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  1. Some of this makes perfect sense from a proactive stance to abuse, some of this I am really not happy with. In particular: Patches for/Dependencies on Paid Mods: We will not allow any patches or addons for user-generated content that requires payment to unlock (this specifically excludes DLCs offered by the developer - including DLCs that bundle items previously sold individually such as Skyrim's Anniversary Upgrade). Equally, if a mod uploaded to the site requires a paid mod to function, it will not be permitted. You are guaranteeing that there will be no incentivized patching for Verified Creations as Bethesda offers none, which is counterintuitive to your goal of "Make Modding Easy". Yeah, modding is difficult, in most cases it wasn't even meant to be done. I don't see how this new obstacle should make patches be less accessible and visible to users who want them, especially since there is transparency in listing the requirements. The Nexus still gets it's clicks/ad revenue and nobody is lied to about what the content is. Patching is a hit or miss thing, but even more likely to be maintained for paid content which it adds value to. I've been a frequent user to the Nexus for over a decade, proudly, and it really doesn't feel great not to be supported by the Nexus when we are offered an official opportunity to elevate ourselves as content creators. I still had plans to create more free content, now idk, or at least idk if I should post it to the Nexus.
  2. Wow. I searched this many times and this is the first promising lead. Thanks all for your work looking into this and sharing with the community.
  3. As the title suggests, would be cool to have the option to organize by date added to my tracking list and search through the mods I'm tracking. I may have added one I have interest in recently, but cant seem to find it. Since I've added stuff with casual interest over the years it's a lot less manageable (partly my fault for not understanding the feature - cleaning it now).
  4. Eh, kind of but not really. I pitched it to Kingaath (sp?) as something that could be added as a component to conqueror. It would be easier than me trying to support every update they do on my own. I had robots spawns working and patched up all other NPCs. They spawn in based on leveledlists that you provide to control them. This was an old test video I did showing proof of concept: If I ever get back into FO4 maybe I will finish it. I may upload this as a modders resource since it may be beneficial to someone w/ the right skillset to either add in in-game faction customization controls.
  5. I didnât finish eyebots. Iâm up to the point of integration for Conqueror. Just havenât done it yet. Currently you can spawn and completely customize human (m/f), ghoul (m/f), synth gen 1, synth gen 2, synth gen 3 (m/f), super mutants, and all robots minus eyebots. Conquerors ability to specify roles will be difficult to accommodate because I have to do another load out system for each role in case you want to further customize. Itâs being casually worked on along with Nuka-World Aftermath.
  6. Probably would have been good to keep it up for others to learn from.
  7. Don't know if such a thing exists, but why not fake it with reducing the size of the mist and adding more mist? I'd add them to a layer so you can toggle on/off the effect while editing so it doesnt get in the way.
  8. I would copy the branch for the nuka meshes into the root of the psycho and then delete the psycho sub-branch. Just did the same thing the other day while making introducing Nuka-World to ice cream ;).
  9. Interesting. A primary concern for me is the combat. Will it be freeform but targeting like ESO, tab targeting like FF, or freeform hack/slash like BDO? Would it feel sensible to still use a gamepad on PC, would this even be allowed? Cross platform? Can't say I'm impressed by the graphics but I also can't say they are bad. I will say I thought the grinding wheel was from Skyrim itself, so the comparisons seem to be accurate. Giving players more control over their MMO experience is an interesting concept. As with most ideas, it sounds promising - I look forward to seeing more. :)
  10. Just an update: all robots seem to be good minus eyebots - this should be a quick add. Mr Handys were just awful to work with due to unexpected issues with vanilla functions detailed here: https://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/7662718-fyi-attachmod-function-not-working-as-intended/ I would like to have an option to select all options for player convenience too. There is currently a select all option for each robot mod that can be slotted as well as a remove all for faster selection in the terminal menu. Next step is trying to integrate more into Conqueror, I only did a couple of steps to test for a functioning proof of concept. I would like to add dogs, mutant hounds, and super mutant behemoths as options that will randomly spawn aside their designated handlers. Would also be interested in having vertibirds as an option, but this would definitely come later. For those who may look to use this code in their own projects to build robots via script, the way I equip stuff for humanoid NPCs may be more desirable... using other objects to represent robot mods that get attached. Fleshing out the terminals is extremely tedious, but im so far along and used to it I've made macros to speed it up lol.
  11. I'm building robots entirely by script, there are no listings in the Object Template unless I am troubleshooting, so nothing should by overridden. I was able to work around the issue by utilizing other attachpoints, whether vanilla or added in the associated "Limb" mod attach point. This is the same as you suggested. I found out the name of the AttachPoint seems to be arbitrary, as long as the part's mesh was made to be compatible, you use the correct AttachPoint value (0-2 in my case), and the parent limb has the AttachPoint variable you assign to the limb all is good. What doesn't make sense is this doesnt apply to the armor I am attaching, at least not the arm armor... the eye armor is not applying correctly. Maybe it's something in the mesh I'm not aware of ... but the issue doesn't happen if I manually assign it in the ObjectTemplate, only when done via script. I just managed to get the weapons working since I was apparently using the wrong race. The MrHandy race is good and all, but the mods added by Automatron seem to only work for the newly added mrhandy build-a-bot race. Slowly working my way past the issue. Thought it would be good to share this information for others though, always sucks coming across something like this and not finding anything online.
  12. Probably isnt the contained, it likely is a model issue as ajs has stated. I once worked on adding fries to the game and it would crash until changes were made for the model to work, I dont recall what specifically was done though.
  13. What about using FO4Edit? Any tool that would allow you to modify an existing object reference ID to the one you have or copy the existing object reference to another cell? I dont see how you could do this via Creation Kit. If not doable in FO4Edit I dont see any way it can be done without you making the users manually transfer it as a scripted transfer would leave the dirty edit as you have stated. EDIT: I did try looking for you, I didn't see any way to do this natively. However I don't know if some utility exists that would be capable of doing this.
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