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Everything posted by SirArtilleur

  1. Hello to anyone who come across this page and could probably, maybe, have some intel to share with me... Here's the thing : I think I do remember a mod that appeared on Nexus, maybe two or three years ago, that woul actively change the speech line for charisma checks in "Fallout 4", following the style of "New Vegas". Meaning that this mod would technically provide 2 different versions of a charisma check. For exemple : going from somethin' like low speech : "come on, we gotta go blew up things, n' s#*! !" with guaranteed failure... to high speech " the world is counting on us, only us can save those people, and blablabla" with guaranteed succes. Now, I wasn't able to test this mod back in the days . . . and I can't find any traces of it around Nexus. And maybe, just maybe, it's just my poor ill brain that invented it, after goin' a little wild on Sarsaparilla, back in the days... But I'm pretty sure this mod exist. I can't even tell for sure if it was specific to non speaking protagonists, or if the mod was also modifying the speech lines to fit in and not breaking immersion. If anyone can share a name, a link, or even a video talking about this mod / concept, I would really like to have it. Otherwise . . . Welp. . . I guess i'll have to eventually do it me self. Thanks by advance, have a nice day.
  2. Well, no need for much explenations, all is in the title... Though, a very good start for such mods, would be to allow all hair styles, regardless the gender. I mean, I'm a guy with long hair, so i find pretty frustrating to not be able to put them on for my character, while on the other hand girl characters have pretty nice hair designs... What if i want to make my Cyber Conan, goin' full muscles and cyber Punches ? And I know it's probably not very punk-like, nor cyber-like to have long hair but f*** it, that's my style, and yeah, I hope it's probably the same for some other people. The follwoing would eventually be to mix the pre-existing styles together, like in some mods in "Fallout 4", to generate new designs. I don't know how complex it can be, but, I hope there'll be some modders ready to dig in this request. ^^
  3. Well, hello there ! :happy: First of all, thank you for clicking on my topic. As you can see in the title, I'm a new blood in the modding community, experience level : slightly above zero, thanks to some training, testing, and in general... tryin' to put all together some gear pieces in hope to create, well... something that does have a human shape ! So far, I must say it was kind of a succes. My tools are really basic and limited as I slowly learn the process of Creation, and how to make it work : to keep it simple "BodySlide" and "OutfitStudio", as well as "Blender" and "photoshop". But there is many... SO MANY THINGS that I want to explore ; to comprehend, and use : animation, modelling, texturing, materials, the list goes on... And of course, discovering the proper tools to help me in this process. So far, I was able to manage my education all by myself, step by step, focusing on one tool after the other. BTW, I Think it's better to say it now, I'm french : my english skills are better than what they used to be in the past, but... there'll most likely be technical terms that will be above me, even in my own tongue, so... yeah, I might also come back on this page, and question, anyone kind and patient to help me, about those terms. And today, as I reach a limit, I finally decide to open this post in hope to find some help... So here's the deal ! ( by advance, excuse me for the quality of the picture, I was limited in upload weight, so I had to make it as weightless as possible ) : As you can see, this is the tesla coils of the "T60 Power Armor" for the "Automatron DLC", that I sucessfully ported as an asset of Outfit Studio, thanks to the "Bethesda Archive Extractor". It's not easy to see on the picture, but the complete models ( 4 pieces total : for the glass, steel, cables and even the FX ) of the coils are like a solid block : whatever I do , no mater the angle or direction, they will stay put in this position. The thing I'd like to do is to separate the piece in two blocks : the upper one, near the shoulder ; the second one, floating in space, indicated by the red arrow, that I would like to put elsewhere, let's say the legs... Here is the shoulder part of the tesla coils. For this one, the thing that I need to do is to move the coils across the body ( exemple : first on the shoulder, second on the arm, the third near the torso. ), which means I may have to angle them in different ways ; to extend the cables connectnig them... Now, you may have guessed my question : is it technically possible to separate mehses parts like this one into fragments with Outfit Studio ? How ? . . . And in case this is not possible with this tool, which one should I use ? I sincerely hope some of you will be able to help me in my madening quest... I don't have many friends that can help me with this matter, so I could not see many place to ask for help. Maybe Gunetwork too, but, I uh . . . I-I don't understand how this site works. I mean, visually : I don't understand. My brain crash when I see their site. Good guys, kinda helping, talented, but... d*mn, that site ! X'D Regardless, thank you for reading my topic, have a nice day / good night ; I hope you'll be able to help me. ^^
