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Everything posted by Babri

  1. Bump. Has anyone else faced this bug?
  2. How about go to the place he is supposed to go. Then use prid <RefID> & then moveto player command. I am sure it would work that way.
  3. So my white phial refills, but once I use it, it completely disappears from my inventory (no empty version). I tried a mod called "White Phial realignment" to fix this by adding an empty white phial through console & then realigning it. But still after one usage, white phial completely disappears. I am currently playing with mods (unofficial patches + requiem + EFF + graphic mods mostly). Any idea how to overcome this issue?
  4. Hi everybody! I recently watched a video about Duel combat realism mod & really liked the mod. However I also like the perk changes ACE provides, as well as the different stances of fighting. So is it feasible to use both mods together without any crashes or unbalanced gameplay? If not, then what mod would you recommend for combat perk changes because vanilla Skyrim perks are pretty boring.
  5. I have the same issue. I have convenient horses & suddenly crash started. Never happened before even though I've been using horses from almost start. Any suggestions?
  6. I am using ACE combat skills with Dawnguard. The problem is that crafting arrows makes worn arrows. Is there any way to fix it so I make fresh arrows through forage. Also is there a way to remove this worn concept completely. I really like the rest of the mod but the worn arrows makes it unnecessarily complicated & inventory cluttered. Thanks!
  7. ACE combat skills sounds like a great mod.Just installed it. However it doesn't include Pickpocket & lockpick perk changes as well as any cooking changes. Would anyone suggest good mods for balancing them ?
  8. Have u installed the 3D texture DLC ? If so then try this :- www.skyrim.nexusmods.com/downloads/file.php?id=8236 I hope it helps. :)
  9. By mistake I fired it on Lydia & she turned into a demon like creature (don't remember its exact name) to fight for me & she killed my foes really fast in that form. :)
  10. I know but I just wanted to know what are the advantages/disadvantages of weapons in terms of how easily they can defeat different enemies. Personally I think Swords are better against numerous weak to moderate foes or fast attackers while Warhammer is good against heavly armoured foes & axes are good for slaying dragons, animals & unarmoured targets. Hmm... Probably depends on playstyle though. It is too gamey & stupid. Bugged & flawed mechanic in my opinion. Just started a thief player. I am focusing on pickpocketing & locpicking. I've started feeling that it is more about roleplaying than anything else. You may only find them in rare treasures then (I did) but still u can't improve them that well. So u need to invest in Light armour perks to get Steel plate which is quite odd. Thanks for the tip. You need that perk if u need to make the armour yourself & improve it greatly. U may find it in a treasure rarely (like I did) but I think that perk is out of place. Hmm... Good to know that. I hope someone just mods vampires then. Do u know about any mod that make vampires useful ?
  11. 1) Hmm... Ok. So what is the best use of swords then ? Multiple enemies of moderate strength ? And do Hammer armor bonus work against Draugr Overlords ? 5) I said that because to get Steel Plate Armour you have to go through light armour perks which is odd. I like Steel Plate because of it looks but Ebonic & Daedra are even more awesome. :P 7) That sounds resonable. Two daggers for stealth or a sword & shield for unexpected attack. More questions. (I am updating the OP) 8. What are the recommended magics for warriors & thiefs/assassins ? 9. How much do u value lightning attacks ? I feel that the good thing about them is that they are instant so they are great for long range but enemies have very HIGH magicka making it less useful for attacking mages.
  12. It has been a while since I am playing Skyrim. There were few things confusing me so I want them to be cleared up. Swords, axes & maces/hammers have critical bonus, bleeding damage & ignoring armour perks respectively. So what are they good against ? For example what is better at killing dragons, what is better at killing dragon priests or dragaur overlord & what works best against large number of weak opponents etc. I have heard that one-handed + shield is > two-handed. Is that true ? Is there a fix for that ? Smithing leveling is based on quantity rather than quality of things crafted which is rather dumb. Is there a mod to fix that. Similarly enchanting seems a bit broken. Is an Assassin build the same as a thief ? How useful do u consider it to put perks in lockpicking & pickpocketing ? The Steel Plate armour perk seems to be a bit out of place. Does somebody else feel that ? I am trying to be a thief/assassin type character in the next game. Would u recommend me to become a vampire to boost my sneaking & illusion skills ? For a thief/assassin should I go for dual wielding or a sword & shield ? What are the recommended magics for warriors & thiefs/assassins ? How much do u value lightning attacks ? I feel that the good thing about them is that they are instant so they are great for long range but enemies have very HIGH magicka making it less useful for attacking mages. Please answer these questions if u know the answer. I'll add more later on. :-)
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