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  1. fallout default.ini will replace both of your fallout and fallout prefs inis when you launch through steam, edit all 3 to be the same and make the two in your documents read only
  2. I installed the http://newvegas.nexusmods.com/mods/45505'>t6m body/equipment replacer, and after installing the nude meshes i have lines/creases on the character's body at various places, as seen here http://i.imgur.com/cyy5QVc.jpg am i loading two meshes or textures? i can't figure this out
  3. using claymay enb, no modifications nvidia gtx 660m 2gb vram, intel i5-3230m dual core 2.60 ghz, 8gb ram enbseries.ini enblocal.ini skyrimprefs.ini Loot log/load order screenshot of the issue http://imgur.com/j39m7sI i really like this preset, but it's so dark and the water is glowing for some reason. it's 11 am in this picture, same issue happens in the open world. interiors are proper brightness.
  4. at least one issue i found was for some reason, brigand dwemer armor from immerive armors was causing a ctd when equipped, upgrading fixed that. haven't had this happen again recently after optimizing textures a little more and updating my mods and enb, and patching skyre better.
  5. i'm not using the official high res dlc, do i still need that?
  6. that is a boss log, here's unrecognized http://pastebin.com/bhZKikjC
  7. here's a papyrus log http://pastebin.com/MpB54cj6 load order http://pastebin.com/0q7uw6Kx skyrim.ini http://pastebin.com/XBUe3C1R skyrimprefs.ini http://pastebin.com/n7aGXzAU enblocal.ini http://pastebin.com/xUZYwGFc system specs: nvidia gtx 660m, 2gb vram, 8gb ram, intel i5-3230m 2.6ghz using skyrim2k packs for textures, ssme set to default, enboost set to default for my video card, and a simple enb preset skse 1.6.16, newest skyrim on steam it last happened loading outside of high hrothgar, and trying to fast travel to windhelm stables or winterhold. i ctd'd when trying to travel to either location, even after waiting 1 - 2 ingame days. loaded up an earlier save in whiterun and had no issues in a two hour session of playing. this will happen every so often where i have to switch between saves to find one that works.
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