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Posts posted by cptjimcarter

  1. I keep getting this weird problem where my game freezes while on the road to Riverwood at the beginning of the game. When I exit the game and start it up again, the same save that loaded before, now causes a CTD.


    Between the game freezing and me starting it up again I am not changing my load order, rebuilding my batch patch, or installing any new mods but for some reason the same save that loaded perfectly fine before, now leads to the game crashing.


    This has happened a few times and I have found that if I deactivate a mod in MO that was active when the save loaded before (and rebuild my patch, resort my load order, etc.) the game loads fine again, but only on the first try, it then freezes somewhere down the road, and when I restart the game the save file leads to a CTD.


    Is there any logical explanation as to why this could be happening?

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