  4. Hello there ! Just an umble wanderer going by ; looking for new features on the Fallout nexus after many months / a year or two of absence. And I discovered pictures of your power armor equiped with a massive backpack, that quickly led me here... So, I can see there is lots and lots of features you're curently working on, a complete overhaul. And there is already tones of posts before me, so I'm not sure if my what i'm about to say was already talled about. But seing this image rekindled a dream mod I had a couple of years ago... And that I quickly forgot since I'm not a moder, and didn't saw anyone working on this function before. Or at least, not as deeply as you cruently do... So, here's my question ; an idea that you could maybe find interresting :Do you think there would be a way to re-add the "special" backpack ammo we had back in "Fallout 3" / "New Vegas" for heavy weapons ? ( minigun, flamer, Gatling laser... and for the weapons not seen in F4 : grenade machinegun, arc welder ) Now, I know... Even before thinking of implenting them back in Fallout 4, the question to ask is "why ?" . . . Well, as dumb as it sounds, and for sure, it is... the first asnwer I could personally give is : the Badass Effect. To witness the terrific approach of an human tank, equiped with a gun made to pierce through steel... and above that, seing him with a bag of ammo of the same size, if not DOUBLE his size, loaded in his back ; ready to spread pain and death for HOURS ! Basically, this : [ https://youtu.be/xg79u9K_558?t=10153 ] ( * : Sorry for the commenting of the video, I wasn't able to find a better visual than this : Fallout 4 T-51b models in Fallout 3 : Anchorage ) The second reason, the core of my idea back then, would be to make the heavy weapons more "specific"... An exemple that could resume my idea : the very early game of Fallout 4, when you have to get the rusty T-45 and grab a minigun, straight off ! Well, as I imagine it, to use the minigun, you would have no other options but to use a power armor to handle it... Not just to "properly" use it, but literally "being able" to use it. And since those weapons would be hard to handle ( Or at least, unless your character possess an incredible strenth : 8+ for exemple ), the idea would be to equip on a power armor its own bagpack, loaded on ammo for the heavy gun of our choise ( ex : a 5mm canister equiped on the Power Armor giving access to a permanent minigun, amongst your other weapons ). In some way, it would make those armor closer of walking vehicles, what they were supposed to be, like in this footage of Anchorage just above. But, well... I know the idea is goofy. And, with a little of perspective as time passed... for the ammount of work it would require, not that interresting for such a result... So, anohter idea that crossed my mind while writing this already to long message : unless you find a interest in what I said above, or even find more ideas that didn't crossed my mind... would it be possible to add the 5mm canister of Fallout 3 as an alternative backpack for the power armor ? Just to have something a little more discreet equiped, even if it means less carryweight than the giant version... ( not that i don't like the curent cargo you made, but with all respect... I have a little trouble getting used to the idea of ââhaving a closet on my back, if you know what I mean. XD ) Regardless, I'll be more than happy to test this mod as soon as it comes out, I find it fascinating and really well thought ! ^^ On that note, have a good day / good night ; Hoping I haven't bothered you to much with my tongue barrier ! ( french ... hard to process my thoughs in english. )
  5. Hello there ! I have the same problem for the following mods : "MCM ( Mod Configuration Menu )" ; "JIP LN NVSE Plugin" ; and "UIO - User Interface Organiser"... At this point, I can't go further without those basic tools. I'm new to downloading, so I'd like to know, will the NMM recieve an update to fix this problem ? And does downloading manually fixed the issue for those mods ? BTW, I followed the tutorials of Gopher on Youtube to guide me, and here's the thing : I'm having "NMM" and "Fallout New Vegas" on my Local Disc (C:), program files... something that he talked about, as a scenario that could potencially generate some bugs with certain mods... could it be part of the problem ?
