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About wellspokenman

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  1. Hope you'll all forgive a bit of shameless self promotion. Advanced Fireworks is my first mod for anything and I'm excited to share it. It started as a desire to have mortars that automatically reload, and grew into a full-on mortar management system. It also adds new firework shells that are nukes - something that I just couldn't believe hadn't been done before. Full feature list
  2. THANK YOU registrator! Your multi-page message box code was exactly what I was looking for. Had no idea Message boxes had parameters. You have been duly credited and I will comment and clean up my source code for sharing in the next release (right now I have an intense desire to not look at papyrus scripts).
  3. Do you mean videomemorysizeMB in enblocal.ini? See OP - I use 3714 based on the VRAM tool - 350. I'm aware that 'autodetect' is a valid value for this variable but every single doc on the topic I have seen says that the result from 'autodetect' is unreliable, hence vram tool. Can't find the word 'auto' in the enbseries.ini that comes with RealVision, or any mention of 'autodetect' + enbseries.ini in google. Maybe I'm misunderstanding or searching for the wrong term.
  4. I agree with OP, it is confusing that "SLocalSavePath=F:\Games\skyrim mods etc\skyrim saves" doesn't work. The trick here is that this variable understands things relative to the location of skyrim.ini - which kind of makes sense considering that is its CurrentWorkingDirectory. This means if you change it to SLocalSavePath=Saves\Test\ It will look inside c:\users\YourUserName\Documents\My Games\Skyrim\Saves\Test (assuming your mydocs path is c:\users\YourUserName\Documents) I've seen (but havent tested) reports that the variable can be walked like a normal directory tree within the same logical drive (ie SLocalSavePath=../../ would be equal to your mydocs folder). I don't want to move my entire MyDocs folder, but I do want my saves on a different drive. To do this I used the junction command in windows to make a pointer inside my existing saves folder: cmd cd c:\users\YourUserName\Documents\My Games\Skyrim\Saves\ mklink /J LinkName d:\MyNewSaveLocation Then edited skyrim.ini: SLocalSavePath=Saves\LinkName\ The trailing '\' is not an accident. Hope this helps somebody. In case you've never used junctions/pointers before, this creates something that looks just like a folder, but points to the location you specify. Like a shortcut, but the files system uses it almost identically to a folder (as opposed to a .lnk shortcut). To remove it just type 'rmdir linkname' - the content on the other side of the link will not be deleted if you use rmdir.
  5. Hopefully 3 months is not so old that its uncool to bump. *bump* I want to write a menu-heavy mod for FO4, but don't want to release it until we get MCM (each modder making his/her own menu seems like madness to me too). If anyone is working on this and has some docs/design principles to share at this early stage please PM me and I'll try to stick to the recommended practices.
  6. Think you're right, Jones, about 4gb being sufficient. It runs very quickly now in almost all areas. Still a few CTD here and there, but nothing too crazy. Interestingly, what I thought were long load times, were actually long save game overwrite times. But that is a topic for another thread.
  7. i fixed my issue. it was mainly the biasScale that was doing it. here is my prefs.ini snippet:
  8. Oh wow - guess that explains my performance problems. Maybe I need to dual boot Win7 and Win10. Bummer. I can't see Microsoft ever patching DX9 compatibility in Win10.
  9. Yes - running at 1080 - sorry, definitely should have said that in OP. Will fix. Had an entertaining and stable session last night using .292. I disabled vsync out of curiosity - with realvision, ELFX, water etc I was getting 75 FPS. Still hitches down to 50-55 occasionally - something not quite right, but certainly acceptable. Ah yes, 4k. I'm a bit of a couch potato is the thing, so it would cost me a lot more than $500 for a replacement 60 inch panel. It is on a to-buy list, but oculus took priority :) I see that you're quite the guardian angel for all things ENB and 980ti. I shall try your unsafe memory hack sir, and report back in the morrow. Curious, what value do you have for VideoMemorySizeMb, and is this based on the Boris vram tool? I've seen other posts saying that win10 + dx9 = 4gb cap.
  10. @ivory Thank you for a good video - I'd read about the block allocation problem but must admit I understand it much better now. @kriiks I set the two Thread options to 0 - you were correct, datasync defaults to 1 even though it is experimental. That, ssme and even that nvidia optimus thing (which shouldn't apply) seem to have reduced the stuttering, but not enough to use ENB. Also tried 2 and 3 under Threaded - no noticeable difference. Hmm... Switching to .292 (plus ssme, optimus and disabling datasync) seems to help. ... Even with RealVision and HD textures I'm only hitching down to 55 in busy areas. This seems like the compromise I was looking for. I wonder why it performed so badly before. :geek:
  11. Any other Nvidia users on Win10 x64 got this working? I have a 980ti with 32GB@3200 ram and a 6700k running on an M.2 PCIe disk. Somehow this is not enough to get ENBoost to give me a solid 60@1080 on vanilla skyrim. My motivation here is stability, although of course it would be nice to enable a pretty ENB preset if I could keep it at 60. Some areas of the game are not stable for me, even with Sheson (notplacebo) memory option, LOOT and TES5-cleaning. CTD seems to be less frequent with ENB, but the FPS is so erratic that I haven't been able to use it much. My ENBoost method: disable every moddelete skyrim.ini and skyrimprefs.ini. Leave AA and filtering turned off (here and in enblocal)download .303 from enbdevcopy d3d9.dll, enbhost.exe, enblocal.ini and enbseries.ini into the game folderedit enblocal.ini according to docs to enable ENBoost. Open game to confirm I get red text saying ENBoost is turned on and further graphical enhancements will be disabled. Set videomemorysize to the value I get from Boris' vram tool - 350 (3714). Have tried 28000 too. Supply enbhelper.dll and put it in the enbseries folder. Confirm that the dll has chosen my 980 as the GPU (initial text as game boots states this)enablecompression=falseWatch game hitch, stutter, shudder and cough at somewhere between 40 and 60 FPS (Vsync turned on). Load times also go up from 1-3 seconds to 10-15 seconds. Have tried windowed and full screen modes. Rename d3d9.dll and watch my FPS and load times return. Haven't tried inject method yet - just wrapper. I just wondered if other win10 nvidia users had got this working? Advice is very much welcome, but detailed instructions not expected given the lack of detail above.
  12. +1 - curious to see if that gets resolved as I have the same problem. From what I can gather it's a result of multiple light sources, so turn off anything that messes with the lights first. Then look at the skyrimprefs.ini options for blurring shadows/changing their draw distance. Finally, an ENB preset can work as a sledgehammer way of hiding this, but you will need some spare horsepower.
  13. So I added FNIS via NMM, but then couldn't find it in my Skyrim folder. It was just under NMM/Mods. Then copied it manually to the Skyrim folder (because otherwise it complains). Then I run the user generate exe and I notice that my FNIS mod is not mentioned in the log output. So I pasted that in manually too, and run the user gen exe again, and it works. Now I've got unmanaged files in my game folder, which I'm not entirely OK with. I guess I don't understand how FNIS, when installed with NMM, is able to see your mods. Seems like with NMM the mods aren't actually in the skyrim folder, which is where FNIS wants to be. Clearly I am missing something. Enlightenment would be appreciated. EDIT: I get it now. NMM puts the esp files into the game folder, FNIS picks these up. Discovered that quite a few mods need to be manually placed there (ENB etc).
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