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Everything posted by MjrMalfunktion

  1. Hi all! Im trying to get a piston moving up and down using the SimpleElevatorMaster but with a tweak so that it keeps going up and down until it's activated again to stop. All my scripts i tried either do nothing or cant compile. I tried perplexity to modify the script but that doesn't cut it either. Does anyone happen to have a script laying around with that functionality? I'd really appreciate it. I spent so much time setting up the engine but i cant get it to behave how i want it.
  2. I got the objects going up with a buttonpress, and going down with a buttonpress as i stated in my edit. The video you linked is my source for this aswel. What i am specifically after is that i press the button, everything keeps going up and down untill i press the button again. So it looks like the engine is running. Not *press* going up *press* going down,... So im looking for a activator that goes on and off constantly. ScriptName StrobeButtonScript extends ObjectReference Bool Property bStrobeActive = False Auto Float Property StrobeInterval = 0.5 Auto ; Interval between activations in seconds ObjectReference Property TargetReference Auto ; Reference to the object to strobe (could be the button itself or an enable marker) Event OnActivate(ObjectReference akActionRef) if bStrobeActive bStrobeActive = False ; Stop the strobe if it's already active else bStrobeActive = True StartStrobe() endif EndEvent Function StartStrobe() while bStrobeActive ; Strobe effect: Enable and then disable the target reference if TargetReference.IsEnabled() TargetReference.DisableNoWait() else TargetReference.EnableNoWait() endif ; Wait for the specified interval before triggering again Utility.Wait(StrobeInterval) endwhile EndFunction Thats what i gonna try. Putting an enable marker (or another button) in between the button and the elevator master. If it works i can us it to make strobe lights too.
  3. What do you mean? how its set up now is that when I press the buttons, the pistons go up and stay there until i press the button again, what I'm after is that they enter an up and down loop until deactivated. Nothing in the custom links seems to provide that option. I'm trying to edit a button to emit a 'pulse' through script but so far it's not working.
  4. Hi all! Since the FOLON mod came out I started playing Fallout again. As always I played around 8 hrs of the mod and already wanted to make my own customized layer again. However having done a lot of interior cell building in the past where the platformhelper and simple elevator master were my go to to get stuff moving and displaycases coming out of the floor etc... I can't even get a simple platform elevator to work and it's doing my head in. I made a seperate account to be able to use my steam account for the creation kit and have my FOLON playthrough seperated on a different account. My question is: Is it me? I've spent one and a half days double checking references and trying different button but NYET. While it can always be a skill issue i've never had problems doing it in the past. 1) attach platform to helper 2) attach helper to master (custom 1) 3) attach button to master (custom 2) 4) attach platform to master (custom 5) Am I missing something? Did something change? EDIT: OMG i am an idiot. Forgot I had to reload the cell for it to update and i always loaded in in front of the button SMH. Anyway, now that we have established that I am not the sharpest tool in the shed i was wondering i someone could help me with a small script edit for my actual purpose for the platformhelper. Im basically making a large diesel engine inside my layer (for power) although it's not really working it has pistons going up and down and rotating bits. Question: Is there someone who could help me with a script that makes the pistons keep going up and down until the butten has been pressed again?
  5. do you have the lights linked to the switch itself or with a enable marker as parent ? Also note the activate parent also has a box with time (secs) . have you tried adding a number like 5.0 secs etc ? Confirmed !! Adding a delay to the activate parent works. Meaning adding X secs to the activation will delay the lights or anything else you are using... This has to be done for every reference you want to delay. If you have too many lights you can use a "enable marker" and link the marker to the switch and all the lights to the marker (as enable parent ). Then you link the marker to the workshop with activate parent and the delay.(you still have to enable parent for the marker as well... So there is basically no need to run a script for enabling the light sources? The setup im using now is: the switch is enabled as a parent for opening the door, the lights have an enable marker set as parent which is activated by the posted script added to the switch. When looking for info every source i found on connecting lights to a button used a script so i never bothered to try and parent the lights to the switch directly... Im going to try this tommorrow.. Also good shout about the delay checkbox of the lights going to the enable marker. I totally didn't think of that, i was too fixated on delaying the marker itself that i didn't think of delaying the seperate signals going from the marker to the lights! Thank you for taking the time to help!
  6. Thanks for your response! The door is activated through enable parent so it doesn't require a mention in the script (correct me if i'm wrong though^^) The setup works, only the lights turn on as soon as i push the button. I will try and write the script with the start timer line as soon as i get back home. (Dinner with parents in law, yuk..) I'll post it here for review if i failed. Anyway thanks again for your time, i appreciate it!
  7. Hi all, Recently I dusted off and set up my trusty ol' rig and installed fallout 4, I installed some mods, barely made it to Red Rocket and started tinkering in the Creation Kit. I started making a player home that has a secret door hooked up to a switch, and also put in a a script by Felloutislife,(from his YT tutorials), so it can turn on lights aswel. The script runs perfect but since i have no experience in scripts and stuff i basically can only use his exact script. I'd like to add a delay to the lights turning on after the door has opened (as in a sequence). Is there anyone of you who has the knowledge to add a line in the script where i can put a value in so that the turning on of the lights is delayed? I would greatly appreciate it! The current script: ScriptName Testscriptlights extends ObjectReference {Controls a set of lights with a master enable parent marker (EnableMarker) and a switch with this script attached to turn on and off when the switch is activated} ObjectReference Property EnableMarker auto {The marker set as the enable parent of all the lights} Event OnInit() If (EnableMarker.IsDisabled()) GoToState("LightsOff") Else GoToState("LightsOn") EndIf EndEvent State LightsOff Event OnBeginState(string asOldState) EnableMarker.Disable() EndEvent Event OnActivate(ObjectReference akActionRef) GoToState("LightsOn") EndEvent EndState State LightsOn Event OnBeginState(string asOldState) EnableMarker.Enable() EndEvent Event OnActivate(ObjectReference akActionRef) GoToState("LightsOff") EndEvent EndState Small secondary question: The workshop items that are found in the creation kit under lights show as if they have their own lightsources scripted in them (when toggeling the lights in CK it shows it as a light source, however if i try to attach it to a switch (either through parenting or an enable marker) they do nothing. Is there a script that i have to add that mimics workshop mode in-game? I appologize if i used any faulty terms that raises the hair more advanced modders' necks but like I said i have zero experience doing this. (Also forgive any language errors, as English is not my native tongue) Thank you.
  8. Hi Guys, So I have some questions about getting an automatron to function as a statue. I'm having trouble locating the .NIF files from actors in the creation kit, anybody know where to find them? Secondly I was wondering if i would be able to search for a specific automatron out of my save file.. Reason i'm asking is because i wanted to make a robot bay where i can scale up the size of the automatrons. Tried working with console on this using [tai] and [tcl] on the automatrons, but when I fasttravel it spawns them in the middle of my base. I appologize if my grammar or vocabulary weren't al that but english isn't my native tongue. Anyway thanks in advance
  9. Hi everyone, So i downloaded the creation kit for fallout today and i could use a little help. The reason i only downloaded it today is because up untill now i could use premade mods at hearts content, however while building my settlement i grew frustrating with the ingame powerswitch option.. there's like one..(flipflop). So i started in ck and thought this is gonna be easy... So I can change the model for the switch using ingame models however when i go ingame i can craft the item but it doesn't work, it lets me connect cables but it doesnt transfer power when activated. Looked up information about this but came up blank.. Anyone got any pointer on how i could get this to work? cheers
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