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About LilJur

  1. Hmmmm... I don't really think that's it. It wouldn't make sense. If it was the Hightexture package, I would have had this problem much earlier and not 20 hours in the game. I'm starting to think it's related to "Even Better Quest Objectives". Because that's the only thing they had in common; a change in the quest objectives
  2. So I'm currently 23 hours in my save and I play with around 150 mods. I never had any problems before, except a few CTDs (probably because of memory). But lately I have been getting issues. Since a few hours I started to have problems when going to interior locations to exterior locations. And the problem is the famous infinite loading screen. Also, it always occurs when I completed a quest objective in said interior. So far it happend on these locations: - Driftshade Refuge, during the quest "Purity of Revenge". I kill all the Silver Hand, get the fragments and when I exit, infinite loading screen - Eldergleam Sanctuary, during the quest "The Blessings of Nature". I get the sap, kill all the spriggans and when I exit, infinite loading screen - Castle Volihar, after bringing home Serena with "Bloodline", becoming a vampire lord and starting the quest "The Bloodstone Chalice" Maybe something important, and where the problems seem to have started; I managed to exit Driftshade Refuge the very first time. I fast travelled to Whiterun, to continue the quest (the funeral). I ran towards Jorrvaskr. When I was in the cloud district, my game had a few lag spikes and CTDed. After that, I loaded up my save (which was just after retrieving the fragments, in Driftshade) and that's when the infinite loading when exiting started. I tried a couple of more time to load it and exiting. Same result. Than I tried loading other saves within Driftshade, same result. Than I tried the save from before entering Driftshade and ran the dungeon again. Same result. So I loaded up that save again and decided to leave it be and go on playing, and I could. Than I encountered the same issue in Eldergleam, where I tried the same. So I also loaded the save before entering and didn't enter again. I really want to be able to exit and finish all those quests... What could the problem be?
  3. I think there's a bit of a misunderstandig between you two. PeterMartyr, Projects579 was just pointing out that the link you posted was also in that thread, which he posted before. He wasn't implying you copied him, he was confirming that your link was the right one as I asked if he meant that one. Anyway, I have just deleted my CrashFixes, Bugfixes and ENB files. I'm not sure if that can actually do more harm but I was hoping that would actually solve it (since it started after I installed them) And it didn't. My game basicly crashed when I pressed "load". So if deleting those .ini files doesn't do more harm, my game was just messed up, maybe something wrong in the Skyrim.ini or skse.ini but all those were modified with settings that were advised for stability. We've been trying to solve this for days and it only seems to get more complicated. I really don't think it's worth it; my save was only 40 minutes, I just got to Whiterun. Because I wouldn't lose any substantial progress in my game, I decided it would be better to start all over again. So I uninstalled Skyrim, deleted all remaining files, saves and mods and reinstalled Skyrim. I didn't actually try running the game with the DirectX fix but I have installed it just now. Don't think it would have matter because as I stated, without all those files it crashed as well. You guys have been a great help and I think you for the time you took in solving this problem. To take care I won't encounter the same problems, can you guys give me any advise on how to properly start again so I won't have as much stability issues? Should I first try to install the CrashFixes and run the vanilla game for a bit? To see if it works properly? And is it advisable to use an ENB and ENBoost as a person with basic knowledge of modding? Also, what is the best and safest option; to install all mods at the beginning at the game? Or to start with the basic and essential mods for a new game (like FNIS, Cival War Overhaul, Skeletons and bodies,..) and add new mods over time (with clean saves of course) in small groups (like followers, player homes,...) Than I'll take these tips in account when I mod my game in 2 weeks (because in a fews days I'm on holiday)
  4. It worked fine before ENBoost, Crash fixes, bug fixes and any tweaks to the Skyrim.ini. It gave me the error with crash fixes, bug fixes and any tweaks to the skyrim.ini It crashed on load with the ENBoost I had before. With the ENBoost settings you gave me, it gives me the same error as with only the crash fixes, bug fixes and any tweaks to the skyrim.ini. Now while windows 10 has been giving me headaches ever since I installed it (like my internet driver still not working properly), this doesn't seem the source as without ENBoost but with the crash fixes I get the same error. With the ENB fix for win10, I assume you mean the DirectX End-User Runtimes (June 2010)? Because that's what google tells me when I google it.
  5. @PeterMartyr I wasn't trying to offend you or anything. You have helped me before and I know there are plenty of people who don't read. @Project579 The argument doesn't help As for the memory blocks log: this is what I got Hoping this makes more sense to you than to me ;p Is it a smart idea to just delete my ENBoost, crash and bug fixes to see if it runs properly without it (apart from the random CTDs of course)?
