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Everything posted by FatalityGrogen

  1. I know it's late but for anyone wondering, it should be Game.Getplayer instead of Self. If you put Self in for example a quest script, it will try to play the sound at the location of the script (which does not exist in the game world).
  2. The open state in papyrus is not the same as in an open circuit. Open simply means on. Besides, i don't think the SetOpen() Function would work for a generator, it is for doors i believe. take a look at this https://www.creationkit.com/index.php?title=GetOpenState_-_ObjectReference
  3. Thanks for the insight, i'll try to work around this major roadblock that just limits what THEY can do when making their games.
  4. Thanks a bunch. The Actor Value i'm referring to is the Agility SPECIAL. While level up has an event associated with it which is OnStoryIncreaseLevel, an increase in a SPECIAL AV is only linked to a quest that just increases its value by one. Maybe i can work something out from there or use timers like you said (indeed nasty).
  5. Perk entries in CK dynamically consult Actor Values, which allows them to keep the function you are trying to execute up to date. Let's say i want to modify a perk entry with an actor value, the perk handles that and dynamically modifies the perk entry whenever the actor value changes. How does it do it? How can i do this with a script? I am currently trying to modify an actor value with another actor value via a script which in simple terms is ActorValue1 = ActorValue1 + ActorValue2. I want to dynamically change the result of this equation whenever ActorValue2 changes. Any ideas? https://www.creationkit.com/index.php?title=Perk_Entry_Point
  6. I suggest you take a look over at LL (Just google LL Skyrim)
  7. Do you want it to spawn staves indefinitely or just a staff that conjures itself?
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