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Everything posted by Hashar

  1. Does anyone know which rain mod is this? http://s8.postimg.org/lo7e4ssz5/RAIN.jpg
  2. True, but a society which is completely based around beliefs of an actually present benevolent higher being is also rarely seen in games or even books. Plus, it is most likely that the morality of such a being, although good-willed, would still be different from what the author and his/her readers consider to be ethical. Moreover, if the being in question is truly superior to mortals, it cannot fully share their fears, hopes, and desires, because it is free from mortal limitations and needs. Even in real life people neuter or euthanize their pets despite loving them, and the difference between a human and a pet is far less than the difference between a mortal and a god. Don't get me wrong, I have nothing against the idea of a superior being who is kind and merciful. I only wanted to point out that most fiction writers substitute their own generalized opinions for actual (and inhuman) kindness thus robbing such characters of any depth.
  3. There is only one way to meet the requirements of what is currently considered moral, yet there is an infinite number of ways to act against them. If a superior being fully complies with such a transient and biased thing as the contemporary moral standards, then this being is either strongly dependent on humans and their beliefs or described in a very primitive and shallow way. Usually it's the latter.
  4. I would personally recommend this mod for immersive vampire roleplaying- http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/24222/? . It has less features than Better Vampires and is less customizable, but in my opinion it conveys better the feeling of being a non-human being who manipulates and hunts living creatures in order to survive.
  5. "Duel - Combat Realism" did it for me. Of course, it comes with many other features included.
  6. As one of the people interested in your mod's success, I would really love to see no breasts on Argonian females.
  7. Would you mind sharing the final result? It looks really beautiful.
  8. This is a great idea indeed. I've been looking for a mod like this for quite some time. Good luck with your work.
  9. Since I'm no modder at all I can't help you with your work, but I wish you luck. It is one of the most interesting ideas for a vampire mod I've ever seen. /sorry for possible grammatical errors, English is not my native language.
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