  6. That's an idea that I would absolutely love ! :happy: Also... you remember In " Fallout 3 " and " Fallout : New Vegas " ,when we had these kind of ammo bag in our back, when we were using an heavy weapon, like the gateling laser and the minigun ? How about an option in the "Power Armor crafting" allowing you to have, instead of a jetpack, an ammo bag of this type ? I can immagine some options to make it logically possible... but I have absolutely no idea if they are technically possible : 1st ) - The bag is connected to the armor in such a way that only this weapon is usable, but will offer a greater ammo capacity, a greater stability, and a greater fire power... in other words : your Power armor become a "permanent Heavy class" [ And by permanent, I of course mean : until you unequip the ammo bag of the Power Armor ]. 2nd ) - The bag allow you to use the weapon [ grenade machinegun, minigun, ect. ] as some kind of "special device", like the jet-pack allows you to make a long jump. Using the command change your current weapon into the equiped heavy weapon. Using this device will consume pre-required bullets and loaded into the bag, but will also drain energy more rapidly. 3rd ) - To me, it seems the more "easy" to realise : Putting a bag on your power armor allow you to use the heavy weapons like the rest of the weaponry... BUT the down side is that you cannot use heavy weapons untill you can use this upgrade for power armors. [ unless you reach some level of perk allowing you to do so... ]
  7. Hi everyone ! :happy: Not so long ago, I crossed the road of a great looking mod... the "Vertibird US Army Retexture", offering us a complete retexture of our good old fly / chopper / coo-coo pre-war machine ! If you missed it, here's a link directly to this mod. Check it out, it's a superb work : [ http://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/19585/? ] Seeing this amount of details that the modder put in here gave me chills, and brought back a wish that I had before "Fallout 4" was released : the fool hope to be able to fly the Vertibird, by ourself... Sadly, we all know that we can't pilot it, and that we can only be a " gunner "... And, I don't know your thoughts about it guys, but honestly, to me... it's dumb. I mean, who ever used the gatling of the Vertibird to deffend your vehicle, except for some scripted missions ( most of them being connected to the BoS ) ? If you did, you were quite lucky, for I never felt the tention of it... But then, I remembered that back in "Fallout New Vegas", WE HAD a mod to fly on board of a Vertibird : we were a pilot ! And this mod is nothing else but "Flyable Vertibird", by a god sent called Ermeso ! Here's also a link to the mod for more details : [ http://www.nexusmods.com/newvegas/mods/45809/? ] In my mind, the two merged into one crazy dream : What if we had the oportunity to find a vertibird to call it our own ? A Vertibird that we could personalize as we wish : from the painting, to the weapons [ like different calibers for the main gatlings, rockets, lasers, ect... ], passing by decorations : like fur dice or a bobblehead dog on the board screen. A Vertibird that we should repair when he's shoot down by raiders, mutants, or others ; that would need gasoline or nuclear materials ( depending of your point of view for the lore... actually : does anyone know what is the fuel of these things ? :huh: ). We could easily have a quest to learn, step by step, how to fly it ; how to repair it ; how to upgrade it... We could even making it so we have to find the different primordial pieces to repair it, in different locations in the map... All that to say, if someone made it in "New Vegas", I'm pretty sure that there's definitely a way for us to do the same in "Fallout 4"... But the question is : Who could work on such a project ? Anyway, and as usual, thank you to have read my message until the end... And uh, also, if you are interrested by other "silly ideas" that I had, here's the link for two others that I posted some days ago, now... ( who knows ? Maybe some of you might have ideas for them to, or could even ba able to work on it ? ) : -> [ https://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/4932500-request-idea-bringing-back-the-nv-f3-perk-system-in-fallout-4-is-it-possible/ ] -> [ https://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/4970730-request-idea-gotta-go-back-in-time/ ] On that note, have a nice day / a good night ! :happy:
  8. The Saint has returned... And he's having a lots of amazing stuff in progress ! So, everyone, keep an eye on his work, and lets support him : he truly deserve it. :happy: [ http://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/images/53684/? ]
