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Everything posted by ExoArchivist

  1. Oh wow, thanks a ton you all, this is all super helpful and interesting and I'm very very grateful.
  2. I'm working on at least the beginnings of a mod that I think should be pretty straightforward. There is, however, one perhaps... not-so-straightforward feature I'd like to add and I'm a bit out of my depth. In essence, however, I'd like to be able to write a script that uses the time passed fast traveling as a value or variable of sorts. I'm just not sure how fast traveling is calculated or if such a thing is even possible. To provide better context for what I'm trying to do, I'm working on a minor gameplay + immersion stamina overhaul and I'd like to take hours spent fast traveling and use that as a modifier to deplete the player's stamina. For example purposes, let's just say for every hour passed fast traveling, the player takes a 10 point hit to stamina. I've never poked around with this level of inner-workings of the game, however, so I'm not sure if this is even really feasible, but if anyone's got suggestions or anything that might help me I'm all ears. Cheers, Exo
  3. So I've begun a modding project that's quickly gotten beyond what I can reasonably accomplish on my own in scope and scale, so I've decided to open it up to the community, as I feel not only will it go quicker and actually reach its goals, but end up being of a higher quality than if I just did it alone. Many minds and all that. Here's the basic premise: A new NPC at the Bard's College in Solitude will attempt to restore the ruined books you find in ruins and whatnot (not the burned books, however), for a small fee of course. These will be all new texts, some complete, some fragmentary, dating primarily from the early First Era, and shedding light on the Nords who lived at that time and whose tombs and catacombs you spend an inordinate amount of time in. Some of these books will be skill books, and all will be worth more than the initial investment in having them restored (though there is a chance of a book being in too poor quality to restore) so the player can always sell them for profit. There's some possible additional functionality I've got in mind too, but the main thing is the books. I'm not making this to provide the player a new way to make money and skill books, however, I'm making this for player like me, who read the books you find in-game and take great pleasure in it. So here's the deal: I've got a substantial amount of the mod's basics planned out and I realized to really do it proper, at least in my mind, would require nearly 70,000 words of new material being written. You can see why I need help. Thus, I'm looking for writers to help with the workload. I'm not too picky but the following are traits that give you bonus points: - Familiarity with Elder Scrolls lore - Experience with world building and/or conlanging - Knowledge of Dovahzul - Interest or background in real world history and/or anthropology If you're at all interested, reply here and we can talk details. Also it's worth noting that while this post got long winded, it's still just a brief overview of what I've got in mind. Thanks, Exo EDIT: Also worth mentioning is you aren't required to commit to anything, there's no minimum amount of work you're required to do, etc.
  4. Admittedly, the "memorial" of sorts I made for Skyrim SE was for my old cat who had passed away, and the two don't really compare. That said, while I'm not master of modding, I'd like to at least try to help make this a reality for you. I'd like to give it all I've got, really try to do your mother proud in a way that means something to you, and hopefully to her. I'm terribly sorry for your loss, friend, but I'm willing to do what I can to help here. If you're interested, please let me know. I'll gladly work out the details in a more... private setting than this, if you wish.
  5. So first off I'm rather new to making custom weapon enchantments/effects, and second off I'm not sure if something like this is even really possible, but I've got an idea for a unique weapon as a quest reward for a little project I'm working on and I'm wondering if it's possible, and if so, how best to go about doing it. Basically I've yet to work out the exact mechanics but we'll use a damage bonus as an example. I'd like, in this instance, for the weapon to do additional damage equal to the number of septims the target NPC has in their inventory. For example the weapon has, say, 40 base damage. The player hits an NPC with 81 septims in their (the NPC's) inventory. Thus the weapon hits for a total of 121 damage. Thanks for any possible help!
