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About ooofbaer

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    Quest for Glory 4

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  1. You need to have the Photoshop, Gimp or Paint.net software. (The second two are free, if I'm not mistaken. And I think Paint.net even has native .dds support -- that is, you don't have to download additional stuff to be able to work on texture files.) Then you need .dds plugins and tools -- .dds files are the file types that contain texture information. Then you have to read and understand this and this. Good luck. :)
  2. Callmedeagle, I'm pretty good at texturing. I'm also quite busy, though. I wouldn't mind helping you with a texture here or there. If you want to float some ideas by me, PM me and I'll consider them. Welcome to the forums, by the way!
  3. Never mind. How did I not see this thread was 6 pages long... ?
  4. This is news to me. How do you think this big, strong dude would fair up against little, weak Joan of Arc? :P
  5. You should be fine. If you do start to get stuttering, just lower or turn off anti-aliasing in your Skyrim settings. It doesn't detract much from the look of the game, and you'll get a lot more performance that you can redirect to mods instead. If it's a 32-bit executable, you can't make it use more than 4GB RAM no matter what you do. Welcome, btw!
  6. You have two main things to worry about: 1) RAM. This will determine how many mods, of what size, you can append to the game. Skyrim, after the 1.3.10 patch, supports 4GB of RAM. You'll need an extra 2 GB on top of that to keep the rest of your PC running. :) So, 6GB RAM in total. 2) Your GPU/graphics card. The more that happens on the screen, the more load this puts on your card. The more detailed/profuse/OTT your mods, the more you're going to stress your card.
  7. This is a simple fix. When you save your .dds, choose to save it as DXT5. You're currently saving it as a DXT1 .dds. The DXT3 and DXT5 formats contain alpha channels, which is where other information for the texture is stored. The DXT1 file has no alpha channel. By saving your .dds as DXT1, you're deleting the alpha channel. :)
  8. And the skies opened and the Blender gods smiled down at me. Thank you, redxavier, you get kudos just for being the one to give me the good news.
  9. I'm learning to model so... if I ever figure out how Skyrim-Nifskope-Blender interactions work, you can expect a lot more realistic armours and clothes. ETA 3 months... :rolleyes: (That's my painfully optimistic ETA. The real one is probably 6 months... )
  10. Ah, and it cut my heading. (Why doesn't the box just prevent you typing more?) The heading was meant to read: "Nifskope -> Blender 2.49b -> Blender 2.6 -> Blender 2.49b -> Nifskope -> Skyrim. Possible?" If one can export .nifs from Nifskope and import them into Blender 2.49b, is it possible to then export from Blender 2.49b to Blender 2.6 through .obj format, make whatever changes one needs to make to a mesh, and then reverse this process, so that the file is then usable in Skyrim? I'd prefer to work in Blender 2.6 rather than 2.49b.
  11. I would much prefer to use 2.6... Hm, I have a question that probably deserves a new thread. Thanks for prompting me to ask it.
  12. That's pretty simple to do. Your replacer (X) should come packaged as meshes and textures. Find the name of these corresponding files for the Imperial sword (Y). Now all you have to do is rename X's files as Y's files. Then copy-paste the renamed X files to the place that their corresponding original (Y) versions are. Voila. Basically, you're telling the game to regard the files you downloaded and renamed (X) as the Imperial sword, instead of the original Imperial sword (Y), as the real Imperial sword. Search in your /Data directory, in both /Meshes and /Textures for the original files. P.S. NB -- don't forget to copy the originals (Y) to another location. That way, if you want to use the originals again, all you have to do is copy-paste them to their original places.
  13. Or OP just doesn't know that NMM won't run on non-Vista/7 PCs. OP, NMM won't run on NT.
  14. Okay, I sorted installation stuff... I am finally able to import .nifs into Blender. Yay. Guys, when you make tutorials, please keep in mind that the people that need them aren't the people that can keep up with whatever shorthand it is you're using in your text/video/audio. You need to explain e-ve-ry step. I wasted two, three afternoons and evenings trying to get things to work. It would have taken 15 extra minutes to make a complete tutorial.
  15. It's the 32bit version. I checked. I tried to reinstall the things I need for Blender... they're all telling me I don't have an application with which to use them. So I reinstalled Blender. Pyffi won't let me check any boxes. Is this normal? It won't let me change anything on that screen. Does that mean Pyffi is not installing? How do I get it to install, then? I'm installing any and all PyFFI stuff I can find... and PyFFI 2.1.10 is telling me that "Blender's user data files (such as scripts) do not reside in Blender's installation directory. Blender will sometimes only finds its scripts if Blender's user data files reside in Blender's installation directory. Do you wish to... first reinstall Blender?" Is this a problem? I just clicked Next/Yes when I was installing everything... I'm uninstalling and reinstalling everything now...
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