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Nexus Mods Profile

About AnderBloodraven

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Apprentice (3/14)



  1. ok I found what the problem was it was XP32 I fixed it downloading the joy of perspective
  2. like with an effect similiar to the Unrelenting Force shout fully charged?
  3. yep Unending bow comes to mind is a really cool mod, usefull if you whant to go with the Mystic Archer Buil
  4. Hello And thanks for at least looking at this, When I Started the new game as an archer i noticed that when switching to first person view my bow is tilted to the left side, like really to the left side, the animation mod tha i have in my mod list are the XP32 mod And the YY Animation replacer anyone kows what the problem? I tried to Disable them but the problem persist please let me know if i can resolve it without reinstalling everything.
  5. The trade off? Well, if you want an elemental shot you need a soul gem per arrow, example Lesser Soul gem- One arrows, Common-five arrows, Grand soul gem-10 arrows, Great soul gem-20 arrows and Black soul gem- 40 arrows.
  6. Downloaded the mod, works just fine, why dont you try to give it another lesser power, one that changes the elemental damage of the bow, for example when enchanting reaches LV 30 you gain Fire elemental arrows, at 40 you gain frost elemental arrows, and at 50 Shock elemental arrows
  7. Try Infused Equipment, You csn create weapon and armor with any kind of enchantment I use a combination of Bloodskal blade and spell breaker ward on a two handed dragonbone sword
  8. Hello! I'd Like to Know if I'm the only One (Probably no) That thinks that there aren't enough Anime Mod? Especially Weapons Mod, While I rarelly use them Some of the build that I play as need them, I'm Playing as King Arthur For Fate/Prototype, and While Imbued weapoon is a passable sumbstitute to a scripted attack at least I would Like to have a better sword to go with it. What do you all think? And could you suggest me some good mod?
  9. Hello there, I play as a Battlemage with conjured weapons, and while i can do an High amount of damage with the right enchantments it get boring loking at the same weapon for days at end so some one knows or can make a mod that hads more summonable weapons or something like that? Like An Elven sword with the Spectral look of a conjured sword or a totally new spell that summon an original weapon.
  10. If you use skyrim se i suggest thati you use Volkihar Knight armor modi and Vorador they are awersome
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