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Everything posted by ColdVVolf

  1. Much like werr92 I'm uncomfortable with a few of the details, can you clarify them a bit if it's not too much trouble? I too intend no offense or personal remark here, I'm purely here as a prospective applicant and enthusiast with some concerns. 1/ If you've never actually published or completed a mod, are you confident that organising a team of modders is something within your skill-set? Having actually spent hundreds of hours modding for numerous games, and separately almost a decade of my life managing large projects and staff, I'm not sure I'd be confident managing a project of this magnitude, never mind announcing it so soon. I'm all for enthusiasm and ambition, but dedicating yourself to a project of this size needs a level-headed approach, and from the already-public reveal/announcement I'm not sure that's the most visible aspect of the project so far. As much as I appreciate that you need to be visible to attract talent, a full-on project announcement strikes me as far too premature when a discussion forum post would achieve similar effect, if somewhat less publicly visible. The fact that I discovered this project from a YouTube video before I saw it on the Nexus is a fairly large bone of contention in that regard; you potentially have a very large, very public audience to placate now right from the word go. Bigger and more experienced developers have buckled under that same pressure before now - are you prepared for that level of community interaction? Will that attention divert your focus from managing the project efficiently? It's worth bearing in mind that complete silence is also a form of communication; 'going dark' is a poor alternative to solid community interaction if you're looking for more talent in the future. 2/ You stated that you're 'majoring in the game development field', which comes across as a pretty generalised statement. Is there a specific college/course you're attending? What disciplines are you studying? Similarly, you 'specialise as an environmental and prop artist' but there's no visible portfolio of work or sign of experience other than your own mention of it. Where/when/how did you become specialised? Is there somewhere we can see your previous work, or reference to it? If you're very talented in that area, would you not be better placed as an environmental artist rather than managing the entire project? 3/ I'm seeing a lot of 'department titles' bandied about, which is one of my main points of concern. If you have yet to actually 'hire' all of the modders for the project, surely you'd be better served waiting until you had the workload and roadmap organised before assigning 'lead' and 'manager' roles to individuals? It comes across as people who are 'taking charge' rather than a communal effort, and while you do arguably need people to direct focus I can assure you that giving yourselves pretentious assignations isn't the way forward. All you've done thus far is potentially alienate rather than endear yourselves to a bunch of people who are basically going to be doing a large portion of the work you're not doing yourselves, for free. Such titles should, if implemented at all, represent hard work and considered effort, and be based entirely on merit... not handed out to the first people who arrive on the scene to take charge. When all is said and done, the most experienced are the ones who should be taking the lead. Organising groups or departments based on skills is one thing, but understanding the work and roles is another thing entirely. I say this as someone with no interest in leading, organising or managing people; there's no agenda on my part. I've done it before, as I mentioned... you've got your work cut out for you, I just hope you understand that you do! 4/ How much of the previous attempt is still usable/salvageable? Are you basically starting from scratch? It's probably worth mentioning to prospective applicants just how much work/time/effort is going to be required of them. If I have to dedicate several years of my free time to help remake a game practically from scratch, personally I know I'd rather go and work on a game of my own design or with a group of people releasing something new, when a remaster or remake from Bethesda could be right around the corner. Large modding projects are a dime-a-dozen at the conception phase, and one-in-a-million at the release stage... what's different about this one that should draw our time and effort instead of one of the others? To that end, how long do you foresee the project taking, given the proposed amount of people involved and division of labour, etc? Is there a finished roadmap/outline of where individuals need to focus? What happens to the project if a remaster or re-release DOES happen, can the assets already developed be turned to a new project, or is it then simply wasted time on the part of those involved? Thanks in advance, and I wish you all the very best of luck!
  2. I've been looking through the base FO4 esm all day, trying to find the specific effect that is applied by 'Scrapper02'. I've edited the conditions that apply the effect, but cannot find the actual 'Component Radar' effect anywhere! My intention is to attempt to expand the type of items tag-able via config holotape, if possible...IS it possible? Any help would be greatly appreciated!
