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Posts posted by JP0005

  1. Bethesda has released this Creation Kit with no manual.

    I want to know this:


    1.how to create a follower (that follows*), meaning where can i find a description of the factions and relationships ect that make this possible.

    1a. Are there any settings that together ruin an NPC mod?

    1b. How do I create a Vendor, that is follower, and regular.


    2. Where can I find a listing of existing NPC's using the Creation Kit...I would have assumed it was under Skyrim.esm, but I cant find Lydia...(I was hoping to use her as a model for characters in the future)


    3. How can I fix the Preview Window for Object Edit, its so thin I cant see what im making...


    I want to take a big s*** on Bethesda's Development team for releasing this without their manual, They HAVE to HAVE one, this is insane.


    hi i tried to make a shout but i can not unlock it with a dragonsoul, have i missed something?

  2. this is not a Hearthfire specific problem with UFO, it can also happen with Dawnguard.



    If you have UFO, disable it, dismiss follower and reenable UFO, that should fix it



    oke thanks, yea i have ufo, hmm, hope it will get updated, never had it with Dawnguard, ah well, think i will start over without mods soon.

  3. I've been checking around on YouTube and in loads of videos people don't get the Windstad charter, but everyone seems to be able to build the house. I'm gonna go on a mod purge and see if it is mod issues. I wouldn't have thought it was since I specifically uninstalled everything that wasn't a texture mod just for Hearthfire but I guess something might be affecting the cells around it.



    EDIT: Apparently it was a mod problem, I found one I missed. I still didn't get the charter though.



    uhuh, thanks for taking the time, i looked at it with the creation kit but there i see text on it like the other charters, maybe a scripting bug or something, we will soon know i think.

  4. Does anyone else get this?


    I didn't even get the charter in the first place.


    I added it with console, but when i read it, it was blank.


    So weird, please let me know if u have this.



    oke, i can build a house at Windstad, that is weird, different bugs for everybody (like always)

  5. Hi can anyone tell me how i can make an npc that is decapitated.


    Is it possibe to do this in the Creation Kit?


    I want to make a house with a room filled with decapitated bodies.



    thanks JP0005

  6. I Had Some Requests For Mods To Be Made Craftable.



    Now Here They Are:

    The Ghost Ring: http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/17385


    The Ghost Spell Book: http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/17386


    The Hammer Of The Gods: http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/17392


    The Space Hammer: http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/17403



    Sorry That It Took So Long, But I Have Other Projects Besides Skyrim Modding.


    Anyways Enjoy :smile:


    Cheers JP0005

  7. Hi everyone, i discovered something about ''containers'' like cabins, end tables, chests ect.


    When u make a new room or worldspace and want to place containers in them, u will have to give them ''a unique new ID'' before u change anything like what is in it.

    Because if u dont, the existing containers in the game will be changed.


    Like for example i have 2 chests, one on the left, and one on the right....

    I change the first one to (name of container) Left, and the other one to (name of container) right.

    And this is because otherwise the items of container left will also be in container right.

    It is also a very good idea to place the name of the room in the containers ID name, so u know what is what.

    And if u make another new worldspace or room in a new mod, then they wont collide.


    Like for example, i have a room called ''jackson farm basement'', then i want to have that name in the ID, or JFB for short.

    Then when i make another room in a different mod, like for example, ''breezehome basement'' and i use the same type of container like in the jackson farm basement.,

    i can use that again, and then name the container breezehome basement container (or something like that).


    Too keep it short, always have original ID names (the normal names dont matter) it is about the ID names, or codes, whatever u like to call it (Item codes if u want).

    And i repeat, NEVER CHANGE ANYTHING, before u made a copy of the original container.


    I hope this was helpful.


    Keep up the good work.


    Cheers JP0005

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