  6. @PeterMartyr What is it with the people on this forum always assuming we didn't read/do something? I always read the modpage when installing and when I encounter problems I also read the modpage to see if they say something about it. If that doesn't help me, I make a topic. I did read it... And applied it. @Project579 I think I made some progress. Your tutorial is actually the reason I'm in this situation. I experienced frequent and random CTDs. And you posted a part of this (without the enb part) in another topic. So I did as the tutorial says. But like I said, it was posted without the enb part. When I had the crash, it said I could fix it with ENBoost. So I installed ENBoost with this tutorial: And that's when my game crashed on loading. But that tutorials doesn't tell me to change AutodetectVideoMemorySizeNow I have and I made some progress. It doesn't crash instantly with ENBoost. But after a few minutes I still get the error.
  7. That guide also refers to using ENBoost but as I stated, when I used ENBoost my game crashed upon loading my savegame. Also, I'm fairly sure it's not the Papyrus thing I altered. Why? Because I didn't alter the Papyrus settings. Those are the default settings, which they also tell you to use in that guide
  8. Okay... So I was having some random CTDs. I read some other threads and stuff and they all suggested installing Crash fixes and Bug fixes. I installed them with the notes of what to enable/disabled and I also added some suggested tweaks to Skyrim.ini and I cleaned with TES5Edit. At first it seemed to help, my loadingtimes seemed to have decreased. But... When I play 1-2 minutes my game will crash with the following message http://i959.photobucket.com/albums/ae78/LilJur/crash_zpsj5oqchcp.jpg I tried everything: 1. ENboost actually made it worse; when I tried load my savegame it instantly CTDed 2. Did that, still the same 3. Not in ShowRaceMenu 4. Did that, still the same 5. Not in ShowRaceMenu So... Is it the tweaks in the Skyrim.ini that is causing this? This is currently what mine looks like My system: Windows 10 64-biti7-2700k 3,5Ghx (8CPUs)16GB RAM NVidia GeForce GTX 760
  9. It's fixed! I disabled SexLabFramework, than I de-installed FNIS Creatures and update the behavoir. After I loaded an early save so it would be clean and it seems fixed, so far.
  10. If you'd have read my previous replies, you'd have known that I use Mod Organiser and not NMM as I said my load order was created with the LOOT tool in MO. Also, I have never installed a mod manually. I have "Have MO manage archives" checked, so my Data folder in Skyrim itself is clean. When I go to "Mod Organizer---mods---Fores New Idles in Skyrim - creatures---Meshes---actors---giant" I have a folder "behavoirs" and "characters" Inside those folders there is only "giantbehavoir_TEMPLATE.txt" and "giantcharacter_default_TEMPLATE.txt". They are exactly the same as in the archive I downloaded. I don't know which mods I run that need it. After a search on "giant" I had the following mods coming up that had a "meshes---actors---giants" path: - Female Giant - XP32 Maximum Skeleton Extended - Realistic Ragdolls and Force - SexLabFramework v162 (as I stated in my previous post, I installed this yesterday evening and it actually fixed everything) I have FNIS creatures installed yes. I download everything from the nexus. Yesterday I downloaded SexLab framework from another site but as I said; it actually fixed the problem. But I'm going to disable it and do what you said, hoping it will fix the problem
  11. Alright, I fixed it it seems. Bit of a weird solution... After updating FNIS behavoir and loading all mods again, I loaded an earlier save. Most things worked fine. But still, the ones that were stuck (wolves, horses, giants) were still the same. And I found the most unusual fix. I installed SexLab and updated the FNIS behavoir again. It added 18 creature animations it said. And guess what? It's working fine again. But now I have a CTD every 10 minutes...
  12. I didn't remove FNIS, FNIS has been there from the beginning. Order of install; First FNIS, than Ragdolls, than XPMSE. I'm not sure about the giants skeleton. My load order is done automaticly by the built in LOOT tool of MO. I just updated FNIS behavoir and disabled the mods from after the save game. Humans are animated again but they have the same issue as the rest; they walk on the spot
  13. You did read my whole post right? Because all those mods are in my load order and I didn't have any issues until I installed new mods. On an update; just disabled all mods that I installed after said save. Now even my humans won't move
  14. Edit: Did some flying around. It's not only giants! I found wolves and horses with the same issue. Shortly after I found some elks that were animated but couldn't move (they'd just run on the spot). Same with mudcrabs and mammoths. Basicly, everything non-human I encountered. They were fine before my latest save. After saving, I installed about 30 new mods so I can narrow it down to those. Going to do some testing So I just started a new game after some modding. And... My giants aren't animated. They don't even float, as you hear with some people. They just stand there like this, stuck in the ground, unable to move anywhere or anything. I can kill them, they make sound when I hit them but that's all. http://i959.photobucket.com/albums/ae78/LilJur/ScreenShot3_zpsglxelftn.png I haven't found any other mods that are frozen. But like I said, I just started a new game (level 2 curently). Is it a mod that does this? This is my loadorder. Now before anyone asks; yes, I tried running it without the following mods: - Frost Giants in the cold - Giantess - Height Adjusted Races with True Giants - Smaller Giant EditionAs they seem to be the most obvious mods that edit giants. But still the same
  15. yes there is and I did follow that guide. But I installed some new textures after I did it so they weren't included. Might be the issue
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