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Posts posted by UncleAlchy

  1. Currently I do not think there is a way. Skyedit does not have any scripting functions as of yet. The CK may be released soon and then your mod might be possible. However as of now I do not think it would be possible without scripting. :confused:


    Yeah, it sounds like it would depend on some scripted events. Assuming CK will make those easier... how? What scripting language?


    OH, and I forgot this one:


    III - get rid of the 4 "experimentor" perks because hey, people just look the info up online, and I'd have books filling that role anyhow. Instead, there would be the "Distilation" perks, which make it so the potions / poisons you make weigh less (.4 lbs for level 1,.3 lbs for level 2,.2 lbs for level 3). At the 4th level, you'd get 2 potions / poisons (each weighing .2 lbs) each time you make up a mix.

  2. I've got some ideas relating to alchemy and a bit of programming skill (I'm a professional web developer, w. php / mysql focus) that I'd like to put up as a mod, but have no idea what tools to use / where to start.


    I - Alchemy Workbench Storage Space

    Alchemy workbenches (at least certain styles, maybe a new variety) would be storage containers. The tricky part (I expect) is that when accessing such storage, you'd have the option to dump all your alchemy ingredients into it. Given that feature, its not strictly needed, but it would be nice if when using the workbench, you'd be able to use any of the ingredients stored there as if they were in your inventory. (Of course, you could just "take all" and then use the quick-dump feature when done.)


    II - Alchemy Ingredient Effects Books

    Books on sale / found that contain information about the effects of alchemy ingredients. Reading one would have the same effect as learning the ingredient through experimentation (IE, would update you alchemy interface), though ideally would not grant any experience (but could - whatever is less work).


    Any suggestions on how these ideas can be implemented?

  3. .I manage to go about 20 mins before I have to slaughter the whole village for entertainment then reload the save before I did it and carry on.


    Why can't I get into this game? I really really want to and this kind of era is exactly the type of stuff I've been interested in for half my life!!


    Seems fairly self answering; if senseless mass slaughter is entertaining to you, Skyrim likely won't hold your interest. There's games that make that play-style fun, but Skyrim ain't one of them.

  4. Want a telescopic zoom view? If you play on pc (which I assume is the case since you want a mod) the console command (~) "fov 15" does nicely. (You can use some number other than 15, obviously; anything under 30 or so gives decent zoom, anything under 10 tends to be overkill).

    Since its just a fov adjustment, you can still use all the normal controls (but will be seriously lacking in peripheral vision, so moving is rather tricky), I've used it to snipe people at long range WITHOUT the "Eagle Eye" perk, for example. Obviously you need to set fov back again when you are done; I normally run mine at fov 95, which is a lot wider than the default setting, and a bit wider than most folks like.

    Its also handy for doing super-close-up screen shots of stationary objects. You'd be surprised how good the stock textures look when you blow them up so (for example) a druegars head fills the entire screen.

  5. Request that I have no idea how to implement.


    EDIT / TLDR - looking for some way to dump the entire potion / ingredient / food categories into special containers (or even ALL containers) with a single click. Or even with a console command (batch file?)




    Basically I'd want alchemy benches (specifically the ones you purchase for your house, but its OK if it applies to all of the) to have built in / attached storage such that when you use the alchemy bench, everything in the storage is treated as being in your inventory (or is actually added to inventory, but then goes back in storage automagically when you stop using the bench). Because of how the interface works, the "storage" would probably have to be a separate object; perhaps putting the leg less alchemy bench on top of a fancy dresser would work?


    As an extra feature, the ability to dump ALL your "ingredients" into this storage with a single click would be pretty huge as well. In fact, simply having such a container located near your alchemy workbench would be 99% as good as the above idea, because you could grab everything from it (as with any container), go work on the alchemy bench, then go back to the container and dump all the ingredients. Since you wouldn't be walking far, it wouldn't matter how much weight you had.


    Hmm, and while at it, a container you could dump all your potions into with a single click would also be good. And one for food items in the kitchen, too!

  6. You know how that courier runs up to you and says "I've got a letter for you, your eyes only..." or something like that. The letter is always the same. Yeah, you are dragon born and you did a shout in this place, and I want to see you get stronger, go to this place and find the word wall. Sincerely, a friend.




    I thought it would probably have been Hadvar or Ralof, and I've yet to find any proof. So basically, who is it OR who do you think it is?


    Once you've retrieved the Horn of Jurgen Windcaller and followed up on the quest results, its pretty obvious who it is.




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