  3. You sir, are a damn hero. I'd been fiddling with those settings on and off over two hours, and this just solved a HUGE issue for me, and got my mod working! From the bottom of my heart, THANK YOU!
  4. http://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/13539/? This the one you're after? :D
  5. I remember years ago when Microsoft had a similar situation with competing business productivity suites. A tweak here and a tweak there with the OS and suddenly those other programs were not so competitive. That is not to say that Bethesda would in any way feel competitive with the Nexus. Heaven forbid. How could a mega-mod site possibly pose a competitive threat when they do not charge for mods? I think paid modding will change the entire way we use mods. Would anyone shell out money for a better-looking ivy or nightshade? I know I would wait for the reviews to come in on everything. No more spur of the moment downloading. Many good things would never be explored and given a chance. When serendipity has a price tag it changes everything. some mod authors might back away from attempting labors they suspected would be relegated to the great pile of the undownloaded. Agreed! I've often thought this might be the case. The smaller texture tweaks will never sell, instead people will be looking for entire packs. I honestly think this could be a good thing in the long run, but it's hard to tell. Instead of having pages and pages of single 'water bottle retexture' mods, you'd have a lot more stuff along the lines of Chem Redux, with a lot more work and attention to detail involved. That said, there'd be nothing wrong with putting your first few re-textures out there for free... I doubt they could FORCE you to charge for everything. The trick would be finding a decent method along the lines of releasing 'demo' packs for your plant re-textures; as you said...no-one is gonna pay for just a single 4k ivy retexture, but as a sample for a larger mod, it'd get noticed. The unfortunate thing is that the flip-side of this is few will release 100% of their first release of new content as a preview or 'beta' anymore, it'll more likely be 'you'll get it when it's finished, for $2' That's where the modders start having the real issues I reckon. If I release my mod for a buck-fifty, it'll have to be completely bug-free and working out-of-the-box, or you'll see en-masse refund requests sinking you into downvote hell! No-one will CARE whether or not a recent patch broke your mods, they want it fixed NOW! "I'm a customer, dammit. I know my rights" ensues. *trailer theme kicks in* Inevitable nonsense and drama. Entire cities razed. Parents set their children on fire in protest. The modder vs. mod-user uprising begins, millions die in the first week. PayPal and Patreon take a new form as PMCs, to defend their interests. Nexus goes underground, with the top modders as admins or 'Overseers' of underground habitats. Then, finally, they do it. They launch the nukes. *sigh* Consumerism... consumerism never changes.
  6. There was quite a good GTKYMA stream with DDP, Elianora, Gopher and a good number of others who explained this quite well. They'd LOVE to thank everybody who donates to them, honestly, they said it themselves. They simply CAN'T. The problem is the time it takes to thank everyone who messages or donates, and setting a precedent to thank absolutely everyone by doing so! It isn't ingratitude, it's simply that they'd have to work a damn-sight longer to get the content out that you're thanking them for, which would be completely self-defeatist. Their giving of 100% of their effort in their next big project is their display of gratitiude for your support for their last project. Don't forget that. Your support drives modders to do better! :smile:
  7. I really hope this works out for you, mate. It's a big step in the right direction, I reckon. There's a good number of you who are more than qualified to get a team together and make some really great stuff. I'd be sorry to see any of you leave, but if it meant you could put all of that passion and experience into a totally new game, it'd be worth losing some of the best modders! Give it a couple of years, maybe the rest of us will be modding YOUR game instead! ;)
  8. Modders are working with the files as they exist NOW. All Bethesda potentially have to do is change a couple of references in the workshop scripts, and almost every settlement mod 'breaks'. That wouldn't be the modder's fault, nor Bethesda's fault. That's how software development works. They've changed something, the modder needs to fix it afterwards to make their mod work. You can't 'expect mods to run well even after a patch'. For goodness sake, THE GAME doesn't always run perfectly after each patch, there's always a slew of new complaints!!?! Certain mods and elements will work fine, but others are bound to be broken by changes made to fix bugs and repair the engine. You can't pre-determine what Bethesda will change on a day-to-day basis. The only way to release 'perfect' mods would be to wait until after the last ever patch released before making any. In those circumstances, this game would more than likely have already died from a quick, relatively pain-and-certainly-mod-free death, which would certainly be a shame.
