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Posts posted by Serithi

  1. You've got your right to protest, but you also have just as much right to be able to drive to your destination without people illegally blocking the roads. If your protest is negatively affecting stuff (such as said road blockage, people rioting and looting a la the Michael Brown case), it's failed on every fundamental level.

  2. For the slightly tl;dr among you, the load order is, as its name suggests, the order in which your mods are loaded, with the one at the very top (which should be Skyrim.esm unless you've messed something up) loaded first, followed by the next one, which is followed by the next one, and so on. One thing this mainly has to do with is mod conflicts; in the case of two conflicting mods for example, the mod loaded after will overwrite the one before, so say you have two mods that edits a specific cell somewhere, perhaps one mod that adds a tree and one mod that instead adds a rock. If the rock mod is loaded after the tree mod, the rock mod will be the one that takes effect, overwriting the tree mod and placing a rock instead of the tree, and vice-versa if the tree mod is loaded after the rock mod.


    Conflicts will only overwrite the specific data that's conflicting, so the tree mod could add trees to two cells, and the rock mod will only overwrite the specific cell it adds a rock to. Hence why USKP and the like specifically tell you to load them as early as possible (namely, USKP after Skyrim.esm and Update.esm, the DLC patches after each respective DLC's, etc.), so that they can be overwritten by any conflicts later in the load order.


    The other part of load orders is, some mods depend upon other mods (for example, the unofficial DLC patches depend upon the respective DLC's being present and loaded before the patches). If a "master" mod (one that other mods depend upon) is loaded before the mods that use it, you end up with problems. The master mods must be loaded before the mods that use it.


    Finally, Wrye Bash can solve certain mod conflicts thanks to bashed patches, mainly leveled list conflicts so that both mods can be in effect at the same time (one mod gives bandits a certain weapon, another that gives them a certain armor, a bashed patch would allow them to have both the weapon and the armor at the same time instead of one mod overwriting the other).



    That turned into a little more of a wall of text than i anticipated, but still. :tongue:

  3. Sadly, unless you were to go and replace every single rock you feel is out of place with a new model that uses its own texture, which is a metric asston of work and would likely be incompatible with just about every exterior cell-modifying mod under the sun, this can't be done.

  4. There's Minty's Lightning Mod which adds lightning strikes (and they can be toggled for whether or not they deal damage or are harmless). Aside from that, Frostfall and Wet And Cold are the only mods i know of that have anything like those effects.

  5. Not really. Looting the dead has always been legal in TES, not to mention is always a thing during wartime IRL. I seriously doubt an Imperial quartermaster would care who the armor belonged to since they can get it reforged or smelted down anyway. When you're in a war, you can't afford to be picky about where your materials come from. Same for any other merchants and such, it's all materials to them.


    As for selling Thamor robes to Altmer merchants, so what? Not every Altmer is a Thalmor, you know. Some outright hate the Thalmor. Hell, even among the Thalmor not all of them are hardline zealots like you see in Skyrim.


    There is still some silliness, but between the two extremes of "all the stuff's legal" and "all the stuff's stolen", the former is a lot more realistic than the latter.


    And a middle ground of "the act of looting is illegal, but the loot itself is legal" is also difficult if not impossible to put in realistically, because how do you differentiate between a dude who was trying to kill you and a dude you just murdered? And what if there's no witnesses? You'd end up with situations where the kill was valid, but because in that one moment no-one was looking the looting ends up being illegal.

  6. There isn't just the Coverkhajiit face textures, there's also the body textures by FallenAngle that were made to go with Coverkhajiit. Male textures are here, female textures here.


    I'd say that and Coverkhajiit together is pretty much the best Khajiit texture set anyway, but that's just me personally. I do strongly agree the beast races need more love, though.

  7. Chanchan is technically correct about what 32bit systems use, but wrong in that it's an indicator the OP's using a 32bit system. Skyrim itself is only 32bit and can only use 4gb (really 3 1/2, for some reason) even if your actual system's 64bit. And somehow i doubt the OP got 16gb of RAM but not a 64bit OS to put it to use.


    However, SKSE and ENB are working on memory improvements for the game. Nothing they do can make the game use more than 4gb, but they can make massive improvements with only those 4gb because vanilla Skyrim's so damn inefficient with it normally. Check out the SKSE alpha and ENBoost, chances are they'll make a notable difference.

  8. d3d9 is part of DirectX 9, which mods like SweetFX and ENB use modified files of. You don't need the SweetFX d3d9 file, just download the regular file off the Microsoft website and place it there in the Skyrim folder. Don't worry if you have DX 10 or up, the d3d9 file will only be used by Skyrim (or whatever other game you put it in if it needs that file).

  9. And to be honest, while there is a visible difference between 60fps and, you know, above 60fps, it's only very minor and not worth the extra wear and tear on your rig and such to run at that higher framerate. Hell, even 30fps is just fine, you really only know 30's choppier if you look at it side-by-side with 60fps.

  10. Said thread also points out that there are indeed Dragons that look like Wyverns. Sure, the "classic" image of them is with 4 legs, but there's also the 2-legged variety like in Skyrim that aren't actually Wyverns.


    Besides, the Skyrim version makes a lot more sense biologically. Every extra limb you have is an extra limb you need blood flow to, uses up more energy, and so on. Why do you think mammals, lizards, birds etc. only have 4 limbs? Because it's efficient. The "Wyvern"-looking Dragons are like Pterodactyls and such, with their arms and wings being the same limb, keeping things efficient while still allowing them to move on the ground and fly in the air.

  11. Cross-game content is expressly forbidden, except for games that allow their stuff to be used (The Witcher 2, for example. CD Projekt made TW2's assets free for anyone to use, and you can find some mods that use that content). Since last i checked F3 and NV are still in that no-go category, while obviously there's nothing stopping you from using the lines for your own use, actually putting them up for download in any way will bring the hammer down on you.

  12. Don't rely on solely on BOSS (or LOOT, the newest version of BOSS) for your load order, it does sometimes get things wrong. Run it first to get most of the sorting done, then you manually comb through it to find any mess-ups.


    Now, first things first several of those mods you've listed don't even use .esp's or .esm's, so they won't even be in the load order, they're just loose files that replace (or can be replaced by) other loose files. For the ones that do have .esp's and .esm's, the ones you've listed (other than the unofficial patches, which i'll get to in a second) should work just anywhere in the load order, but again that's only talking about the ones you've listed. For the unofficial patches, keep them at the top of the load order, below the vanilla game's files obviously but still above everything else, with the Skyrim patch above the others since they rely on it to work.

  13. Hence why the Khajiit in Skyrim all complain about the cold, because they're used to desert and humid jungle. It might get freezing cold at night in the desert, but that doesn't mean everyone's all outside in said freezing cold.

  14. LOOT is the newest version of BOSS, so it shouldn't matter too much, but as Hya said it's also still in alpha so be aware. As a general rule of thumb though, you should never rely solely on BOSS or LOOT for setting your load order, because they can sometimes get stuff wrong. Run them at first to get most of the hard work done, and then manually comb through the load order to fix anything that's out of place.


    Just off a quick glance of your modlist, you can afford to remove ShowRaceMenuAlternative. ShowRaceMenu is only a single console command away, it's just a matter of finding a spot with decent lighting, which isn't too hard to do.

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