  6. Here's the deal: I'm... an amateur mod maker currently stuck with a pretty lacking computer that can only just about run the game the CK barely. However, I'm a published and award winning author, a historian, anthropologist, and even have first hand experience in archaeology. Bear with me, that will come into play in a moment. Also I have had an idea for a modding project. While there's a chance I could pull this off on my own, I'd rather see it done right, see it done well, and let someone else take most of the credit. Vivid and Immersive City OutSkirts Or, as I like to call it, Project VICOS. The name mainly comes from the Latin word vicus, literally meaning "settlement, neighborhood, or borough", but which in a historical and archaeological context, at least in Britain, refers to the area of civilian settlement that virtually always sprung up outside the walls of Roman forts. This type of settlement didn't just exist around Roman forts, however, and it's always bothered me that there's virtually no settlement spilling out beyond the walls of any of the major cities in Skyrim, so this mod would aim to fix that. I've already got in mind having a semi-substantial vicus area outside the walls of Solitude, Riften, Markarth, Whiterun, Windhelm, and possibly Ravenrock (specifically to the west of it), with fairly minor vicus areas added to the other cities (probably no more than 3 buildings or so). All told I've done a fair bit of planning already and have a lot of things in mind if someone or several someones wanted to work with me, but it's more important to me that the idea gets out there, regardless of if I've got anything to do with the finished product. If you'd either like to adopt this project for yourself or work with me, please let me know!
  7. Hey thanks for your support! That by itself just means the world to me. Also the bit about Ulfric being tied to the Greybeards can be found in in-game dialogue primarily. You can read more about it here.
  8. Meet the Character Like the bard Talsgar the Wanderer, Master Brand so too is a wanderer. He is the sixth Greybeard (counting Paarthurnax), though the others do not speak of him. In fact, to their minds he has been stripped of the title of Master, though he insists on using it. Still a strange bond of brotherhood exists and they cannot abandon him entirely, nor can he abandon them, so a compromise was made. He would go out into the world as the herald of the Greybeards, securing both supplies and information for them. Thus he became known as the Zul do Lein, the Voice of the World. But he also has an ulterior motive, and its source is also the source of the falling out between him and the other Greybeards. For much of his life he followed the Way of the Voice and the teachings of Kyne, but over time came more to revere Talos as the ultimate example of the inherent power within Man, a power he believes can be best unlocked via Shouts. This was tolerated for a short time, but then when his appointed pupil and ward, Ulfric Stormcloak, broke with the Greybeards and went to war, all the blame was placed on Brand and he was cast out, though he strongly disagreed with Ulfric. He now preaches and altered Way of the Voice centered on Talos and Talos Worship, obviously making him an enemy of the Empire and especially the Thalmor. Still, he has always managed to evade capture and numerous assassination attempts. Surprisingly, he quite vocally condemns Ulfric, his actions, and his followers, but also has quite a thing or two to say about the Empire and especially the Thalmor. To say he has a bit more personality than the other Greybeards would be an understatement. He’s simply bursting with personality. He’s clever, mischievous, wily, witty, and can even be crude and brash at times, but above all he’s world-wise. Game Integration Master Brand wanders much in the same was Talsgar does, and can be encountered both on the road and both preaching and collecting alms for the Greybeards in various villages from the start of the game. The player can ask him about his philosophy, but that’s it. It’s only after the player is recognized as the Dragonborn and tasked with retrieving the Horn of Jurgen Windcaller that Brand becomes an available follower. In fact, upon leaving High Hrothgar, even if fast traveling to some other location, the player will be immediately approached by Brand (and likely some certain cultists as well). Master Brand will strongly offer his assistance, implying it could prove invaluable and that he is there at behest of the Greybeards. Assuming the player accepts, Brand becomes a follower running off his own custom framework, thus not taking up companion slots and allowing for greater flexibility. Brand wears a modified version of the standard Greybeard robes which are more ragged, patched in places, and slightly up-armored into light armor. This is his default outfit. He wields a Nordic (not Ancient Nordic/Draugr) dagger in one hand and a spell in the other. Brand is skilled in Stealth, One-Handed, Light Armor, Alteration, and Restoration, with a selection of appropriate spells. In addition, he will not set off traps. Finally, in addition to all this he is capable of using somewhere along the lines of 2-6 Shouts (either one or two word only, using pre-existing shouts but revoiced for Brand). Master Brand levels to 0.8 Player Level. Possible other features include a way to find him on the map, summon him, horse riding functionality, and the ability to set his “home”. Features Unlike most other follower mods, Master Brand will