Oh that's funny, as if faith even likes logic to be in the same room with it, let alone in the same sentence. Use your Faith = Don't use reason, just believe in it. Use your Logic = Don't just believe in it, reason it out. You must be gifted to hold two contradictory term in your head at once. You must be special to not be able to properly depict the two concepts when it's so easy, so for a little special cookie like you, I'll explain. Faith (in this instance) is to believe in Bethesda that they'll keep their word. Logic (in this instance) is to see that why wouldn't Bethesda keep their word when they have 3 days left, and they could easily save people worry by saying it now instead of the last day, were they not be able to finish it this month. This, instead of people rationalizing before February 1st has even come.