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Posts posted by lunQancer

  1. I find that my game lags immensely when I have about 4000 items in my inventory when I am transporting my stuff to different houses (yes I am a hoarder!). This is due to my AMD CPU (naturally) so I was wondering if there is a solution for my problem ie. a summonable chest/player house/teleport-to-home spell that will help with storing my insane amount of items without affecting game performance. Is there a mod for this or would someone be able to teach me how to make this mod? I am willing to learn :P
  2. I think it should be a perk change.


    Get the two enchantments perk at maybe Enchantments at Enchantment level 50 and then four Enchantments at Enchantment level 100. One can take it even further and implement the +2 and +4 Enchantments into the game so that NPCs, enemies, etc also benefit from it. Thus the game will not be unbalanced.

  3. You can exploit the dragon attacks though... Up skills and gain loot (ie. dragon bones). I wouldn't get this mod as I make use of the Dragon Souls to Perks mod. Trade dragon souls for perks. Sorry don't have the link on hand. Just google "DSP mode skyrim nexus" if you are interested.
  4. The mods that have come out for Skyrim are really really amazing, and so I take my hat off to the modders! :)

    I was wondering the other day if it would be possible for a bunch of anime fans who are modders to pool their talents and create an anime mod!

    Namely Naruto Shippuden (ie. shinobi clothes, sandles, spells - rasengan, chidori, etc).


    I really think this would make for an amazing mod! Hope the community and the modders think so too :"D

  5. I was thinking the other night that a mod needs to be made where you can set how many perks you would like to receive (maybe using a .exe or something?) so that when you level up you have more than 1 perk to allocate. Maybe it should be capped at 5? Or infinite for the players who wish to enjoy a 'God Mode' game.

    To me this would seem balanced (I want to receive 2-3 perks per level up).


    I would really love to see this mod added :D

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