have no straightforward main quest involved. This, instead, will be replaced by two other features. The first feature is certain events in the game, usually major choices made by the player, the start or completion of certain quests, or similar things will trigger small to medium sized “side quests” given by Brand. There will be about five of these in total. Second, Brand will have a custom disposition system that will work similarly to that of the main companions in Fallout 4. Certain actions, usually choices made in dialogue with him, but certain other major choices in the game will affect his disposition. The repercussions of it getting too low are still undecided but if the player manages to reach its maximum, they’ll get some kind of Shout-related permanent bonus. Also as certain disposition thresholds are met, new conversations with Brand will become available. Goals & Expectations Master Brand is not meant to be the new Inigo or what have you. He’ll have dialogue, commentary, etc. but I do not see him having thousands of lines of dialogue. He will, however, be unique. He’ll be bridging the gap between the more fleshed out default vanilla game followers (Mjoll comes to mind) and the major companion mod followers (Inigo, Lucien, etc.) This will be, by far, the biggest mod I’ve ever done, even with help, and I frankly don’t know what to expect, so I’m willing to be rather flexible with just how much there is to Brand. What Makes Master Brand Unique I’m certain everyone believes their mod is totally unique and special, and I’m sure I’m biased, but in all my experience there’s a few things Brand would have that I’ve not seen before, or have seen very little of.- Non-linear “personal quest”.- Actual opinions, good or bad, on a variety of things including player choices and actions.- Permanent consequences (good or bad) for what you say and do. What I Can Do, What You Can Do While I’m no novice to modding, I’m by no means an old hand, let alone a master when it comes to a variety of things such as scripting, creating dialogue trees, etc. In fact, I’m woefully in over my head, but I’m passionate enough about the idea, driven enough, and probably just plain hardheaded enough I’m determined to see it through. Realistically I figure I can just about create the basis for the custom framework needed as well as basic dialogue, probably the basics of some of the “side quests”, and a number of other bits and bobs. I’d have to experiment with my own voice a bit, but I might also be able to voice Brand, though I’d prefer not to. So I’m reaching out here. I’ll take any help I can get, but I’m really looking for full-time partners. I’m hoping to find people who can do what I can’t who are willing to work on equal footing with me from start to finish on this, providing whatever help and expertise they can.
  9. I'm working on updating an old mod of mind for re-release for SSE and I wanted to have a crafting recipe that was before just available from the start unlocked only after reading a certain unique book. I'm fairly new to scripting so I figured I'd ask for help here. Thanks!
  10. I can probably pull this off for you. Do you need it ported to any console or anything?
  11. Just thought this would be a good simple mod for a laugh. Basically duplicate bonemold armor with a really simple retex: just turn it white, and if possible somehow bump up the contrast a bit, make that rough texture even more granular looking, possibly increase glow as well. Now it looks, well, salty. For extra laughs rename it something like "Salty Helmet", "Salty Cuirass", etc. No need to add it to leveled lists, just make it craftable. Same recipe as bonemold armor except replace the bonemeal component with an equal amount of salt piles. Special bonus points: Add a basic NPC to the Retching Netch wearing a full suit of the stuff who sells a load of salt piles. Just use basic dialogue, etc. Name him Salty Pete. Preferably a male redguard. This is an in-joke sort of but hey, I might as well throw it out there.
  12. Despite currently limited modding capability due to my main computer's untimely death, I've come up with a mod I could in fact still do, though some help might well be appreciated. I'm just not sure if this is something that would appeal to anyone but myself. Even if that is the case I doubt it will stop me, but I'd still be curious to know who would be interested in such a mod (and if anyone would be interested in helping out.) Overview: The aim of the mod would be to add a wealth of written material the player can find or otherwise acquire to the game ostensibly written and/or belonging to a multitude of pre-existing NPCs (mainly named ones) in the form of journals, notes, letters, etc. The goal here would be to add further depth to as many characters as possible, especially when it comes to interpersonal relationships and backstory. Additionally, perhaps to inject some humor into the game as well. General Plan: Even if all the writing is kept fairly short, the sheer amount of planning, writing, editing, and integration could mean a complete version of this mod, to the extent I envision, would take quite a while. Thus I'm considering breaking it up in some manner and regularly updating it with the latest additions. I plan to cover all DLC as well, increasing the scale and scope. Additional Thoughts: Hiding a fair amount of things of a secretive nature. Dynamically appearing content (in essence the player's actions and in-game events can cause additional content to appear). Unmarked scavenger hunt style quests.
