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Posts posted by Cracktower

  1. How about you stop trying to figure out how high you can make the damage and figure out if you can live without smithing/enchanting/alchemy. I mean with my second character I didn't smith a damn thing, I didn't enchant anything and not using enchanted items and now the game is fun again. My other character is a warrior and only mages can hurt him and quite a lot too but nothing can hurt him physically and not to mention Berserker (because he's an orc). Also he can kill most stuff easily with his daedric weapons. I killed Paarthurnax with like 6 swings of my daedric warhammer.


    Also, you can't really say which is the "best" because that's a matter of opinion. The highest damage can be dealt with a dagger (x30 sneak attack damage, x2 if it's power swing) but you can't say it's the best because if you're not very good at sneak you won't be able to do it. But dual wielding weapons are very effective in deed. I mean if you have the 2 perks (with 2 and 1 ranks each) you are 35% faster and 50% higher damage if you power attack so the daedric swords are beast if you smith them to legendary level


    I have 2 daedric daggers with base of 133 after smithing with the above method. What I meant in best was highest BASE value before any other magical enhancements or combat bonuses are applied (enchanted armor/gauntlets/shrine/stone/potion/poison effects etc..etc). Therefore opinions don't matter. The best I found was the daedric warhammer @179 with the method I used on the OP without stacking. There is so many variabes after the fact. I do like the 15x dagger sneak animation that lifts the enemy off the floor with both daggers!! Epic!

  2. The question should be, "what is the highest damage without using any exploits"


    Even then the question is hard to answer. For me, Mehrunes Razor with 30x sneak bonus pretty much kills anything if I can sneak up. Dawnbreaker is bar none the best against the Draugr or vampires.


    I use both unimproved because I haven't gotten my smithing high enough to get the arcane smithing perk.


    Exactly!! I guess then I have achieved the highest damage before using exploits. I know you can add extra damage to your armor. Right now I have 2 daedric swords that have 203 damage with 46 shock damage and 1/2 magika damage with fire damage on one and frost damage on the other. I also have a daedric bow that does 225 damage with the same shock/magika damage and fear on it. Having the fear helps if you get caught by suprise in a cave because it stops most enemies from attacking you, they run for 30 seconds and try to hide. I know I can get it higher but I spread out the damage between one handed and archery. Don't want to commit to one single weapon. I never used archery so much until this game (Out of all Elder Scroll games), I guess I missed out on a lot of fun. The 3x hidden damage from a bow of 225 damage using daedric arrows (20 damage?) drops almost everything I hit in 1 shot, especially if I poison them!!!

  3. @Cracktower: Better to be safe than sorry. To me, letting people on my machines without making sure my personal info isn't one click away makes about as much sense to me as unprotected sex in a bordello. Hell, the analogy isn't even that far off. God knows how many porn sites three guys can go through on the same network. I'm sure you'll never encounter that problem though. :whistling:


    Thanks for taking my humor, usually I get a hate reply. All kidding aside though why don't you just make a separate account just for you? Using the same account for everyone is not a smart idea, my steam account wouldn't be my first concern if that was the case. :thumbsup:


    "God knows how many porn sites three guys can go through on the same network."


    I would invest in a couple of cans of lysol and rubber gloves while you are at it. :tongue:

  4. Not sure about the value, but the highest you can get is using 4 items with 29% smithing + a 147% enhance smithiting potion.

    Could you explain this process on how you got it that way?? I would really like to know....

  5. I have four computers at home and an Ipad. Only one of them has Skyrim but all of them gets used by various family members and friends. I'd rather not have one of the more unruly members deciding to cause some mischief with any of my accounts because they saw that I'm still logged in. If I go to a public library or use a friend's/coworker's computer, I really do not want to log on to anything if I don't have to. Not needing to be logged on to use a feature does have its advantages.

    I take it you don't wear the pants/aren't respected in your household? I have the same thing and they all know not to f**k with my stuff, unless they want nothing but a blank screen and a mouse/keyboard to play with. :armscrossed:

  6. I, for one, think that filters should be in place for ANY mod that changes the core mechanics of the game. You want anime, fine, as long as the characters don't have weapons that do extra damage or enchanted anything that noone else can get in the vanila version.

    There is so many mods that will make you a walking GOD that it is really getting frustrating to find a mod ANYWHERE that doesn't stray away from the vanilla core. What happened to working for stuff? My idea of gameplay isn't getting a mod that will kill EVERYONE in one hit. So if you have any mods that have about sated, throw it my way, seriously. I love artistic rendering as long as that is what it is, nothing more. Most anime mods have extra perks which I understand is the reason why a lot of mod makers do this but it is really getting out of hand from what I have seen since the creation kit release. I have been looking for vanilla mods, and let me tell you it is hard to find any of them that doesn't give an unfair advantage.

  7. Ok, Someone tell me if there is a better weapon than the weapon that I forged BEFORE adding on enchantments from other vanilla sources.

    I maxed out alchemy and enchantment on my character so I could do this.

    Made Potion Of Fortifying Enchanting which made enchantments 15% better.

    With this I did the following to enchant the lightest stuff available to me at the time:





    With each item I drank the Fortify Enchantment and added Fortify Smthing to each one.

    Usually without the potion you would get 25% smithing, but with the potion it jumps to 26% (per item)

    So when I go and smith a Deadric Warhammer it is 79 damage. Which is normal being there is no fortify forging.

    With the above items (which is all the items you can fortify smithing vanilla) and then a Fortify Smithing Potion at the grindstone

    I made it to 176 damage.

    Now I know with all the enchanted armor/boots/ etc..etc.. You can add on extra 2 handed damage, but what is the highest

    vanilla anything after this above process before adding on from said above?

  8. Is there a section that has mods that don't change the mechanics of the core game? I don't want rings that enable you smith 1000% more and weapons that have 2000 points damage, I just want mods that adds more game content without giving you a super advantage. I did try the ring mod and thankfully noted my last true save. I had a character that was a walking tank, with 1 ring and 1 necklace I was invincible. If you make a character with that much damage, you will miss out all the animation of the kills. You know, like the 2 dagger 15x damage that lifts the enemy off the floor, the beheading kills, the stab the tiger and have to put your foot on it to get your sword out kill...etc...etc... It quickly got really old and thankfully only played around with this mod for a few hours. I still want that "oh crap" factor when I am suprised by a dragon or jumped by a sabre tooth tiger. I am, in no way, slighting anyone that makes these type of mods, but I really can't spent my entire weekend looking for such vanilla mod versions... Any help would be appreciated!!!
  9. Everything has it's rightfull place imo. Do I dislike anime? No....would I like an anime mod for skyrim? No... To each thier own really. Don't like the mod, don't install it. But what really bothers me is when people get mad because they DON"T want to play a mod that would, for the most part, tear away from the core of the game. Nexus should implement a section for mods that are don't fall in a certain structure, but we all know it would take too many resources to someone to police this.
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