Is there a section that has mods that don't change the mechanics of the core game? I don't want rings that enable you smith 1000% more and weapons that have 2000 points damage, I just want mods that adds more game content without giving you a super advantage. I did try the ring mod and thankfully noted my last true save. I had a character that was a walking tank, with 1 ring and 1 necklace I was invincible. If you make a character with that much damage, you will miss out all the animation of the kills. You know, like the 2 dagger 15x damage that lifts the enemy off the floor, the beheading kills, the stab the tiger and have to put your foot on it to get your sword out kill...etc...etc... It quickly got really old and thankfully only played around with this mod for a few hours. I still want that "oh crap" factor when I am suprised by a dragon or jumped by a sabre tooth tiger. I am, in no way, slighting anyone that makes these type of mods, but I really can't spent my entire weekend looking for such vanilla mod versions... Any help would be appreciated!!!