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About VaanicOne

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  1. Corprus Monsters. Especially the ones in that abandoned Redoran Mansion.
  2. Chancellor Ocato. He wasn't fit for the job he had.
  3. Correction, the aforementioned person, namely Vaanic~One, Mosly Absent Staff Member of TESSource, Forum Member of the Official TES forums, the TIL storyboard, Chorrol.com forums (among others), Player of EVE Online, TES3 Morrowind, and TES4 Oblivion, College student, Rugby Player, Photographer, intellectual psychopath, etc etc etc, did in fact not state he liked those forums. I stated that I like the Final Fantasy series of games, and am therefore, by decree of His Imperial Majesty, Lord of all Gamingsource and associated sites, things, people, animals, planets, solar systems, galaxies, universes, and dogs, Dark0ne: hereby a complete and utter queer. A statement that I refute! As for liking those gaia forum whowhatsits...I'd rather shag a dead horse.
  4. I disagree! [mindless babble] Now, debate those points for precisely 1000000 pages.
  5. Wouldn't that make us as queer as they are?
  6. He never said you were gay, just queer. In the 21st century, these are taken to mean the same thing.
  7. Well Vaanic, I'm not saying you're queer exactly, just that one of us two is queer, and it isn't me ;) :o You're mean, but I'm not gay!
  8. I guess that's why you're not a moderator, then. Great. Why is it the things that I Like that always have to queer, eh? Yeah. Lots and lots of queer people around these days.
  9. 17. Thats right, you heard. No lich powers, no necromancy, no ancient hidden wizardy. Just 17. ... .... ...and 2 months.
  10. You have to be a "member" to view those pics, apparentley. Oh, and could someone either size down or change the other images into hyperlinks please? They are WAY too big.
  11. Well yes, how else would I have found out? I also know the reason why it has stopped working for me, so it's no biggie.
  12. Karkarinus, Your Itsy-bitsy userbar sig thing is the friend of forum peoples everywhere! Anyway, since Oblivion refuses to play on my PC anymore and my Morrowind CD got EATEN by it, I've decided to stop resisting the temptations and I'm going to reactivate my EVE account. So there.
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