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  1. I will try that solution, unfortunately I am unsure if it will work. It seems many others have had the same problem. Many are saying the only thing that may fix it is a mod. I am not sure if there is one that will fix it though.
  2. I have heard others mention a mod for Grimrock to to emulate or make an unofficial sequel to Stonekeep. Has anyone heard of it or is working on one? I really wish they would make a real remake or sequel to Stonekeep. I know they made that crappy Wii game, but that was not really Stonekeep.
  3. I turned off the AA in the skyrimprefs file, to no avail unless there is another value other than iMultiSample=0 I need to change. This happens only in the water in first person, but it is highly annoying. I have determined through reinstalling skyrim from scratch and installing the mods after testing the game it is not the mods. I do not think it is AA either. (sigh) I also tried turning graphics down to nil and got new drivers. That greyish stuff is so annoying in the water... I wish I knew what caused it so I could turn it off.
  4. I turned off the AA in the skyrimprefs file, to no avail unless there is another value other than iMultiSample=0 I need to change. This happens only in the water in first person, but it is highly annoying.
  5. The game looks amazing, but I get a wierd rippling line around my character when in first person in the water. I am running several mods, but it does it without the mods on high and low settings. notice at the bottom of the weapon and my arm have an annoying outline. How do I get rid of this? http://forums.nexusmods.com/uploads//monthly_12_2012/post-3602191-0-88718400-1355964637_thumb.jpg
  6. I know elder scrolls is a single player series, but if they made an MMO of the series they would have a lot of followers. Only downsides is that some people do not want to play MMO's and modding would be restricted to UI mods. Still it could be done. \
  7. I have had a hard time figuring out a good combination, with both destruction/conjuration I find my self worrying too much about destroying the target and not enough to conjure anything. About the only use I get out of it would be to soul steal the target. In this build I am using 4 skills for perks with Enchanting and light armor as backups. I was wondering what more skilled players think of this build, and if anyone has any suggestions for making a build.
  8. Everyone has Skyrim on Steam, if not then that's a pirate copy. The Steam version of Skyrim is almost exactly the same as it would be without Steam. The 1.1 patch files I linked to are the original Skyrim files from Steam which were taken before the game was updated to 1.2. And you only have to copy the 2 files to Skyrim's folder and another 2 files in Skyrim's "data" folder, that's it. What i Meant by on steam everyone has to register with steam... if you bought it in a store, you have a disc and you can tell it not to update the game from version 1.0 IF you buy it online from steam it automatically updates the game when downloading. You can tell it not to update from there, but unless you have a disc you are SOL.
  9. That is not completely true... it will never be vanilla patchwise. If you never patched be warned the patches are hit and miss. More often miss.
  10. Skyrim is the weirdest game. Only in Skyrim can disabling shadows the wrong way decrease framerates. What is the right way to turn them off or disable them to increase perforamance. They look horrid anyways and my machine is not good enough to run the game so they look good.
  11. The newest patch made the game much slower and laggy and practically unplayable unless you want to run it on minimal settings. Previously I could run the game with medium settings on a high resolution. I cannot get a vanilla version of the game to roll back to a working version, because I bought the game on steam. I e-mailed Bethesda like you did, but I received no response. I think they should give me a copy of the game one way or another that is uncorrupted by their horrid patches.
  12. Agreed! This patch seriously messed the game up for me. IF they do not fix this and soon, this will be the last game I buy from Bethesda. Sadly, I cannot reinstall Skyrim to vanilla mode, as I bought it online from steam.
  13. Too bad I cannot roll back the patch... that is my problem...
  14. Well that doesn't make me very hopeful Dx With it like it is, I can't even play. I'm currently redownloading the game anyways >-> I had updated my drivers and it didn't fix the huge drops. :/ tree the 1.3.10 patch killed frame rates for a lot of people. It if highly possible that the problem is the game not your computer. The game is not even playable for me thanks to their new patch. The game worked better in vanilla mode, sadly I cannot go back to that because I downloaded the game from steam.
  15. I have had similar issues indoors even with shadows off my framerates were killed with the new patch. The game got good performance in most cases before the recent patches. Unfortunately because I bought it from steam, I cannot revert to vanilla as steam auto-patches when you download. This will be the last game I buy from Bethesda if they do not fix this soon.
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