving me an error on starting my game "This saved game cannot be loaded. It requires the following content: Sexy mage robes" Force load < Cancel By clicking Force load button gives me another error: "Forcing this save to load while required content is not installed may cause unpredictable results. You may lose items or plots related to the unistalled content, as well as experiencing other irregularities, possibly crashing your game. You should create a new save after the game loads so that you can return to this save without corruption if you reinstall the content." Force load < Cancel When I click on Force load again I find my charecter naked in the game. When I put on my robes named:Reaper's vestments or the Archon robes it acts as if the mod is still install on my game. The Vestments of the seer robes seems to be uneffected by this mod. How can I get my old mage robes back?
  12. I like the following two photos from the Revealing Armors for Schlongs of Skyrim: http://static-3.nexusmods.com/15/mods/110/images/36903-1-1370431379.jpg http://static-3.nexusmods.com/15/mods/110/images/36903-2-1370431380.jpg But the rest is too provocative and too perverted for my liking, and nowhere does it fit into my role-playing standards. If we could get a mod up and going that doesn't show the males anatomy part would be great.
  13. I would like to make a request for a shirtless mage robes mod. Theirs a mod called "Sexy Male Human Mage Robes Mod" for Dragon age origins at http://www.nexusmods.com/dragonage/mods/1494/?. It would be nice to have something similar to this mod in Skyrim :) It would be recommended if the mod to be specifically designed to be player only, and that NPCs wont be effected by the mod. The enchantments should be the same. This includes the archmage robes too.
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