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  1. Holy crap. I searched that and there were no search results for it. How can there not be any flail mods? They are bad ass weapons.
  2. This... It's probably going to be next week, since they plan on releasing the new finished update this week.
  3. Correction, they said "beginning in January".
  4. Bethesda said they are "putting on some final touches, it's nearly ready" when someone asked them why the CK release date was changed again.
  5. Good news! Bethesda said the CK will be "much sooner" than 3 months.. Jesus christ.
  6. I wonder if bugthesda actually asked every gamer......how many would say the same thing to their faces....I sure would......no one gives a damm about this steam intergration Watch Out We Got A Badass Over Here Seriously, do you enjoy taking the time to capitalize the first letter of every single word in all of your sentences? Why?
  7. I'm just going to start out by saying... F*** this Steam integration. No doubt it's what's delaying the CK so much... And I think it would be giving too much credit to Bethesda to expect them to keep their word and at the very least, release it on the 31st.
  8. No. They stated that the patch would be released this week. It seems that patches have been released on Wednesday, that's next month. They also said that they will release CK after they've released the patch. So there you, there's already good reason to believe that they wont release the CK till sometime next month. But ignoring that. What are the chances that they will release the patch today? Slim to none. Let's say they release it tomorrow. They would then have to release the CK the very next day in order for it to still be 'in January.' What's the point in that? Why not just release the patch and the CK at the same time? How's that for logic? Still, I'll continue to wait until February 1st to bring out the torches and pitch forks. High hopes. =|
  9. Oh that's funny, as if faith even likes logic to be in the same room with it, let alone in the same sentence. Use your Faith = Don't use reason, just believe in it. Use your Logic = Don't just believe in it, reason it out. You must be gifted to hold two contradictory term in your head at once. You must be special to not be able to properly depict the two concepts when it's so easy, so for a little special cookie like you, I'll explain. Faith (in this instance) is to believe in Bethesda that they'll keep their word. Logic (in this instance) is to see that why wouldn't Bethesda keep their word when they have 3 days left, and they could easily save people worry by saying it now instead of the last day, were they not be able to finish it this month. This, instead of people rationalizing before February 1st has even come.
  10. Don't you guys think if they thought they weren't going to release it this month, they'd say so instead of waiting for the last day to come and say it? Have faith and be logical, you miserable pessimists.
  11. Well, they've said they are "close" to finishing up the CK for about a week now.. My guess is Update V1.4 = Tomorrow, CK = Tuesday
  12. http://forums.bethsoft.com/topic/1300556-skyrim-what-were-working-on/ Bottom post :3 edit: I apologize for not noticing the other update thread in this section, I don't mean to spam or give more reason for trolls to start up controversy.
  13. I think this is intentional and I wouldn't be complaining about it. If you're smithing and you create a bunch of iron daggers and become over encumbered, you can simply drop them all as one (if you want to use them to get enchanting up, which is what I do) and grab them; then move to a enchanting table while you have them in the air.
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