True, but a society which is completely based around beliefs of an actually present benevolent higher being is also rarely seen in games or even books. Plus, it is most likely that the morality of such a being, although good-willed, would still be different from what the author and his/her readers consider to be ethical. Moreover, if the being in question is truly superior to mortals, it cannot fully share their fears, hopes, and desires, because it is free from mortal limitations and needs. Even in real life people neuter or euthanize their pets despite loving them, and the difference between a human and a pet is far less than the difference between a mortal and a god. Don't get me wrong, I have nothing against the idea of a superior being who is kind and merciful. I only wanted to point out that most fiction writers substitute their own generalized opinions for actual (and inhuman) kindness thus robbing such characters of any depth.