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Everything posted by KeyC0de

  1. I suppose that this position is still available. I have a question. Why is working from the office at Exeter UK necessary? Thanks.
  2. In response to post #56813756. sorry. Mistake.
  3. So why don't you post how you did it, or just edit the guide posted on the Creation Kit official page? This site is free for editing by anyone with an account. It is completely community driven. That's too hard huh? I and other people looking to do this are not stupid. We just need PROPER INSTRUCTIONS. I realize i'm asking too much, sorry guys. And sorry if the caps scared you too.. So sorry..
  4. I can't get the Notepad++, or the sublime versions of papyrus plugins to work. Instructions are incomplete everywhere. Damn you guys. Dammit.
  5. Go to My Documents\My Games\Fallout 3\fallout.ini file and set bMultiThreadAudio=0 under the [Audio] section of the configuration file.
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