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Everything posted by AntediluvianSeraph

  1. I fear they won't give up just like that, it's common practice to pass a small law in the dark corners of bills here and there.. I wonder why they kept shouting about SOPA and PIPA in the first place.
  2. I'm doing as best as I can to hold back any form of criticism for Bethesda's recent behavior, mainly because there is a chance that, after these slight delays, we'll get something really good. If we do, I guess it will be worth it. If we don't, well, that's a different story.. Beta patches are a bit welcome for now, since I'm holding back on SKSE and most mods who might experience problems with the new patches. :sweat:
  3. Well I'm not really anticipating the CK with maximum eagerness, it's the mods that come after its release that have me drooling over. All these overhauls and realism mods that will come out a week or two after, ah, but a new playthrough will be required for these!
  4. I too would really like to see a hardcore mod like the one in FONV when the Creation Kit comes out. However, It might be a bit more challenging, even if they use the same system (with the bars filling as you go hungrier/thirstier). What I was thinking was the implementation of thirst in the mod. In Fallout, there were plenty of drink sources from where you could drink (even urinals, ugh). In Skyrim, there are a few lakes and rivers, but adding a drinking option when near or in them could be tricky.
  5. I haven't played mw3 but from what I hear it's not that different from the previous Modern Warfare installments. I did buy Battlefield 3 mainly because I played the Battlefield series before and I knew what I'd get. Well, I think MW3 is more about close quarter action whereas in BF3 the maps are pretty large, and there are vehicles so you can actually be a little tactical in a fight. MW3 is more action and constant pew-pew. I'm not saying that's bad, but it's not really my type. If I had to choose, I choose BF3.
  6. 9/10 modded, 8/10 without being modded I really think highly of the mods, because whenever i can come up with X that bothers me in Skyrim (or its absence bothers me) there's always a mod fixing it (or adding it).
  7. Anyone who is familiar with the term 'valve time' should understand what this is all about. I don't think I'm going to blame only Bethesda for waiting until the very end of the month for the release of the CK. :P Do you think Valve has something to do with this, releasing it at the last second (if it's released within the next two days)? Edit: I read somewhere that the release has been moved to February (though I didn't see that news on Bethblog or one of the developers' tweets'). That reminds me of a certain 'christmas 2007' release that is still on hold. Perhaps they'll be a little more forgiving with CK.
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