  13. Hello, I'm a long time TES modder, published and award winning sci-fi & fantasy author, and a host of other things. But let me get straight to the point. I've always loved the in-game books in the TES games (well not just the books, the notes too, all of that really). It's given me great pleasure reading them and I like how it gives players the opportunity to dive deeper into the lore or not at their discretion. Now as much as I'd love to be working on my own mod ideas, my desktop recently died on me and I currently can't afford to replace it. This means I'm stuck with my laptop which can run the creation kit and SSE... but only BARELY. Not well enough for me to do any serious modding of my own. So I'm throwing this offer out there. If anyone is working on a modding project you think could be enhanced by some custom books (or notes, correspondence, etc.) written by someone who knows their stuff (in terms of writing, lore, and coming up with non-canonical lore), I'd love to help out! Here's hoping, - Exo
  14. So I'm working on a custom follower mod for a friend and long story short I have a couple pretty specific questions. First (and most importantly), is there any way to get a human follower to basically use the dog follower dialogue menu? Eventually I plan to create custom dialogue for this follower but that will make a good enough placeholder for what I have in mind. Second, how can I make this follower not take up a follower slot? Finally, how can I keep a follower from equipping any gear given to them, no matter how much better it is than what they are currently equipped with, and keep the player from being able to access their currently equipped gear? Thanks!
  15. Hey everyone. A few friends convinced me to put this out there. I've got too many mods I'm working on to do anything involving this myself but I thought I'd throw this out there in case anyone could make use of my talent. Now I'm not gonna say I'm a professional, as I've never worked for any professional projects or been paid for my work, but I've been doing voice acting for mods and things as well as voice over work, narration, podcasts, and even some audiobook-type stuff for... well, over a decade. I've got a pretty nice home studio setup as well. Now if you just need a male voice actor, I'd be glad to do it, but I do have one special talent. I can do a pretty spot on impression of the sort of "original" Male Dunmer voice from TES III: Morrowind, as voiced by Jeff Baker. So if you're looking to add a little bit of Morrowind into your Skyrim mod, I'm one way of doing that. Here's a sample (not studio quality, sorry, just threw this together real fast to give you a rough idea) of me repeating some of the common lines you hear throughout Morrowind: [LINK] (Ignore the rest of my soundcloud, all just personal music project junk.)
  16. Alright, you've all got some excellent points. Thanks!
  17. So I'm taking on my first... well... it's virtually a mod that's nothing but scripting and I've got some experience but not a huge amount and I want to do this myself. I'm trying to be as self reliant as possible, but I already have some questions and I know I'll have lots of further ones, some rather broad and simple, but mostly about minutiae. I figure instead of posting thread after thread here, well, I was hoping to find someone willing to field my questions or even help out with some aspects of the mod. I'm really hoping I can find someone. Thanks, Exo
  18. Just a quick kind of two-part question. I'm working on a scripting project and I've got a custom sound I want to add in that plays for the player only from... no specific direction really, can't be heard by NPCs, etc. Just like the level up sound. I'm using this as a notification for the player. 1) I've got the event trigger setup basically, I just need help scripting the sound playing. Suggestions? 2) What file path (i.e.) where in the Data folder should I put the sound file itself or does it really matter? Thanks!
  19. I've got an idea for a mod but I want to check if this is something people would be interested in first as the way I've got it mapped out currently would... take some doing and might require me to recruit a few others to help out. Synopsis: Basically it's a treasure/scavenger hunt. You pick up a pretty hard to miss clue shortly after you exit vault 111 (or whenever, if you aren't starting a new game). This starts a quest where you follow a clue to find another and so on and so forth until you find the final reward (something pretty major and custom made for the mod, haven't quite decided what yet, however.) Along the way you reveal an in-depth story with even deeper implications, introducing a new faction that doesn't precisely appear in-game. You also get a glimpse into the history of the Commonwealth since the bombs dropped and some insight into a couple other things. Other features: Toggle quest markers. If you're struggling with a certain clue or just aren't one for puzzles, you can just have your map point you to the next one, but by default this is off. Possible other features: Commentary, notes, and further backstory unlocked upon quest completion. So I guess I've go two questions: Would this interest anyone? What part of this would interest you the most? ADDENDUM: To give you a little more information, while the storyline and whatnot isn't entirely fleshed out yet, I can give you a general idea of what it involves. Really, the whole thing was inspired by P.A.M. The idea that pre-war it was possible to somewhat predict the future. Now ostensibly P.A.M. was created by and used by the U.S. military. This might hint otherwise, not sure, but if they could do it so could someone else. And maybe they weren't the first. So enter the Charters, a shadow organization capable of a certain level of prediction of the future who have been around for a while even by 2077. Their goal is simple: preserve mankind and guide them down the best path possible. (What is best is the subject of some debate, of course.) The story follows one of their agents from just after the bombs dropped, through the process of becoming a ghoul, and for most of the last 200+ years of the Commonwealth, still carrying out the Charters' orders.
