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Posts posted by Luckylewis

  1. Quite an interesting idea. I would wonder how your band of mercenaries would perform in the smaller locations though, having so many followers in some of those tight caverns and caves may result in some quite irritating path finding. It's a shame it's not possible to make your AI follow you in some sort of formation though because I suspect they would all just group around you in a big blob if you stand still.


    Good concept though, I'd love to have a go at it and intervene in a Imperial/Stormcloak battle (through the warzones mod) taking place with my band of mercenaries. :P

  2. I'm sure it won't be long until you see a Rohan armour mod pop up. I've already seen some attempts at Gondorian armour, and there is a mod for Aragorn's ranger armour, not to mention that excellent LOTR weapons mod.
  3. I'd say the only shouts I only really use would be unrelenting force to blast people off mountains and the ice form shout to freeze things in comical positions. One time I froze a giant just as he hit the ground with his club and he rolled down a hill like a ball. :P
  4. Looks very intesting, I hope you can pull it off. I love islands, and I really hoped the northern coast of Skyrim was a little more interesting. Anyway, this far away island looks great, love the idea of building your own village and fending off a hostile native tribe.
  5. Skyrim was probably the first Elder Scrolls game where I really neglected the main questline. I got about half way through it and then just forgot about it. I then had other interests outside of Skyrim for a couple of months and realised I didn't even finish the MQ so I finished it rather quickly and started a new character when my interest in Skyrim was renewed.
  6. I had a quick look in the Skyrim creation kit and under the starting 'book' prefix (therefore excluding notes and such) there were 200+ books. Not sure about other titles in the series.
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