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Nexus Mods Profile

About m0ckin9bird

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    Skyrim, Alice Madness Returns, Asssassin creed revelations, Catherine

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  1. Hello.Your Mod is very nice.May I translate your "TOMB RAIDER" into chinese and then put them on the website,"http://www.skycitizen.net/"?I will provide the links to the Nexus site and credit you as the original author. Thank you very much.
  2. Hi. Just added you. Hope you don't mind. Love Selina Kyle. Just wish her mask was removable. Awesome work tho. Massive kudos.
  3. birdie! what's up with your whatsapp? omgawd i made a rhyme! luv yaaa
  4. Are you by any chance a Slayer fan?
  5. Happy Valentine to you, or in Persian tongue, happy Sepandar Mzgan.
  6. omgawd that teddybear gif is soooo adowable! ^__^
  7. and I´m glad to see your real face away *thumbsup*
  8. I'm loving that new profile picture! :D
  9. I love your profile pic! You're so beautiful! :)
  10. I love you too sweetie!! *hugs*
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