@Feradiera I also believe it’s RGB, when modding the “Cat.ws” that controls the screen tone when under the effects of the cat potion, the same 4 numbers are present, I treated the first 3 as RGB and the screen tone was applied correctly. I actually currently use a modified version of Crowjj’s mod (I only made a small edit to increase carry weight a little more), so I’ve gone through his files. What he modifies are stat files for the saddles only, specifically “def_item_horse.xml” located in “\Uncook\gameplay\items” (this are not related to any mesh) this files can be packed directly, however if you were to modify the xml you obtain from exporting “p_01_hd__common.w2mesh”, which is a saddle mesh located in “Uncook\items\horse_items\saddles\model”, then you would need to cook the xml and fbx together. @Neyjour yea the uncook game process is very random, I have done it around 4 times now, usually getting from 28 -33gb, on my last however it bumped up to 47gb, I did change from png to tga but still the jump was considerable, maybe I got some more files, but still no other horse tails.