  9. You know... it's when I see things like this [ http://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/images/53362/? ], or even THIS [ http://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/18971/? ] that I wonder : Is there someone out there who would be interested... hell, could it be simply possible to work on some Pre-war section ? Something spared of the Wasteland ; a living portion of Boston downtown, before the atomic event. I don't know how it could be possible, but... We've got the "Memory Den" and his incredible technology which purpose is absolutly inexistent, except for backstory of one character in the main quest... quite a downer when you realise all the possibilities of the protagonist's memories ! Think about it : he / she wanted to take a ride in the past visiting Boston, as he / she knew it. But a "bug" ( provoked ? ) trapped our protagonist inside the memory's chair, letting him / her into a reality falling to pieces from every side, trying to find a way out back into reality... ... ... Ok, ok. I know it sound inconsistent, and it is. But that's a random idea that crossed my head, it can easely take other forms : a safehouse ? an imersive point of view for the lore of Fallout ? Why not the memories of someone else, too ? [ Don't throw rocks at me, but... My personnal dream would be to see a new point of view of the Anchorage War... I know, most of people hated this DLC, back in the days. But it could be interresting to see, with a new point of view : the true events, not just a simulation. We fought outside the town in the training program... but who tell us that the conflict weren't inside the town ? That the chinese forces were'nt more equiped ? Truely, it deserve a second chance... at least, I believe it. ] Anyway, I hope that the idea doesn't seems to silly, and that maybe, one day, it could interest some people... On that note, thanks to have read my topic, and have a nice day / good night ! :happy:
  10. Also there's this one : The Arc Welder ! [ http://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/18181/? ] EDIT : I dream of more weapons too, but right now... there's two armors that I would like to see reworked, 'cause the one in Fallout 4 are... quite "ugly" ( but that's my personal taste ). The U.S Army Combar Armor ( with paintjob options : anchorage, army, gunners... ? ) - [ http://vignette2.wikia.nocookie.net/fallout/images/7/76/American_soldier_OA.png/revision/latest?cb=20120921052204 ] The Vault Security Suit - [ http://vignette1.wikia.nocookie.net/fallout/images/d/df/Vault_34_security_armor_male.png/revision/latest?cb=20160429223705 ]
  11. That's an idea, or more a wish, that I had too. Here's a link, if you want to see : [ https://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/4932500-request-idea-bringing-back-the-nv-f3-perk-system-in-fallout-4-is-it-possible/ ] But apparently... it seems to be some kind of hell to program. At least, the idea and its form that I proposed was apparently not possible. The question is : what form to give it ? inserting it over the vanilla perk chart ? Or making another system... under the form of an holodisc, for exemple ?
  12. Why in the name of god no one talked about it ?! These creations... these pictures : your work ! It's absolutely awesome ! :ohmy: There is two things that I wanted in Fallout 4 : a "Warhammer 40k" mod, and a "Gundam" mod... All of it for the beauty of : " Who cares about the lore ? I want to be a robot / tank in it's purest form." ( I'm a fan of the lore of Fallout, that doesn't mean I don't enjoy things like this... especially when it's done as well. ) Wingzero, tell me you will still work on it. Because you've put so much efforts in it, it would be sad if all of it was wasted...
  13. So, uh... no one know if it's possible ? Or even if the idea is interesting to be explored ? I though the question would have an answer, even negative, a little... quicker. ( Then again, I don't know how it works on this forum... I even f**ked up the tags when I wrote this page. XD )
  14. Hi everyone ! This is my first topic on the forum, I don't know if the subject was already shared... But it's something that, I think, could be important to work on : Could it be possible to create a mod to bring back from the grave the old system that we had in "Fallout 3" and "New Vegas", where you could choose some specific, and unique perks ? In other words, this : I'm asking this question because so far, I have seen many mods of quality who tried to gave a diversity of choices for different kind of roleplay for each players... but most of them are limited by this cursed perk chart : for it's a static fonction with no possibility of mutation, or very little. Bringing back this simple table "might" allow players to incorporate new and creative perks, like we had in "New Vegas" or "Fallout 3" : not only some of the vanilla perks that were lost in the process, but also those created by the comunity. To resume : the idea would be to replace the vanilla perk selection by a new form of table, a simple one, closer to what we had, and so, more easy to manipulate, and to mod. However, I have no Idea if it's possible to realise. I'm not a modder, and I don't know what is required to work on such a kind of interface... Anyone have an idea ? Anyway, thank you to have taken some time to read this umble request... Have a nice day !
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