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About zaix5000

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Newbie (1/14)



  1. Great. It is even more complicated then everything I read before. Link after link, no explanation for "simple player", after 3 hours I still don't even know what is step with tons of required "things" like DDspot (wtf? is this). Thanks for a try, appreciate that, but i am not a IT guy, its huge mess in this. I have installed mod organizer (tutotorial is easy) but then I got back to whole STEP side and read and at this point I have no idea what is this all about. No idea if step is idea or a system or part of mod organizer or mod organizer is part of STEP. No idea, sry. Honestly I never meet so complicated mod installs so far in any game. Some FX mods require DLC, some don't, no idea if one can combine real vision with light enhence FX...extreme mess for a simple gamer (not idiot by the way)...seems like need to play vanilla.
  2. Hello there, I just bought Skyrim. I heard that despite the game age, there are amazing people who mod graphics to a great level. I started to look at some yt videos and forums stuff but it seems extremely complicated. It seems that one mod need to be installed after another etc. At this point I have no idea what to do, how to even start. I would like to start a game with all graphics enhancements in order to have more visual pleasure from the game. I would be grateful if someone could share me a link to any guide (step by step), what mods should be installed, how and in which order or maybe there is just a pack of them and installer? I know about some mesh mods, lighting, floras, faces and textures but it seems like a huge mess for a beginner like my. Appreciate your help. Thx in advance.
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