  9. Forgive me if this sounds counter-productive to what you're asking, but have you tried opening up any of the mods that have config holotapes and seeing how they did what they did? A lot of the mod authors who are making the best config holotape setups for their mods are often extremely busy... making and improving their mods! ;) I always enjoy a good tutorial video, and even if they cover a subject I'm aware of I'll watch them incase I learn something new, but I think there comes a point where you need to start figuring things out through experimentation and reverse-engineering rather than following a step-by-step guide. Otherwise, you're not really LEARNING to create mods, simply recreating the work of others with no knowledge other than what you're told by the videos! Adding recipes to a workbench is quite simple if you jump into the CK or xEdit, and look around. Rather than spoon-feeding you how to do it, here's the basic components you need in your esp for figuring it out: Recipe (Constructible Object), Created item (for a robot part that's an Object Modification, along with a miscmod item for the dropped/inventory version) a Workbench (Robot Workshop) Workbench Keywords (For both the actual workbench and category) The holotape configuration thing I haven't looked into yet, because so far none of my mods have needed one. There are some GREAT mods that have these setup in a really fantastic, efficient way like True Storms, IHUD etc. I prefer to help people to help themselves, but I know some people have difficulties learning that way, so let me know if you get stuck anywhere. I'll gladly give you some pointers to help you figure things out! :)
  10. You'll need to clear the pose on the armature, so go into pose mode and press "Alt-G", "Alt-S" and then "Alt-R". Or you could do "Clear Pose Transforms", but there's no hotkey for that. The armature will still be broken, but the mesh and weighting will be fine. UVs might be flipped vertically though. Thanks. It seems I can edit simple meshes without a problem (rifle magazines) but more complex things (power generator) get all bent out of shape. I will try this. Edit: Do you know if "nif->Outfit studio -> Blender -> outfit studio->nif" method preserves the UV mapping of the mesh? OK, thanks. Update: I just figured out it is possible to export .obj using NifSkope, too. I am not sure yet if there is any difference to the Outfit Studio export. The major difference is that you can't IMPORT with Nifskope. In my recent attempts at remodelling a workbench, the only workflow that worked for me was > Export obj from Outfit Studio >Import .obj to Blender >Export .obj from Blender >import .obj to Outfit Studio >Export .nif from Outfit Studio >Open .nif in Nifskope. Every other combination I tried crashed Nifskope or Outfit Studio. Bear in mind that the conversion back and forth may lose your bones etc. What I did to get around that was drag and drop the new nif mesh into the 'original' nif, and copy/paste the bones etc. from one to the other. Hope that helps you some! :)
  11. Hello! I've just completed Phase I of my mod, 'Scrapable Mods' http://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/16178/? A relatively simple but insanely time consuming project, this currently allows you to scrap unequipped weapon mods in workshop mode or while crafting, like junk. I'm currently working on Automatron and Far Harbour support to do the same, followed by Power Armour and Armour mods. Compatible with most (if not all!) mods that affect weapon and armour mods, since I don't touch the mods themselves! UPDATE: Automatron Robot Mods are now scrap-able! Any feedback or ideas would be appreciated! WolfJack
  12. Did you get this figured out, or do you still need help? Edit: Nevermind, I'll tell you how anyway! Click the icon with the two cogs in NMM. That'll take you to the config screen. Make sure 'associate with NXM urls' is ticked, then head to the 'Download Options' tab, and click 'Fix It!'. That should solve your issues!
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