  20. Adding you now. Discord name is the same as my username here.
  21. I could use some quick help here. As a quest starter, I'd like to have the courier deliver a letter to the player (and by reading the letter the quest starts). I just have no idea how to do this. I also need it to be only once the player reaches a certain level, let's say... level 5. Can anyone help me out? Thanks!
  22. So before I begin I just want to say that this is a mod that far surpasses my own abilities to make in a lot of respects but which I would still very much like to have a hand in making as I've, as you'll see, already got it somewhat fleshed out and I've become... well, you could say attached. Anyways. The simple version is a mod where the player character is approached by a biographer after one or more of a number different triggers are tripped through progression of various quest lines or possibly just by level (though, while simpler, I'd prefer to avoid for various reasons). Despite the name, I wouldn't want it linked directly to the main quest line due to a lot of players not playing it when role playing a character as not Dragonborn. This biographer, Therjar, Archivist of the Bard's College, knows all about the player's doing in-game and has already written that part, but it's the player character's life before all that which interests him. The player can then answer a series of questions about their life leading up to the start of the game. Each answer will permanently boost a skill by a certain amount, or boost health/stamina/magicka, others might grant permanent unique "perks". Basically this allows the player to let their character's backstory shape their character. Optionally, it would also be interesting and fun I think if the player received a copy of the final book and copies of it appeared throughout the world. The contents of the book would be dynamic reflect the player's answers to the questions and their progression and accomplishments in certain things up to that point in the game. I've got more details and ideas, but first I want to see if anyone would even be interested in taking this on.
  23. I vaguely recall seeing some talk about something like this existing years ago so forgive me if it does but I went searching and couldn't find anything that really fit what I was looking for. There's plenty of skin replacers out there for female characters to make them prettier. I guess you could say I'm looking for the opposite. This is Skyrim. This is supposed to be a harsh and unforgiving land. Most NPCs I'd say live pretty rough lives compared to any of us. There's nothing pretty about it. All I'm looking for is a skin replacer for the vanilla skin that reflects that. I'd gladly be willing to do what I can to help out and better define what I'm looking for (I'm a digital artist among other things so I can kind of "show" you what I'd like). But mainly I'm looking for a slight increase in muscle tone and mass, maybe (though this might be hard) a small addition to body fat, and a rougher texture to the skin. Maybe dirty hands, maybe some hair here and there. But nothing too over the top. I'm not looking for Xena: Warrior Princess, more... hardworking bedraggled peasant. Yes I know it'll affect ALL NPCs and the player character so even Elisif will have dirty hands or what have you but I can live with that.
  24. Alright, so some close friends and I had an idea for a possible mod project that... we realize would be rather large in scale. There's four of us, currently, each with a moderate amount of both modding and programming experience in a multitude of different environments, but this would still be the first time any of us has made a mod for a game even similar to this, so we'd be learning as we go and as such, I figured I might first ask if what we're considering doing is... even doable, and if so, can we really expect to be able to do it without any very similar prior experience? Now, forgive me if I'm a little cagey in some regards, we just don't want to be attacked for doing something many may see as unnecessary, or dislike, but that we all have our own personal reasons for wanting to do. (Hopefully if/when we can announce and release it we'll be able to have a good enough mod to show for it and be able to say "like the game without this mod? fine! don't use this mod!" and everything will be fine). But basically we want to... not entirely rewrite, but rewrite a fair amount of one of the main companions. Specifically, the initial recruitment scene/dialogue, the normal dialogue you get when speaking to them about non-quest related things, many scenes/dialogues involved in their companion quest, and their ending slides. There actually wouldn't be any change (at least that we can think of), to game mechanics or anything. Mainly it would just be changing a lot of text. The most complicated bits likely would be altering requirements for certain dialogue options, or adding personality modifiers or whatever you call them like [Passionate] or [stoic], and maybe some of the more complex dialogue trees. Oh I suppose we'd probably want to alter quest journal entries to a minor extent as well. Anyways. We're not looking at this right now from a workload standpoint, more of a "given that we'd be teaching ourselves as we go, can we realistically even hope to be able to do this" standpoint. I realize that may not be an easy question to answer, but I thought I'd ask.
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