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Posts posted by Ginji

  1. - I hope it's not a huge jump in difficulty or I might be left cold.

    Prepare to be frozen. :P

    No quest makers (;D) makes each quest a proper quest, ie. you've been told to go some where, but you only know its general location, so you go the city mentioned (usally there is one) and ask around...etc

  2. This has probably already been said many times, but when you reach the 25, 50, 75, 100 level in a skill or as some other leveling reward, you should be given choices as to how you want your character to develop.


    For example, if you level up your destruction magic to level 100, you are now a master of destruction, you should be given a choice as to what type of element to gain a bonus to. So If you really like fire, frost, or shock damage, you can choose to get a bonus to one of these destruction types.


    Thats just one example, if they want more ideas, they'll have to give me a job, or at least ask. :)



    There should be a massive amount of enemy types, I don't care if they are only slightly different then thier counterparts.


    There should be more done with creature scaling, for example, a horde of small, vicious spiders, or gigantic freaking ogre skeletons, and tons of very dark creatures like the wraiths. HOw about shadows. Like a black ghost shadow type freakin scary male without a father.


    Bigger, better magic effects. a 100 damage fireball looks the same as a 10 damage fireball.


    More weapon types, especially for unarmed. Like claws and brass knuckles and poo.


    SPEARS, Halberts, Partisans, and there has to be 1 and 2 handed types


    *More voice actors.


    * Also, just because several people have to say the same thing, doesn't mean they should say it exactly the same. They can say the same general things, but change the wording, so it doesn't kill the immersion.


    Spiders. Who doesn't want to slay a gigantic scary ass evil spider? Yeah, I know there are deadric spiders, but thats half demon. Give me regular spiders.


    Etc., etc., etc.

    I agree on all of these, but mostly the one about fireballs, they should look different, but not be a different size (a 10feet/10damage blast should be the same size as a 10/100damage one), the only way it sould be bigger is if the range is larger.


    Also: all NPC's should be based on us (gamingsource members). it'll never happen but it would be cool.....wait a minute.


    (runs off to non-internet computer loads up CS, pushes random buttons, runs back)


    Right, thats it im gonna start a new topic. (look for 'GamingsourceMod' in about 20mins)


    EDIT: look under 'General Mod Talk'

  3. By bringing back the boat transport that was in Morrowind (or even allowing the player to own/hire a ship themselves), you have yourself as easy way to and from the Isle.

    Unlikely, as Morrowind is set at least 100 years before Oblivion (read 'The Real Barenzia', the whole set is in Cloud Ruler, note the reference to a 'Champion' who 'currently resides in the Imperial City prison'

  4. Wow, it look likes people have been going nuts and hitting guards for no apparent reason.


    Well, so have I now that you mention it.


    I started a fight in Anvil and ran out (open citys) with all the guards chasing me, it took a while but i made around all the citys in Cyrrodil (think thats how you spell it) so i had ALL the guards in cyrodil chasing me.

    long story short i made to dive rock, stopped, turned around and...



    thats right i jumped.


    me and around 100 guards fell to our deaths some still "shouting now you die" and H.lex "just pay the fine!"

    all bouncing off the floor. ;D

  5. I recently (this morning) started a new character an was heading towords a oblivion gate, scary music kicks in and i ran towards the oblivion gate to meet whatever it was head on. i get there and cast invisibility and wait. then about 10 seconds later a small group of bandits charge into the clearing and stop dead, literaly, i'd parilized AoE them and a dremora Catiff (or whatever the magical type is called had cast a fire AoE.


    Five bandits suddenly stop, angry looks on there faces, before being slowly burned to a crisp.

  6. What is more funny than incandesent canies falling from the sky?


    Awnswer: incandesent canies falling from the sky and landing on someones face.


    If you've played that deadra quest you'll know what i am talking about. anyway i was doing that quest when i was hit by a legion soldier, i recently assluted a forester and he'd followed me down from bruma, well i'd almost finished so i stood in the middle of the town waiting for the dogs, forester was running towards me holding a sword, guess he ran out of arrows, and, crunch! :huh:


    not only did it kill him, he flew away spining in the air like a bear. ;D

  7. do you know what else is funny?


    using a shock AoE spell/staff in a crouded room with plenty of objects (like an inn while Jim's Barfights (mod) is on.


    bottles, bread, and, most importantly, bodies all fly full tilt away from the blast, smacking into walls and bouncing around the room.

  8. hi everyone!

    this is my first time on the forums, so i picked this topic on the amount of stories i've got.

    anyway, i was testing a mod i'd found a while ago (can't remember the name, but it involved the use of super-arrows) one type was called "elastic arrows". i wonder what they do :rolleyes:


    so i walked up to this hobo and waited for him to ask for change, he got as far as "can you spare a coin.." before i shot him, he pinged off of the roof of the gray mare and went over the wall. ;D


    then the guards came and tried to fine me, i clicked on "resist arrest" and took aim, he raised his shield in a atempt to stop it, but i hit him in face anyway, launching him past his comrades but his shield didn't follow him, it stayed where it was for a second, before falling to the floor and rolling like a dropped coin for a full five seconds before stopping. :D

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