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Everything posted by jix92

  1. We all used to be beginners ;) When you typed help (item name) 0 - there should be all kinds of entries concerning the keywords you had in the "" over your command line (where you typed in) - it can not show all of them at once, so in order to find the one thats right for you, you can use the page up / page down buttons to scroll trough the entries - hopefully you will find what youre looking for then. (But consider, that "elven armor" was just a random example i have chosen - you need to type something in the "" that could be a part of the items name, that you want to find). Hope that helps.
  2. Most often you will find the information, wether it is a replacer or non-replacer on the mods page in skyrim-nexus (the page where you downloaded it, with the download-button etc.) - it should be in the description. To make her wear the armor you have to know the name of the armor-pieces and then you can use the "help" command to find out their IDs. Example: help "elven armor" 0 (do not forget the zero) and it will give you everything related to "elven armor" + the IDs. When you know the items IDs, you open the console, click on lydia and write equipitem (Item ID) (without the () ) Then she should wear the item. If she doesnt, click on her and write: removeallitems - and try again. If she continues wearing her steel-armor (or whatever else) instead of what you gave her per console when you change the location or restart the game, you have to remove the standard steel armor. To do this: open console click on her type: showinventory find the steel-armors ID type removeitem (steel-armor ID) Then try equipitem (Item ID) again. Unfortunately, sometimes her Boots and gauntlets are still the steel-armor things - you could try to remove them aswell, but i heard that removing her entire standard armor causes her to get it back every time you change the location. You could also try a mod to get rid of her standard armor, for example this one: http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/downloads/file.php?id=1726 Worked for me.
  3. The setnpcweight command solves the problem for a short time - but when you restart the game, the bug is back again... At least I can see my NPC with its true colors, thanks Gomu.
  4. Also got that Problem. ( http://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/555923-ck-character-creation-body-and-face-color-mismatch/ ) Well as you said: good to see that we are not the only ones - it seems to be a general bug with the creation kit, hopefully they'll fix that soon.
  5. Well, thats a great step forward, thanks for that Jupitus! But still, good to know that it is a bug, not a mistake i made - hopefully bethesda is going to fix that soon... Till then i can improve my npc-manipulation skills with existing npcs, should be helpful anyway :) thanks.
  6. Hey everyone, First of all, i am somewhat new to modding in the elder scrolls, but already did a lot tutorials in the bethesda modding wiki - so i know how to create characters and already did it before. I also know, that there is already a topic about a similir issue, but that one did not happen during modding, but for any other reason. My problem is that, for some reason all new created characters (even if i just copy existing ones) have darker faces than bodys (looks like if the interpolation value in the editors "character gen parts"-tab is set to 0) - it simply doesnt match their normal skin colour. It ocurred sometime last night, while doing a quest tutorial from the bethesda-site - when i tried to create a new character the very first time, without any tutorials, the error did not occur. http://img15.imageshack.us/img15/2121/clonebw.jpg I have the following mods installed: - CBBE - Female press out the wrinkles and forehead - Freckles for females But though it seemed to work with the mods enabled before - and though i already disabled and deinstalled them all, just to make sure - they dont seem to be a problem. Thinks i did so far: - deinstalling all mods - Updating Skyrim (well, steam just wanted me to..) - copying an existing character without any changes It all didnt work. Hopefully a more experienced modder can help me with that.. cant wait to have my new characters ingame :P Thanks.
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