So the "New" way to invalidate the archive by adding bInvalidateOlderFiles=1 in the fallout4.ini or fallout4custom.ini and adding to the custom ini with nothing after/removing lines for sResourceDataDirsFinal= causes my game to not start at all with a black screen, however the older way by just adding STRINGS\, TEXTURES\, MUSIC\, SOUND\, INTERFACE\, MESHES\, PROGRAMS\, MATERIALS\, LODSETTINGS\, VIS\, MISC\, SCRIPTS\, SHADERSFX\ to the end of sResourceDataDirsFinal= causes my game to work with the textures and everything else from mods to be loaded correctly. I'm not sure what could be causing this, if it would be a third party program or a mod, I don't know. But for some reason the new more efficient way of enabling mods just breaks fallout all together for some reason and I'm not sure as to why.